The M.E. Church was filled with relatives and friend of James M. Younger when the funeral service for him was held last Thursday afternoon. Rev. Long conducted the service and his sermon was very appropriate. Interment was made in the Stockton cemetery. James M. YOUNGER was born in Tennessee on August 8th, 1830; died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur RUTLEDGE on Wednesday March 2nd 1921. He came to Missouri and located in Polk county in 1854 and two years later moved to Cedar County and located near Stockton where he had made his home ever since. On November 13, 1959, he married Emily F. BROYLES and of this union ten children were born seven of them survive him. Those living are W.W. YOUNGER, C.M. YOUNGER of Galena, Mrs. Cora RUTLEGE, Mrs. Lessie MILLER of Fair Play, O.N. YOUNGER, Mrs. Janie BUTLER, of Monett and Mrs. Meda NANCE of Kansas City. Mrs.Laura WITTAKER died at the age of 23 and the others were young when they pass on to eternity. The wife and mother died in January 1916. James M. YOUNGER was a charter member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Stockton and believed in and lived in accordance with the teaching of his church. He was a man of industrious habits and was active in his work as a farmer until he received an injury 16 years ago which made him a cripple. A man of high character and rugged honesty he was respected by his acquaintances. During the past 18 months he had been bedfast a greater part of the time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur RUTLEDGE where he received the most careful attention and tender care.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; 10 March 1921.
Transcribed by Sherry Gilbert
Above Three Score Years and Ten
Emily E. Broyles YOUNGER was born in Barton County, Mo., March 22, 1840. Left an orphan at the age of twelve years she made her home with an aunt Jane HILL, on Connors Prairie, Cedar County. While living here she become acquainted with James M. YOUNGER, to whom she was married November 13, 1859. To this union were born ten children. William W. of Stockton, Laura GREENUP, deceased; Charles M. of Galena, Kansas, Mrs. Cora RUTLEDGE of Prairie Valley neighborhood, Lawrence, deceased; Mrs. Lessie MILLER of Fair Play; John who died in infancy; Otis, at home; Jannie BUTLER; of Monett, Mo. and Media NANCE of Stockton. Laura and Lawrence preceded the mother at age 23 years and 12 years respectively. Shortly after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. YOUNGER moved onto land he entered from the government, located three quarters of a mile south and one mile west of Stockton. Here in loyalty to the scared vows they reared their children in the fear of God only. Here they battled with problems of frontier life. Scarcely had they settled in their new home when the rebellion broke forth and came their way with harassing days and hardships common only to such times. Early in life she gave her heart to God, and with her husband joined the M.E. Church of Stockton, then the old union on East Street. To this relation she remained faithful until the last. Always interested in her church and best satisfied when doing something for her Master, whether it was at home, or caring words of cheer or kindness to others. It had been their privilege and pleasure to see seven of their ten children happily married and settled in life. She had seen many changes in Stockton and Cedar county during their residence here of better than fifty-five years. By gracious hospitality and up rightness of heart and life she gained an esteem seldom equaled. With her husband, children, friends and neighbors near her she quietly completed the ministries of the life and entered into the life beyond, January 11, 1916; age 75 years, 6 months and 7 days. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor. A short service was held at the residence, due to the enfeebled condition of the aged comrade; followed with regular services at the church. Interment was in the Stockton, cemetery.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri.
Transcribed by Kay Snow
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