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When researching your Cedar County, Missouri ancestors, these additional sites may be helpful. Links to web sites that are not part of the USGenWeb Project are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement of the web sites or their contents by The USGenWeb Project.


Counties Bordering Cedar and Vernon:


Barton County, MO GenWeb   Barton Co, MO Town & Cemetery Map


Bates County, MO GenWeb


Bourbon County, KS GenWeb


Crawford County, KS GenWeb


Dade County, MO GenWeb


Hickory County, MO GenWeb


Linn County, KS GenWeb  (new URL coming soon)


St. Clair County, MO GenWeb


Vernon County MO GenWeb



USGenWeb Special Projects:  Please see a list of special projects at http://usgenweb.org/about/projects.html


Cyndi's List A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.


Local Cedar County:


Chambers of Commerce in Cedar Co, MO


Cedar Co, MO Government


Cedar County Library District


Local Vernon County:


Vernon County, MO Government


City of Nevada, MO Government


Nevada Daily Mail  Nevada, Missouri's local newspaper obituaries.


Nevada Public Library  The search function does not have a "genealogy" option -- suggest using a couple of key words in the title field.  Library staff does not conduct genealogical research or perform lookups.  The Nevada Public Library participates in the Missouri Evergreen Project.


Vernon Co, MO Chamber of Commerce


Lookups:  The way in which genealogists conduct their research has changed over the years and a list of volunteers for lookups in Cedar County resources is no longer maintained. If you have a research question which does not appear to be addressed on this website, please contact the County Coordinator for assistance or join the local Cedar & Vernon County MO Genealogical Society for assistance.


Missouri State:


Missouri State Archives  Includes many searchable databases.


Missouri State Genealogical Association


Missouri Digital Heritage Judicial Records


State Historical Society of Missouri  Includes the Missouri Newspaper Archives




Cedar and Vernon County Missouri Genealogical Society


Cedar County Historical Society


Daughters of the American Revolution - Genealogy Databases


Ozarks Genealogical Society, Springfield, MO


Sons of the American Revolution - Patriot Research


Vernon County Historical Society and Bushwhacker Museum



   This information is provided for use in your personal family history research. Do not copy this information and publish elsewhere on the internet, post on other websites, or in blogs without the express written consent of the County Coordinator.

    Links to web sites that are not part of the USGenWeb Project are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement of the web sites or their content by The USGenWeb Project.


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Missouri State GenWeb Coordinator     Asst. State Coordinator


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© 1996-2025  Cedar Co, MO County Coordinator, N. Carroll, County Coordinator