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Spring at Stockton Park, Stockton, Missouri


Stockton, Missouri, Looking North from Public Square

The above postcards are addressed to Mr. W. A. Milligan, Mrs. W.A. Milligan of Joplin, and the card showing North St. is addressed to Joe Milligan and dated 21 October 1909.  They are provided by Patrick Tuttle.


El Dorado Springs Park, El Dorado Springs, Missouri

Photo submitted by Sara Grimes McBeth <saramcb   @windstream.net> from Mora Peal Parker's Album



     The Ozark Mountaineer is running a series of articles describing various springs throughout the Ozarks. The first article is on Stockton's spring, written by Bob Hunt and here
is his story:

     Stockton, county seat of Cedar County in Missouri, has the distinction of having a never-failing spring which has both historical and utilitarian significance. Most of its many benefits have been outmoded by the town's modernization; however, it continues to produce an abundant flow of water just as it did when the Indians lived in and roamed the area; and no one knows for how many centuries the spring has been rippling on its course.

     The spring at Stockton flows from the mouth of a cave which is located directly under the town square, with its opening practically :on the same level as City Creek into which it empties several hundred feet from the cave opening. Originally the mouth of the cave was from six to eight feet in width and about sixteen inches in depth. It has since been walled up; so to speak, and the bottom and sides are now of rock construction.

     The re-modeling process was done before Stockton's present city water system became a reality in, order that the town people could conveniently dip water from the spring with buckets.

     Whenever a fire broke out in Stockton the town people relied on their spring to help extinguish the flames before it raged beyond control. They would dip up water as rapidly as possible, and pass their buckets from one to another, often to the top of the town hill considerable distance away.

     The family laundry was done in Stockton on the banks of a ditch serving as the immediate outlet for the water before it emptied into City Creek ten to fifteen rods away. On nice Mondays when congestion was a problem, some of the ladies took their washing inside the walled-up portion of the cave. Sanitation eventually brought about the discontinuance of the outdoor washing practice, by means of a city ordinance.

     Swimming at the spring was one of the early day pastimes and perhaps the means of personal cleanliness. A pool was built near the outlet of the rock channel from the spring by a baffle that caused the water to be diverted into it before flowing on to the adjoining stream. But later sanitary measures also brought an end to this use.

     At the time that the town acquired legal title to the spring a whiskey still stood close by, utilizing its water. The deal almost fell through because the then owner did not want to part with his money making activity.

     Air conditioning, made possible by the Stockton spring, is one of its several remaining practical usages. For instance, the town's movie house is constructed directly over the cave from which the spring emanates; and by drilling an eight inch well into the cave, the cool underground air circulates upward and through the interior of the building, thus making the temperature delightfully comfortable and refreshing on hot humid summer nights.






The Lamar Democrat, Lamar, Missouri; Saturday 5/7/1960.


El Dorado Springs Park, El Dorado Springs, Missouri

Early 1900s.



Central Hotel, Jerico Springs, Missouri


Fillpot & Son General Store, El Dorado Springs, Missouri

J.E. Fillpot & Son store was located in El Dorado Springs in the early part of the 20th century. The family moved to Oklahoma (about 1929) J.E. Fillpot was Sheriff of Cedar County in 1901 & 1902. He went by the name Jim. The only people we can positively identify in this picture are in the center and to the right side of the doors. First is Minnie Miller Fillpot (daughter of William B. and Orlena Foust Miller), Franzo Fillpot her husband (and son of Jim Fillpot), Fidenia Crawford Fillpot (wife of Jim Fillpot). We believe Jim is the one standing in the door. Would love for someone to recognize the building and tell us where it is (or was).

Picture provided by Nancy Brown gramckr @ gbronline. com


Old Lodge Hall at White Hare (Omer), Missouri


caplinger_mill & dam.jpg (576410 bytes)

Caplinger Mill and Dam, Caplinger Mill, Missouri



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