Taken from the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889 published by Goodspeed.
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The territory embraced within the limits of what is now Cedar County was
first settled in the year 1832. The pioneers were Robert Graham, Thomas
English, John Crisp and a Mr. Crump, who located near the once site of
Dunnegan & Montgomery's mill, on the Sac River, two miles east of Stockton,
coming at the same time, and arriving November 17 of the year mentioned. A
large, hollow sycamore tree at first furnished shelter for a part of the
little band of adventurers. At this time the red man roamed over the country
with much of his native freedom, and the wild animals indigenous to this
latitude were plentiful here.
Early Experiences—Pioneer experiences are always interesting. The earliest
habitations of the pioneers in Cedar were of the most primitive description,
hastily built of logs, and illy [sic] provide with the conveniences of life.
The roofs of some of
Page 358
them were of bark, and others were roofed with bark and skins. Few had
windows, and in their walls window-holes even were not too numerous. No
glass was obtainable for some time after settlement began. At first blankets
served as doors, suspended, curtain-like, over apertures left for ingress
and egress. There were no stoves for some years, and at first even the
rudest fireplaces were not often to be seen. Many of the cabins were without
floors, and such as prevailed were rough-hewn “puncheon” floors. The
furniture in use was of the simplest kind. In one house which has been
described, bedsteads and tables were provided by driving stakes in the
ground and resting hewn planks upon poles extending from the tops of the
stakes to auger-holes in the logs of the walls; chairs were merely blocks of
wood or the most easily constructed stools, and the fireplace was simply a
spot on the ground underneath a hole in the roof through which the smoke
Robert Graham went nearly sixty miles to mill, and about once a year to
Springfield to do his trading. That was the nearest trading point, and he
was often given errands to do for his neighbors and for people living along
the way.
John Williams built the first mill on Cedar Creek, in Washington Township.
It was not until settlement had advanced considerably that Crow’s and Bell’s
mills were erected. The Dunnegan & Montgomery mill is well remembered, and
Caplinger’s mill has been known for years. The first merchants in the county
were Tilton & Sanders, at Stockton. The first election held in Cedar County,
under the county organization, was in 1845, and the voting in the different
municipal townships then in existence was at the following designated
places: In Madison, at the house of Richard Tatum; in Jefferson, at Bell’s
mills; in Linn, at the house of Jackson Cook; in Benton, at the house of
Henry Earl; and in Cedar, at the house of Anderson Morton. Following are the
names of the judges of election in their respective townships: Madison,
James Jackson, Richard Tatum, Thomas English; Jefferson, Jacob Dixon, James
Simrell, William Brasher; Linn, John Ruth, R.S. McKinney, John Satterfield;
Benton, Henry Earl, Charles L. Clark, Joseph B. Carrico; Cedar, Josiah
Edwards, Anderson Morton, Burgess Hurt. The first justices of the
Page 359
peace appointed for the several townships were: Madison, Abraham Lovell,
Absalom Baker, Richard Tatum, Jefferson, James Simrell, John B. Ingram,
James M. Frazier, George R. Cowan; Linn, Robert Hoggin, John Ruth, Thomas
Ross, William Powell; Cedar, James Smith, David Copeland; Benton, Charles L.
Clark, David W. Martindale, Elisha Smith. The first overseers of road
districts were: Thomas Gordon, William Perkins, James Jackson and Robert
Roads and Improvements.—Among the first necessities of the early residents
of the county after improvements had been made in different localities, were
roads to connect them and afford communication with the county seat and the
outside world. In May, 1846, Nathan Shirley, Josiah V. Edwards and John B.
Gordon were appointed to view and mark out a county road leading from the
county town to the county line at Parkard’s Ford on Clear Creek, and Andrew
McWilliams, John Edsall and Nathan Parker, Jr., to survey for a proposed
change in the State road from Clinton, Mo., to Fayetteville, Ark., the
substitute portion to leave the old road near William Pankey’s and intersect
it again near Andrew Stewart’s. May 19 a committee appointed to survey a
State road from Bolivar to Fort Scott, through Cedar County, made a report
to the county court with was approved. Jacob Rae, Washington Crabtree and
Henry Davis were appointed to lay out a road from the county seat to the St.
Clair County line, in the direction of Osceola, to cross the Sac River at
Caplinger’s mills, and, June 16, James Frazier, Joseph B. Ingram, John
Simmons and James Miller were appointed to survey a road from the county
town to the Polk County line to intersect a road through Polk County in the
direction of Hermitage. August 17, James S. Conner, Ira D. Bryles and
Alexander W. Johnson were appointed to lay out “a county road from Stockton
to the Dade County line, to intersect a road leading from Greenfield to
Bell’s mill between Ross’ mills and the big Sac River and Joseph English’s
place.” On the same day, a remonstrance having been presented to the county
court “against a review of a road form Stockton via Blakey’s mills, in the
direction of Hermitage,” William Davis, George R. Cowan and Robert C. Walker
were appointed commissioners to lay out said road anew. June
Page 360
21, 1847, James M. Blakey was authorized to keep a ferry on Big Sac River,
on the county road leading from Stockton, by way of Blakey’s mill to the
Polk County line.
Wild Animals, Fowl, and Fish.—In its pioneer period, Cedar County was
infested with all kinds of wild animals and fowls common to its latitude.
Such buffalo as were not destroyed by early hunters fled to the westward and
soon disappeared. Wolves, panthers and wild-cats are almost extinct. Deer
long remained in considerable numbers, and bear are seen occasionally to
this day. Smaller game and wild turkeys and ducks are abundant. Fish are
plentiful and of good size.
Indians.—Cedar County has no exciting Indian history. Roving bands of
Indians at times traded with the settlers, maintaining friendly relations
with them and seldom threatening them or molesting their property. They have
never returned in any considerable numbers since about 1840.
First Birth, Death and Marriage.—The first birth in Cedar County of a white
child was that of Susan Jane Graham, October 13, 1833. She was a daughter of
Robert and Ann Graham, and married George W. Sallee, and died in 1888. The
first marriage occurred in 1833, the contracting parties being John Crisp
and Melinda, daughter of Thomas English. The first burial was that of James
Hopper, who was interred six miles southwest of Stockton in a black walnut
log dug out like a trough. The services were conducted by Rev. J. J. Johnson
(Baptist), and were attended by not more than fifteen people, among whom
were Thomas Graham and his mother.
The First Preacher and Physicians in the county were Rev. J. J. Johnson and
Drs. Samuel W. Horn and William Gordon. The pioneer dominie was a good man,
universally liked, and called “Uncle Jimmie.” Dr. Page 357 is dead. Dr. Horn
is living at Stockton at an advanced age.
To give a more extended list of
original settlers and land claimants, the following has been compiled from
the records, showing by whom and in what years all lands to this time taken
Page 361
up in Cedar County were entered at the Government Land Office:
Township 33, Range 25.C Section I, George W. Davis, 1850; Eben E. White,
1853; William R. Sage, 1849; Alfred Underwood, James Hopkins, 1854; John
Akins, 1853; William R. Winters, 1855; John Anderson, 1857; Jacob Sherrill,
1856; D. R. Turner. Section 2, Ambrose R. H. Ranson, 1857; Benjamin Strain,
Pallas Neely, Samuel T. White, 1854; William Tindle, 1855; Paul H. Strange,
Alfred T. Underwood, William Fleener, 1858. Section 3, William Fleener,
1857; William D. Beasley, Cornelius Taylor, John W. Bugg, Willis Hartley,
William L. Harville, 1856; James Hartley, Sr., 1845; Samuel Bugg, 1842;
Willis Hartley, 1853. Section 4, Willis Hartley, 1853, 1856; John Lindley,
1845; Samuel Bugg, 1842; Joseph J. Gravely, Josiah Jackson, 1856. Section 5,
John Lindsey, 1856; Samuel W. Emerson, 1858; Dorothy Ball, 1853; Thomas
Wright, Ambrose R. H. Ransom, Joseph Wright, John Gothard, 1857. Section 6,
Michael Engleman, 1857; John Gothard, John T. Ball, Alexander Loveall, 1856;
John Rowden, 1857; William Cundell, 1853. Section 7, Edmund Burchell, 1854;
Isaac Hedge, 1856; Garrott Philpott, Ephraim Ludley, 1870. Section 8,
Ambrose R. H. Ransom, Garrott Philpott, Josiah Jackson, 1857. Section 9,
James Hartley, Jr., 1845; James Hartley, 1854; Richard Hartley, 1856;
Ambrose R. H. Ransom, 1857. Section 10, William Irwin, 1845; Richard Tatum,
1847; James Hartley, Jr., 1848; Solomon Hartley, 1853; J. R. Hartley, 1856;
Merritt Harville, 1857; Asa Delozier, 1854. Section 11, Martin F. Mulkey,
1846; Francis Emerson, 1856; Ambrose R. H. Ransom, William Tindle, James W.
Mitchell, Solomon Hartley, 1857; George Fleemen, 1858. Section 12, John
Akins, 1853; James W. Mitchell, James Akins, 1856; Ambrose R. H. Ransom,
Mary Hopkins, 1857; Morris R. Mitchell, Henry Emerson, 1858. Section 13,
Adam C. Mitchell, 1845; Ransom Cates, 1848; William Davis, 1853; James
Mackey, Morris R. Mitchell, 1857; Henry Emerson, 1858. Section 14, Hezekiah
Fleeman, Thomas S. Gillian, 1853; George Fleeman, 1855; Elias A. White,
Elijah Cothan, 1857. Section 15, Joseph A. Wright, William Irwin, 1845; E.
Cothan, Richard Hartley, 1856; Elias A. White, Samuel
Page 362
H. Perkins, 1857; Joseph M. Barker, 1866; James A. McIntosh, 1875. Section
16, State of Missouri. Section 17, State of Missouri, 1854; William Henslee,
Ambrose R. H. Ransom, 1857. Section 18, William N. Gee, Amos Williams, 1845;
William Henslee, 1855; Thomas Dale, 1858. Section 19, Thomas Dale, 1856;
William R. Allen, William H. Harvey, Hamilton Allen, 1857; Alexander Bender,
1860; State of Missouri. Section 20, Meredith O. Hailey, 1848; Harris Geer,
1849; State of Missouri, 1854; James N. Henslee, 1856; John H. Brasher,
1857; R. A. Clapston, Thomas Brasher, 1859. Section 21, James R. Lindley,
1853; Sarah A. R. Hailey, 1852; Marshall G. Stevens, 1855; John Lindley,
Philip Hailey, William R. Allen, Jane Eliza Flagler, Sarah M. Malone, 1857.
Section 22, John Lindley, 1845; Samuel H. Perkins, 1856; State of Missouri.
Section 23, Constant H. Perkins, Amos Harnby, 1851; Jethro Strend, 1855;
James R. Cheek, 1856; Joseph E. Ball, Hasten Perkins, Constant H. Perkins,
1857; Wiley B. Mitchell, Hezekiah Fleeman, Richard Hartley, 1858. Section
24, Lewis H. Cheek, 1854; David Alexander, 1852; Wiley B. Mitchell, 1856;
William O. King, 1857; Joseph B. Stockton, 1858.
Township 33, Range 26.— Section 1, Garrott Philpott, 1841; William Parkerson,
1855; George W. O’Bryant, 1856; Michael Engleman, Nathan Broyles, 1857.
Section 2, Elias O’Bryant, 1840; Felix Cox, George W. O’Bryant, Nathan
Broyles, 1856; State of Missouri, 1857, Joseph W. Bryant, 1858. Section 3,
James Gordon, 1840; John Thomas, 1843; Thomas H. Gordon, 1846; Nathan F.
Cheavis, 1840; State of Missouri, 1854; Quinn M. Hill, 1855; Neaty W.
Gordon, Ewell R. Johnson, 1857. Section 4, Thomas Ross, 1840; Quinn M. Hill,
1854; Archibald M. Rutledge, 1857; Sheldon Cozby, Ambrose R. H. Ransom,
1860. Section 5, Austin Fox, Alexander Galbraith, 1856; Sheldon F. Cozby,
Quinn M. Hill, 1857; Gideon Petty, 1858; Ambrose R. H. Ransom, 1860. Section
6, William H. Vann, 1848; Quinn M. Hill, 1855; Gideon Petty, 1856; Simeon
Raymore, 1857. Section 7, James E. Carrick, 1840; James Epperson, 1855;
Joseph Hill, 1856; John Crisp, Lilie Diveley, Jesse H. Lence, 1857. Section
8, James Epperson, 1855; Quinn M. Hill, 1856; John Pollard, John Crisp,
Jacob Neff, 1857; Joseph Hill, 1858; Section 9,
Page 363
Thomas Ross, 1840; John Pollard, Nancy Coulter, 1856; High F. Ross, 1858;
Ambrose R. H. Ransom, 1860; Caroline Ross, 1861. Section 10, Thomas R.
Brooks, Thomas Ross, 1840; John E. Ross, John W. Montgomery, 1857; Milby
Chance, 1858; Thomas English, 1859; F. L. Gault. Section 11, Elias O’Bryant,
1842; George W. O’Bryant, 1854; Thomas Pyle, Felix Cox, 1856; Rolin Hudson,
1857; Milby Chance, 1858. Section 12, Elias O’Bryant, William Brown, 1840;
James A. Haley, 1849; Jeremiah M. Smith, 1854; Thomas Pyle, 1855; George P.
Dorris, 1871. Section 13, Thomas English, 1840; James C. Winton, 1854;
William Montgomery, 1856; William N. Gee, 1857; William H. Stewart, 1858.
Section 14, Thomas English, 1840; Thomas R. Brooks, 1841; Samuel N. Headlee,
1853; John W. Montgomery, 1854; Edmund H. Clark, 1857; John E. Ross, 1863.
Section 15, Thomas English, Joseph Allen, 1840; Samuel N. Headlee, 1853;
State of Missouri, John W. Montgomery, 1854; Samuel L. White, 1853; Thomas
J. Stubblefield, 1856. Section 16, State of Missouri. Section 17, Isaac
Phipps, Samuel D. Hastin, 1856; Matthew Scott, 1855; Alfred Hocker, 1857;
Joseph Hill, 1858; Oliver Mitchell, 1865; Jamison Vice, 1878. Section 18,
James S. Carrick, 1840; James Dale, 1842; J. F. Johnson, Hezekiah McPherson,
1856; John D. Harris, Alfred Hocker, 1857. Section 19, James Dale, 1851;
John Connor, 1854; Alfred Hocker, 1856; James T. Johnson, Edwin Pyle, 1857;
James H. Peck, 1858. Section 20, Jesse H. Lence, Warren Thompson, Frederick
Osterlock, 1857; William B. Griffis, 1858; John D. Hanson, 1859; F. J.
Stubblefield, A. A. McElhany, T. M. Johnson, F. L. Garrett, 1868; William H.
Butler, 1877. Section 21, Jacob L. Loveall, 1853; Simon B. Loveall, 1854;
Samuel D. Hastin, 1856; Warren Thompson, Edwmund H. Clark, Frederick
Osterlock, 1857. Section 22, John Leflers, 1840; Samuel N. Headlee, 1853;
State of Missouri, 1854; Jonathan Loveall, William Montgomery, John Crisp,
1856; Simon B. Loveall, 1857. Section 23, Thomas English, 1839; Samuel N.
Headlee, 1855; John W. Montgomery, Stephen A. Mitchell, Joseph Stanley,
David Forest, 1856; Frederick Nixon, 1857; William Montgomery, William H.
Stover, 1858. Section 24, Thomas English, 1839; Edwin Pyle, 1840;
Page 364
Isaac Givins, 1853; Joshua Pyle, John West, Stephen A. Mitchell, 1856.
Township 33, Range27.—Section 1, Joseph N. Derrick, 1848; Frederick Discomb,
1853; Samuel D. Hasten, William M. Ross, 1856. Section 2, David Hunter,
1839; Zephaniah Lacy, 1851; Frederick Discomb, Charles L. Discomb, 1853;
Henry L. Hunter, 1854; Hiram H. Lacy, 1856. Section 3, Eli Lindley, 1839;
Nancy Baxter, 1840; John Routh, 1853; Zephaniah Lacy, 1854. Section 4,
Zephaniah Lacy, Nancy Baxter, 1840; Joseph Allen, 1853; Edward H. Travis,
1854; William G. Buck, 1856; Martin M. Templeton, Robert F. Templeton, 1857.
Section 5, Reddin Crisp, 1839; Nimrod Smith, 1849; Nathan S. McClure, 1853;
Robert O. Horr, 1856; Stephen Gilmore, 1857. Section 6, John H. Wiley, 1853;
Stephen Gilmore, 1855; Cornelius Achord, 1856; Aaron F. Wiley, William Kontz,
1857. Section 7, Cornelius Achord, 1852; James Musgrave, 1855; Sarah C.
Achord, 1856; John W. Wiley, Elizabeth Ray, 1857; George P. Davis, 1876.
Section 8, William G. Langford, 1842; Reddin Crisp, 1840; Nathan S. L.
McClure, 1853; James Musgrave, 1855; John W. Thompson, John F. Nofsinger,
1857; William J. McDaniel, 1868. Section 9, Zephaniah Lacy, 1840; James M.
Connor, 1853; Henderson Horton, Thomas J. W. Williams, Thomas W. Mitchell,
1856; John W. Thompson, 1857. Section 10, James Jolly, Eli Lindley,
Zephaniah Lacy, 1840; James M. Connor, John Dale, 1853; John M. Connor,
1854; Elizabeth Horne, 1855; Robert O. Horne, 1856. Section 11, Nicholas
Pyle, 1840; John Dale, Edwin Pyle, 1853; Thomas Long, 1854; David Hunter,
1855; James O. Connor, 1859. Section 12, James E. Carrick, 1840; Charles L.
Discomb, Frederick Discomb, Edwin Pyle, 1853; William M. Ross, 1856; William
H. Long, 1857. Section 13, Zephaniah Lacy, 1840; James Dale, 1851; Alfred
Hocker, 1855; Hezekiah McPherson, 1856; Charles Rector, 1857; Matthew Scott,
1855. Section 14, James Connor, 1840; Warren Birdsall, 1849; James M.
Connor, 1853; Alfred Hocker, 1855; James M. Tucker, 1856; Samuel D. Hasten,
1858. Section 15, James Jolly, 1840; John Dale, 1853; Henderson Horton,
1854; Robert O. Horne, Elizabeth Horne, Noah Elrod, 1856; John Hervey, 1857.
Section 16, State of Missouri. Section 17,
Page 365
Gideon Harrison, 1848; Samuel W. Hair, 1853; John W. Hasten, 1854; John W.
Thompson, 1856; John J. Roberts, 1857; Robert Winder. Section 18, Joseph M.
Lemaster, John W. Hasten, 1855; State of Missouri, Samuel W. Hair, 1857;
Alexander J. Frick, 1860. Section 19, James Musgrave, 1851; James L. Peck,
1854; Thomas J. Williams, 1856; Alexander J. Frick, State of Missouri, 1857.
Section 20, Wibern Langford, 1842; James Musgrave, George W. Wiley, 1851;
Samuel W. Hair, Alexander W. Johnson, 1853; John J. Roberts, 1856; Alexander
J. Frick, 1857. Section 21, John Hervey, Philip Martin, Gilbert W. Murphy,
William Mitchell, Edward H. Travis, 1853; Alexander W. Johnson, 1855; Aaron
F. Wiley, Mary Johnson, Robert F. Templeton, 1856. Section 22, William
Mitchell, 1853; Henderson Horton, 1854; Noah Elrod, Edmund P. Smith, 1856.
Section 23, Nathaniel Willett, 1850; Warren Birdsall, 1851; Zephaniah Lacy,
1853; Alfred Hocker, 1855; William Gish, 1856. Section 24, William Bell,
1840; Thomas W. Willett, 1854; Alfred Hocker, 1855; Robert F. Templeton,
Hezekiah McPheerson, 1856; Polly Owing, 1857.
Township 33, Range 28.–Section 1, Andrew J. Dighton, Samuel Goodspeed, Henry
Collins, William J. Smith, Simon P. Collins, Samuel S. Brown, 1857. Section
2, Matthew D. Russell, 1854; Simon P. Collins, Alexander W. Johnston, Samuel
S. Brown, Isaac Gearhart, Thomas H. Hanks, 1857. Section 3, Crafton J.
Beydler, 1856; Thomas H. Hanks, Isaac Gearhart, Henry Denster, 1857. Section
3[sic], Thomas H. Hanks, William B. Wilson, Joseph B. Carrico, 1857; Guy L.
Walker. Section 5, James R. Lindley, James R. Steel, 1856; State of
Missouri, 1857; Thomas Brasher, 1858. Section 6, John Crisp, 1856; Alexander
F. Downing, George W. Taylor, William Jones, George W. Dickson, 1857; James
R. Lindley, 1856. Section 7, State of Missouri, 1844; Morris W. Mitchell,
1856; Leonard Stump, 1857. Section 8, James M. Steel, 1856; State of
Missouri, George W. Taylor, Isham H. Brasher, 1857; Crafton J. Beydler,
1859. Section 9, William B. Wilson, Andrew J. Dighton, Andrew S. Mucker,
1857. Section 10, William J. McDaniel, 1858; Thomas Y. Boston, William
Jones, Andrew J. Dighton, Michael Cline, 1857. Section 11, Samuel A. Moore,
John Walker, Andrew J.
Page 366
Dighton, Thomas H. Hanks, Andrew W. Johnston, 1857; George W. Kirby, 1866;
George Boston, 1868. Section 12, Samuel A. Moore, 1853; John Walker, 1856;
John B. Earle, Edward F. Williams, William Thompson, 1857. Section 13,
Zephaniah Lacy, 1842; Samuel A. Moore, 1848; Jonathan R. Moore, 1853; John
W. Hestand, Edward F. Williams, 1856; John R. Edwards, William D. Lowery,
1857. Section 14, Andrew J. Dighton, 1857. Section 15, Andrew J. Dighton,
Thomas Y. Boston, George W. Dickson, Michael Cline, 1857; State of Missouri,
1859. Section 16, State of Missouri. Section 17, State of Missouri, 1844;
1857; Isham S. Brasher, John Crisp, 1856; Isaac Morris, George W. Kavanaugh,
1857. Section 18, State of Missouri, 1844. Section 19, Bird S. Lacy, Lewis
Lake, William H. Henry, Frederick Cretzmeyer, Jacob Naecker, 1857; Richard
Davis, 1868. Section 20, Frederick Cretzmeyer, William Naecker, Lewis Lake,
State of Missouri, 1857; John M. Cook, 1858. Section 21, Andrew J. Dighton,
John H. Wiley, State of Missouri, 1857; William M. Morris, 1858. Section 22,
Andrew J. Dighton, William B. Johnson, John H. Wiley, 1857; State of
Missouri, 1859. Section 23, Robert H. Lemaster, 1856; Andrew J. Dighton,
1857. Section 24, John H. Haire, 1852; Edward F. Williams, 1853; David Ross,
1856; Samuel S. Brown, David Crews, Edward D. Lowery, 1857; Esias Earle,
Francis M. Brown, 1856.
Township 33, Range 29, --Section 1, Henry Collins, Andrew Baker, Alexander
W. Johnston, Crafton J. Beydler, 1856; State of Missouri, 1857. Section 12,
Isham S. Brashear, Nicholas F. Jones, 1856; Andrew J. Dighton, 1857; Morris
W. Mitchell, 1858. Section 13, State of Missouri, 1843; Bird S. Lacy, 1855;
George W. Akard, Andrew J. Dighton, Philip Martin, 1857; Francis Bracklen,
1866. Section 24, Preston Thomas, George H. Botts, Andrew J. Dighton, James
W. Bass, Charles Ingles, 1857; Robert J. McElhany; William W. Sterman, 1858;
W. C. McMullan, 1866.
Township 34, Range 25.—Section 1, John Ray, John Darby, 1849; William Lenox,
1853; John Darby, 1854; John Noland, David Morton, John S. McConnel, 1856;
George King, James Peake, James H. Mitchell, John S. Davison, Reuben F.
Bauman, James S. Easley, 1857; Granville L. Noland, John Noland,
Page 367
1859. Section 2, John S. McConnel, 1851; Joseph Hubbard, Frederick F. Gray,
1852; Jeremiah Reins, 1853; Martha Gannaway, John Garrett, 1854; John Cowan,
Ebenezer Arnold, 1856; John W Gannaway, Calvin Jones, 1854; Enoch Davison,
John C. Morton, James S. Easley, William R. Dixon, Granville Noland, Zimri
Dixon, Albert Dixon, 1857. Section 3, Calvin Jones, William R. Dixon,
William R. Williams, 1853; Edmund F. Gannaway, 1854; William F. Roy,
Frederick T. Gray, 1856; Nathan Beson, John S. McConnel, James S. Easley,
William Hulstone, Benjamin K. Cravens, 1857; Washington W.Gannaway, 1858.
Section 4, Shadrack Chandler, 1864; John H. Gannaway, 1855; Charles Louis
Zahnsdorff, Jane Eliza Flagler, William R. Williams, Edward N. Shields,
James F. Hood, 1857. Section 5, John Simmons, 1853; Samuel Stalsworth, 1856;
Philip Flagler, Green Simmons, Adeline Flagler, Samuel D. Mitchell,
Catharine E. Flagler, James F. Hood, William H. Thompson, William G. Blake,
Charles Louis Zahnsdorff, 1857; William Simmons, William Campbell, 1858;
Thomas Herbert, 1877. Section 6, Samuel Stalsworth, Thomas N. Cook, William
Simmons, 1850; James Davis, 1849; James Simmons, 1853; James Taylor, 1854;
William Stalsworth, 1852; William Campbell, 1856; Richard B. Cary, Catharine
E. Flagler, William G. Blake, Hampton Brasher, 1857; Thomas Butner, 1855;
William Simmons, William S. Coulter, 1858; Henry Cloppert, 1859. Section 7,
John A. Murphy, 1850; James Simmons, 1853; Atha G. Hudson, Joseph Simmons,
1856; State of Missouri, Joseph Baker, 1857. Section 8, Andrew Newman, 1845;
John Simmons, 1853; Sterling Callahan, 1854; Green Simmons, 1856; State of
Missouri, John F. Wall, 1857. Section 9, Andrew Newman, 1845; John Allen,
1853; Shadrach Chandler, 1854; Wiley B. Gordon, 1856; Marion Simmons, James
S Easley, 1857. Section 10, Thomas Jones 1845; John S. McConnell, William A.
King, 1853; Absalom Baker, 1857. Section 11, Abraham Mitchell, 1845; William
G. Parkinson, 1851; John S. McConell, Bernette Allen, Thomas McConnell,
1853. Section 12, George R. Cowan, 1845; James H. Mitchell, 1853; John S.
Davison, James S. Easley, 1857. Section 13, William Campbell, 1850; William
H. Harris, William G. Parkinson, 1853; John S. Davison, 1845; Louis Igo,
Page 368
Edmund Chersen, 1854; John A. Frieze, State of Missouri, 1857. Section 14,
William Campbell, Joseph Linn, 1850; John C. Phillips, John Allen, 1851;
Thomas Jones, 1844; Isaac M. Wilson, 1856; George P. Dorris, 1871. Section
15, Thomas Jones, 1845; John S. McConnell, Robert H. Walker, Nelson M.
Jones, John C. Phillips, Robert Simmons, 1853; James Walker, 1856. Section
16, State of Missouri, Section 17, John B. Ingram 1845; Wiley B. Jordan,
Henry Minick, 1856; Alexander H. McAlfin, 1845; David Vonberbger, Michael
Engleman, 1857; Andrew J. Williams, John F. Wall, 1858. Section 18, Sampson
McConnell, John B. Ingram, 1851; Delilot Ingram, 1856; James Taylor, 1848;
Agatha G Hudson, 1856; Joseph Whitman, 1856; Sims Edgar, 1856. Section 19,
James B Douglas, 1855; Michael Engleman, 1857; Sampson Crandall, 1855;
Edward Neely, 1852; John H. Paynter, 1856; T Hudson, 1866; Lossan Thompson,
1856; Jonas Thompson, 1852. Section 20, William Minick, 1854; William M.
Minick, 1857; Henry Minick, 1856; Samuel J. Firestone, 1856; Allen H McAlfin,
1855; John B Douglas, 1853; John R Williamson, 1856; Isaac M. Ballinger,
1870. Section 21, Peter Hudson, 1850; Meredith Hudson, 1853; Joseph Strange,
Thomas Williams, Thomas J Jones, 1855; Paul H Strange, 1854. Section 22,
Henry Emerson, 1853; Mathias Phillips, 1850; James T Jackson, 1845; Jacob
Phillips, 1850; Meredith Hudson, 1850; Peter Hudson, 1853; Robert Simmons,
1853. Section 23, Jacob Lindley, 1853; John S Curl, 1857, William H. Curl,
1853; John A. Frieze, 1857; Elias Davison, 1850; John S. McConnell, 1853;
John Curl, 1853; Corcelia Jones, 1851; John C. Phillips, 1853; Jacob
Phillips, 1851; Mathias Phillips, 1853. Section 24, Nancy Harris, 1853;
Samuel Maxwell, 1853; Samuel Maywell, 1857; George W. Curl, 1857; Henry
Rickman, 1859; Rufus Curl, 1858; Jacob Cowan, 1854; William Campbell, 1850;
John S Curl, 1846; George P. Dorris, 1870. Section 25, Robert Stubblefield,
1849; D. H. Connaway, 1853; John G. Kennedy, 1846; Benjamin A. Marshall,
1854. Section 26, Thomas Monon, 1846; Benjamin A. Marshall, 1853; John
Baker, 1845; Absalom Baker, 1845; George W. Scroggins, 1853; Jacob Lindley,
1853; Joseph Barkley, 1854; William H. Curl, 1845. Thomas Jones, 1845; Sarah
Page 369
Hibbard, 1851; Louis Derossette, 1851; George P. Dorris, 1870. Section 27,
John Baker, 1847; Joseph Barkley, 1853; Joseph Winton, Sr., 1845; Joseph P.
Jackson, 1855; Henry Emerson, 1856; Edward Nelson, 1854; Jefferson Jackson,
1856; Jacob Lindley, 1845. Section 28, Alsay Lindley, 1845; Garrott Philpott,
1853; Edward Nelson, 1853; Fleming Owen, 1853; Lucy D Brown, 1854; Renford T
Emerson, 1853; Jonas Mann, 1850. Section 29, Garrott Philpott, 1854; Jonas
Mann, 1850; Henry Rickman, 1853; Henry Bockman, 1854; Jeremiah M. Smith,
1854; John Taylor, 1853; Nicholas Jones, 1857; Benjamin Candell, William M.
Hamby, 1866. Section 30, Lucy G Brown, 1856; John Oldham, 1856; Thomas
Holman, 1860; Jacob S Coldman, 1860; T Hudson, 1866; Michael T Firestone,
1856; Jonas Thompson, 1852; James Butler, 1853. Section 32, Josiah Jackson,
James H Brown, William Montgomery, Garrott Philpott, Russell J Powell, 1857;
William G Ball, Thomas Jones, 1859. Section 34, Cornelius Taylor, William
York, 1857; Thomas A Fox, Henry Emerson, Murray Sherrill, 1856; Morris W.
Mitchell, 1855; Elizabeth Humphrey, 1851; Jefferson Jackson, 1853; Jacob
Lindley, Riley Sherrill, 1845. Section 35, Benjamin Strange, Robert H
Strange, 1853; Paul H Strange, 1854; William York, Cornelius Taylor, 1857;
John B Salmon, 1856; Alfred M Underwood, 1852; John Young, 1846; Thomas
Jones, 1847. Section 36, Elizabeth Humbard, 1858; Hiram Hopkins, Benjamin A
Marshall, 1853; Samuel T White, 1857; William Irwin, 1845; George W Davis,
1850; Paul H Strange, 1851.
Township 34, Range 26—Section 1 Asa Llewelyn, Jesse Ezell, William Brasher,
1856; James Simmons, 1855; Jesse Israel, 1842; William Bruiser, Ulysses
Gipson, 1854; Benjamin Crabtree, Edward C Peters, 1857; Benjamin H Cravens
and Elias Davison, 1859; Minerva Crabtrree, 1850; Thomas Butler, Ulysses
Gipson, 1857; Hampton Brasher, 1855; James Taylor, 1855; William J Prewitt,
State of Missouri, 1854; John W Nelson, Scott Lindley, 1877; Henry Cloppert,
Thomas Jarnagen, 1859; Pitman Lindley, 1848, James Taylor, 1856; Pleasant M
Coulter, 1852. Section 2, Oliver Hubard, 1840; Thomas English, 1840; William
Brasher, 1853; James Hartley, 1840; Isaac L. Hendria, 1842; State of
Missouri, 1854; James Taylor, 1856;
Page 370
Bartholomew Milholen, 1840; Jesse Israel, 1842; Russell Lilburn, 1853; James
Beard, 1855; John Lindley, 1840; Mary Sherrill, 1853; James M Frazier,
1858-59; Christopher Bullard, 1840; Franklin Frazier, 1857; James A.
Kennedy, 1870; William F Wilcoxen, 1881. Section 3, James M. Frazier, 1849;
Isaac L. Hembree, 1853; Joel B. Hembree, 1852; Matthew Wallace, 1850; Jared
Nelson, 1852; John Lindley, 1840; Jacob Sherrill, 1859; Jesse Hembree, 1852;
Mary Sherrill, 1853; James Beard, 1855; M. Sherrill, 1854; State of
Missouri, 1854; John Lindley, 1850; George W. Boutman, 1853; Henry Hubbard,
1856; Thomas D. Kennedy, 1859; James Mann, 1860; John Y Kennedy, 1855;
William T. Kennedy, 1855; William Kennedy, 1852. Section 4, Edward Pyle,
Garrott Philpott, James W. Blevins, Rukard Hurd, 1857; Shadrach Chandler,
James Beard, 1856; Isaac L. Hembree, 1853; Jesse T. Hembree, 1852; John
Lindley, 1845; Garrott Philpott, 1853; Thomas C Kennedy, 1853; William B.
Coats, 1855; John Lindley, 1840; William T Kennedy, 1851; Samuel Nickel,
1851; John C Whitney, 1841; Samuel Hornbeck, 1853; Benjamin Spencer, 1841;
Russell Lilburn, 1859; State of Missouri, 1857; Section 5, Daniel R Murphy,
1853; James W. Blevins, Rukard Hurd, 1857; R. S. Ford, 1866; J. H. Osgood,
1856; Lewis Jockell, Henry M Younger, 1857; Henry F Parks, 1873. Section 6,
George W. Doyle, Charles R Mitchell, James McGellway, Thomas Wood, Luke
Wood, 1857; John A Murphy, 1853; Jesse C Walker, 1860; S. C. Swaggerty,
1868; William Christie, 1857; Rees Bayliss, 1857; James Stewart, William
Pankey, 1856; Ellen Robbins, 1857; R.McFurman, 1875; R. C. Younger, 1877.
Section 7, Milton H Lacy, 1846; Benjamin H Cravens, 1850; Andrew J Stewart,
1853; Mastin Church, 1857; Zachariah Stephens, 1857; Isaac M. C. Maybury,
1854; Samuel Coldren, 1857; Isaiah Town, 1840. Section 8, Zimri Crabtree,
James Taylor, Elisha Edge, 1846; Shadrach Chandler 1865; Daniel R Murphy,
1852; Washington Crabtree, 1847; Zachariah Stephens, 1857; Ulysses Gipson,
1848, Section 9, Thomas Smith, 1857; Isaac L Hembree, 1853; Joel Hembree
1852; James M. Frazier, 1855; Shadrach Chandler, 1855; William G Blake,
1846; Isaac H. Hembree, 1857; Jacob Sheville, James
Page 371
Luper, 1846. Section 10, Jacob Lindley, 1840; Isaac L Hembree, 1842; James M
Frazier, 1855; Jerman P Bacon, 1854; Milton H Lacey, 1846; Thomas Smith,
1856; Frank H Smith, 1871. Section 11, State of Missouri, 1854; Warren
Hearne, 1854; Irason Taylor, 1841; James M Frazier, 1854; German P Bacon,
1854; Francis Dunnegan, 1850; John Hants, 1853. Section 12, Daniel Hudson,
1853; State of Missouri, 1854; Paufer Simmons, 1851; Joseph Simmons, 1855;
Robert P Falkner, Edward C Peters, 1857. Section 13, Joseph Whitman, 1830;
State of Missouri, Rollin Hudson, 1857; Henry Hudson, 1851; Miles Gibson,
1849. Section 14, Silas Baker, 1842; Christian Nininger, 1853; John M Cauley,
1853; John C Hants, 1853; Henry Hudson, 1852; Isaac L Hembree, Abel J Bacon,
1857; Samuel J Firestone, 1856; State of Missouri, 1854. Section 15, Isaac L
Hembree, 1842; William Edge, 1847; Brittain Williams, 1840; Fleming Parkely,
1859; Jacob Sherrill, 1847; James Crabtree, 1847; Abel J Bacon, 1857;
Madison Miller, 1847; Henry Edge, 1848; Benjamin L Edge, 1850; James C Cook,
1857. Section 16, Thomas Smith, 1851-55; James Beard, 1855; State of
Missouri. Section 17, John McCauley, 1853; John Pape, 1857; John W Hill,
1853; Richard Hanston, 1851; William C Church, 1855; James Beard, 1855;
Henry Edge, 1851; Thomas Younger, 1853; Hutchins B English, 1848. Section
18, State of Missouri, 1859; Francis Younger, 1854; Joseph Allen, 1853;
James Johnston, 1847; Thomas Younger, 1857; James C Cook, 1853; Andrew H
Steward, 1857; John W. Hill, 1853; William Cook, 1847. Section 19, John
Agnew, Pallas Neely, 1857; James Petty, 1854; Henry N Younger, 1860; John W.
Hill, 1856; Mastin Church, 1857. Section 20, John D Ban, John Shaddle, John
E Hartley, 1857; James Beard, 1855; Pallas Neely, 1853; Elisha Hunter, 1846.
Section 21, William J Coulter, 1853; John Baker, 1856; James C Cook,
Benjamin L Edge, John Shaddle, Barnete L Cornwell, 1857. Section 22, John W
Sheppard, 1839; Delaney Williams, 1840; James C Cook, 1855; William Irvin,
1852; John Baker, 1853; William J Coulter, 1854. Section 23, George Wilcox,
1850; Hiram Webb, 1856; John Swingle, 1851; Allen H Follis, 1845; Samuel J
Firestone, 1856; John L Ball, 1853, Madison Spencer, 1853;
Page 372
John H Paynter, 1856; Section 24, Lawson Thompson and Robert Pickard, 1845;
Lawson Thompson, 1853; Thomas C Tuttle, 1857; William Crandell, 1853; Noah W
Sain, 1850; B. G. Nance, 1853; Eli Lindley, 1844; John Swingle, George
Wilcox, 1851. Section 25, William C Daniel, 1853; Charles A Parkerson, 1854;
Irwin Cordell, 1854; Sampson Cordell, 1853; Hammadatha Rowden, 1853; John
Butler, 1854; John Oldham, Elijah Rowden, Alfred W Oldham, 1853. Section 26,
Alfred W. Oldham, 1856; William Maddy, 1856; William C Thornton, 1876; Evan
Taylor, 1853; George Wilcox, 1856; J. E. Smiley, 1856; William McDaniel,
1856; John H Paynter, 1856; Malcolm McDougall, 1841; John H Oldham, 1856;
John E Smiley, 1856. Section 27, State of Missouri, 1854; Isham Edge, 1856;
James Miller, 1839; John Baker, 1855; Jacob Miller, 1839. Section 28, John
Miller, 1840; Thomas L. Morse, 1857; Clement L Miller, 1856; John Baker,
1855; Barrett L Cornwell, 1854; Isham Edge, 1857; John McCauley, 1853; L.
Little, 1868. Section 29, Thomas McKean, James L Bishop, 1857; Andrew J
Cook, 1856; William Teusenharfer, 1870. Section 30, Alexander Galbraith,
1853; James L Bishop, 1856; Samuel Miller, 1855; John W Shaw, 1859; William
N Farmer, 1858; S. L. Morris, 1868; Jacob H Ackason, 1857; Andrew J Cook,
1853. Section 31, Gideon Petty, 1857; Isaac Phipps, 1866; Hezekiah Ruth,
1853; Samuel Miller, 1855; John H Casteel, 1856; Jacob H Ackason, 1856; John
W Morris, 1870. Section 32, Gideon Petty, 1858; Silas Baker, 1857; Alexander
Galbraith,1859; William J Coulter, 1855; Mary C Miller, 1854; David B
Lovell, 1854; Andrew J Cook, 1856; Meshack Rowden, 1857. Secton 33, George
Rutlege, 1842; Boyd Miller, 1845; Joseph English, 1840; Loomis Little,
1868,; John Pollard, 1856; Silas Baker, 1857. Section 34, State of Missouri,
1854; George Rutlege, 1842; James Miller, 1840; Joseph English, 1840; John
Miller, 1840; George P. Dorris, 1870. Section 35, Charles A Parkinson, 1856;
Peter Loony, 1853; Gray Callahan, 1859; Elijah Rowden, 1857; Henderson P.
Holmes, 1843; Elijah Miller, 1840; Hugh Gartner, 1857; Clement L Miller,
1855; William Montgomery, 1842; William McDaniels, 1856; Letty Stevens,
1859; Christian Nininger, 1860; Ewell R Johnston, 1857. Section 36,
Page 373
Hiram Webb, 1853; Lathon Broyles, 1854; State of Missouri, 1854; James
Butler, 1853; Elijah Rowden, 1855; Charles A Parkerson, 1855; Jesse Rowden,
Township 34, Range 27—Section 1, Emir Wilson, 1853; Luke Wood, Stephen Ford,
Samuel Voorhees, Mary McKee, 1857; Calvin Ford, 1858; James Stewart, 1856;
Andrew J Stewart, 1853; William Pankey, John Armstrong, 1857. Section 2,
Calvin Ford, 1857; Elizabeth Jones, James Hill, Margaret S. Mitchell,
Charles Myers, 1858; John Porter, 1858; Thomas B. Graham, 1858; Luke Wood,
1857; William C. Graham, 1859. Section 3, John Satterfield, 1849; John
Edsall, 1840; James Carroll, James Hill, John M. Price, 1857 Charles
Gearhart, 1858; Samuel B. Edsall, 1840; Robert Graham, 1840; Christopher J.
Lamberton, 1845; Mary McKee, 1857. Section 4, John Edsall, Alexander
McWilliams, 1840; William H. Edsall, 1836; John W. Satterfield, 1856—57;
Gottlieb Glowner, 1858; William H. Kirby, Jacob Hoabler, William Hervey,
Mary McKee, 1857. Section 5, Joseph H. Dulles, Ann Graham, State of
Missouri, 1857; Jonas Chaney, Gottlieb Glowner, James B. Crawford, 1856;
John H. Young, 1875. Section 6, James H. Carter, James B. Crawford, Peter
Bray, 1856; State of Missouri, Joel H. Chaney, Calvin Y. Stamps, Peter
Osborn, Thomas Wright, George W. Bray, Joseph H. Dulles, Ann Graham, William
D. Sutherland, David S. Hill, 1857; William Hill, 1858; Alfred L. Jeffries,
1858; Calvin E. Cansey, 1874. Section 7, James H. Carter, David S. Hill,
1856; William Stafford, James A. Hill, Joseph Harvey, Joseph H. Dulles,
1857; Hiram J. Bryson, 1877. Section 8, Jacob Lindley, 1840; Benjamin F.
Walker, 1843; Joseph Allen, 1852; Joseph H. Dulles, James A. Hill, 1857;
Alexander Burchell, 1840. Section 9, Jacob Lindley, John Callender, 1840;
James Crawford, 1841; Hardy Johnston, James D. Johnston, 1856; John
Satterfield, John Stearns, 1857. Section 10, John M. Price, 1856; William C.
Lee, 1855; William B. Melton, Milton A. Maybury, A. H. Stone, Calvin S.
Maybury, John Stearns, 1857; Theresa Suggs, 1878. Section 11, William C.
Lee, 1855; Elizabeth Jones, Gilbert B. Garlock, 1857; Charles Myers, 1858;
Jesse Terrill, 1858. Section 12, Erwin Wilson, 1833; James Steward, 1844;
Andrew Steward and Andrew S. Steward, 1855; Newton Paul-
Page 374
sell, 1856; John C. McIntyre, 1857; Jesse Terrill, 1858. Section 13, George
W. Buster, 1855; Andrew S. Steward, Newton Paulsell, William Buster, 1856;
Thomas Younger, 1857. Section 14, George W. Buster, Wyatt J. Lowery, Mary
Dobbs, Elizabeth Jones, Edwin Ball, Alexander T. Downing, 1857; C. P.
Shockly, 1876. Section 15, Edwin Ball, 1855; Milton A. Maybury, 1856;
Alexander T. Downing, George Worrall, 1857. Section 16, State of Missouri.
Section 17, Matilda G. Jenkins, 1840; Joseph Allen, 1849; John Gist, 1853.
Section 18, Lorenzo Waugh, 1842; Richard Huston, 1852; Samuel Miller, Joseph
H. Dulles, Catharine Cline, 1857; Anderson Downey, 1860. Section 19, Elgin
G. Hill, John A. Murphy, 1856; Joseph H. Dulles, Hutchins B. English, State
of Missouri, 1857; William Massey, 1869; William Sensenderfer, 1870. Section
20, James M. Allen, 1840; Mary Allen and others, 1855; John Gist, Anderson
Downey, John A. Murphy, 1856. Section 21, James Giddens, Daniel R. Murphy,
1856; Mastin Church, 1859; William Massey, 1869; Philip T. Foust, 1879.
section 22, Jacob Lindley, James C. Henderson, 1855; Isaac Allen, 1856;
Alexander T. Downing, Sheppard Brown and John H. Johnson, 1857; Philip T.
Foust, 1879. Section 23, Catharine A. Nelson, 1854; Alexander T. Downing,
Sheppard Brown, and John H. Johnson, Andrew H. Steward, 1857. Section 24,
Thomas B. Armstrong, John McCallister, 1840; Leonard Stump, Jr., Alexander
T. Downing, Sheppard Brown, and John H. Johnson, 1857; Austin Fox, 1858.
section 25, Thomas B. Armstrong, 1840; Morgan Ingram, 1853; John S. Church,
Thomas Wrenn, Alexander T. Downing, 1857; Walter Butler, 1858; Timothy N.
Hill, 1859; George E. Kitsmiller, 1870. Section 26, William H. Vann, 1844;
William L. Hill, Jacob Lindley, 1854; Samuel R. W. Julian, 1855; James
Giddens, Timothy N. Hill, John W. Hill, John H. Hill, 1856; Alexander T.
Downing, 1857. Section 27, William C. Cook, 1848; Elgin G. Hill, 1855; James
Giddens, Jacob Routh, 1856; Henry Leader, Jacob Lindley, 1857. Section 28,
Daniel R. Murphy, 1856; Henry H. Myers, Harriet Elliott, 1857; William
Teague, 1858; Joshua Pyle, 1859. Section 29, John Ferguson, 1840; Stephen
Brown and John H. Johnson, 1847; John Routh, 1854; Mary Allen and others,
1855, John W.
Page 375
Hicklin, Solomon Loveall, William Johnson, 1856; William C. Cook, 1859,
1859. Section 30, William Pankey, 1848; Elgin G. Hill, John W. Hicklin,
1856; John Agnew, 1857. Section 31, Benjamin F. Walker, 1857; Solomon
Loveall, John W. Hicklin, Adam Hunter, Samuel D. Mitchell, 1856. Section 32,
Reddin Crisp, 1840; John D. Templeton, 1841; John Walker, 1853; Solomon
Loveall, 1854; Stephen Gilmore, 1856; Benjamin F. Walker, William Thompson,
1857. Section 33, John Firestone, Henry H. Myers, 1856; Stephen Brown, and
John H. Johnson, Alexander T. Downing, Andrew Y. Nininger, John Crisp, 1857;
Wayne H. Parsons, 1858; Benjamin A. Hart, 1860. Section 34, James Fryer,
1852; Henry Collins, 1853; John Firestone, 1854; James Giddens, Jacob Ronk,
1856; James Pank, Alexander T. Downing, 1857. Section 35, John McCallister,
James Jolly, 1840; Henry Collins, Timothy N. Hill, 1853; Elizabeth H.
Wickliffe, 1854; Samuel R. W. Julian, 1855; John Firestone, John W. Routh,
1856. Section 36, Thomas B. Armstrong, John McCallister, 1840; Morgan
Ingram, 1853; Richard A. Roberson, 1854; William M. Wickliffe, 1854; Thomas
Wrenn, 1856; Morgan O. Ingram, 1857.
Township 34, Range 28.—Section 1, J. P. McDevit, 1857; A. H. Chinn, 1861;
John Brown, 1870; Terrell Woody, 1877; Littleton Wilson, 1871. Section 2,
Rebecca A. Lemand, Charles F. Garrett, 1857; State of Missouri, 1854;
William Hamby, 1852; Milton Gilbreath, 1843; Robert Patterson, 1853; John G.
Hall, 1856; James F. Brown, Samuel Medlar, Henry C. Hall, James Wysand,
1857; Elizabeth Hall, 1847. Section 3, Thomas F. Mudd, 1843; State of
Missouri, 1854; Thomas Sheppard, 1858; John M. Jackson, 1867; John Helt,
1885, Hugh Gilbreath, 1843; Absalom R. Clark, 1858; John Roberts, John G.
Hall, Pressley Saunders, James McCloud, James Wysant, Nathan Shirley, 1857;
Isaac Shirley, 1860. Section 4, Granville Tucker, 1853; Thomas F. Mudd,
1843; James L. Henry, 1853; Smith Turner, 1852; State of Missouri, Thomas L.
McKennie, 1853; John Tarlton, 1857; Thomas Cox, 1858; Pressley Saunders,
John Brown, Thomas S. Brown, Robert Cox, 1857. Section 5, James L. Henry,
1853; John W. Hicklin, 1843; Smith Turner, 1856; Pressley Saunders, John M.
Craddock, Jasper N. Robinson, William Hendricks,
Page 376
John M. Dulles, Francis Pace, 1857; Francis M. Hendricks, 1856; James L.
Henry, 1859; John Pace, 1855; Mary D. Ball, 1861. Section 6, State of
Missouri, 1854; Alexander H. Henderson, John M. Craddock, William Hendricks,
Ambrose Reeder, Hansom Geer, 1857; James B. Amos, 1858; Mary D. Ball, 1861.
Section 7, Charles C. Brownlee, 1856; Alwood Hopson, 1857. Section 8,
Coardin Horsle, Pressley Saunders, 1857; James L. Henry, 1843; Charles C.
Brownlee, 1856. Section 9, Alfred G. Potter, 1857; James Maby, 1856;
Reginald F. Buller, 1868; George T. Chapman, 1856; State of Missouri, 1854;
William Mudd, 1843; Granville Tucker, 1843; Coardin Horsle, 1857; James L.
Henry, 1856; Lydia Foster, 1875. Section 10, M. M. Thompson, 1866; Faltor
Forster, State of Missouri, 1857; George T. Chapman, 1856. Section 11,
Pressley Saunders, 1857, George T. Chapman, Addison Y. Hamby, 1856; Mary C.
Shirley, James F. Brown, 1857. Ansel Buckrin, 1858; Henry P. Boder, 1870.
Section 12, Thomas H. Hanks, Hutchins B. English, John A Moore, 1857.
Section 13, Richard H. Paxton, Thomas H. Hanks, 1857; John M. Moore, 1856;
State of Missouri, 1854. Section 14, State of Missouri, 1844; John M. Moore,
1856; James M. Chapman, 1858; Pressley Saunders, 1857; William Mitchell,
1854. Section 15, State of Missouri, 1844; George T. Chapman, 1856; Robert
Patterson, Pressley Saunders, 1857. Section 16, State of Missouri. Section
17, James L. Henry, 1859; James T. Moore, 1867; Richard Hudson, 1856; Henry
Earle, 1843; Davis L. Harrison, 1857; Pressley Saunders, 1857; James Skaggs,
1843; Israel Robertson, 1854. Section 18, William Barnes, Alwood Hopson,
Tobias Holliday and David Banner, 1857. Section 19, State of Missouri,
Thomas J. Murphy, 1857; John Estes, 1856; William Wells, 1859; Daniel S.
Berry, 1845; James Fetterington 1856. Section 20, State of Missouri, 1857.
Smith Turner, 1855; Pressley Saunders, 1857; Lucinda Robertson, 1854; James
L. Henry, 1855; Michael F. Robinson, 1853; Elijah Morrison, 1857; James L.
Henry, 1865; James R. Lindley, 1856. Section 21, Andrew Martin, Pressley
Saunders, Theophilus L. Downing, Green Brasher, James S. Rolfe, Tobias
Holliday, 1857; Abner Turner, 1856; Enoch J. Rector, 1854; Section 22, State
of Mis-
Page 377
souri, 1854; Josiah Gentry, 1857; Bagley T. Kesterson, 1856; James C. Cox,
Pressley Saunders, Andrew J. Martin, 1857. Section 23, State of Missouri,
1854; Francis Bracklew, 1868; James T. Moore, 1879. Section 24, Richard H.
Paxton, 1857; Isaac J. Wheeler, 1854; Hutchins B. English, 1857; James M.
Moore, 1857; Addison Y. Hanby, 1856; David Froutz, Thomas H. Hanks, 1857.
Section 25, James Giddens, 1856; David Waggoner, 1856; Reuben S. Holman,
1881; Thomas H. Hanks, James P. McDevit, 1857; F. M. Long, 1876; Isaac J.
Wheeler, 1854. Section 26, William J. Smith, Thomas H. Hanks, Clifton H.
Moore, 1857. Section 27, Clifton H. Moore, Henry Dinslow, James S. Jones,
Christian H. Moorman, 1857. Section 28, Christian H. Moorman, 1857; William
M. Hunter, 1854; John H. Brasher, 1855; James S. Jones, 1857; Enoch C.
Rector, 1853; Susan Wysons, State of Missouri, 1857. Section 29, State of
Missouri, 1857; William Callison, James S. Rolfe, 1858; John R. Lindley,
1856; Edward May, 1854; Thomas Markham, 1847. Section 30, State of Missouri,
1854; Pleasant Shelley, Reason J. Smith, William Shelley, Virginia Wysons,
Charles Robinson, Charles N. Robinson, William E. Downs, 1858. Section 31,
James R. Lindley, 1859; Howard Darlington, Henry Darlington, William E.
Shelley, William E. Downs, Pleasant Shelley, 1857. Section 32, Thomas
Brusher, 1856; State of Missouri, 1854; DeWitt C. Hunter, 1857; James B.
Carrico, 1855; John Tarleton, 1857; James R. Lindsley, 1859, Howard
Darlington, 1857. Section 33, State of Missouri, Andrew Lineaker, 1857;
Crafton J. Beydler, 1856; David W. Martindale, 1848; James B. Carrico, 1853.
Section 34, John Hervey, Richard H. Paxton, 1857; Sylvester Fuller, 1868;
Christian H. Moorman, 1857; David C. Hunter, 1854; Isaac N. Dodge, 1876;
Crafton J. Beydler, 1856. Section 35, Mathew D. Russell, 1854; Jacob
Waggoner, 1856; William J. Smith, John Hervey, 1857; A. F. Ingram, 1870.
Section 36, David Frantz, 1856; Benjamin W. Addleman, William J. Smith,
Page 378
James R. Wood, Bartlett Coniers, 1866; James Prickett, George S. Amos,
William Sanger, 1857; William Sensenderfer, 1870. Section 12, Alexander H.
Henderson, William L. Felix, 1857; State of Missouri, 1842. Section 13,
Alexander H. Henderson, 1857; State of Missouri, 1842. Section 24, John G.
Monly, 1854; John A. R. Brim, Robert Richardson, Joseph Allen, John M.
Richardson, Elijah Long, 1856. Section 25, Ferdinand C. Jones, 1855;
Polimico L. Stacy, State of Missouri, 1854; John A. R. Brim, Jesse F.
Steward, 1856, Joseph Allen, 1858. Section 36, Henry Darlington, 1857; State
of Missouri, 1857; David H. Wilson, 1869; Thomas Y. Boston, William Rorick,
Charles H. Robinson, 1857; Seaton Ready, 1855; Rowley A. Williams, 1858.
Township 35, Range 25.—Section 1, Andrew L. George, 1854; James Hendricks,
1877; Griffin G. Hall, 1850; Alfred Hall, 1872; Margaret Jane and William L.
Snyder, 1872. Section 2, Heirs of J. Marlow, 1875; Charles Hopper, 1856;
Hugh Hall, 1858; John Owen, David Allen, 1872; Hartwell Pace, 1855; William
Allen, 1874. Section 3, J. McClure, 1876; Robert Meadows, James A. Pace,
1859; John Green, Hartwell Pace, Andrew J. Culbertson, 1853; Washington
Whitlow, 1850; Morris Holt. Section 4, John E. Vinson, C. C. Bristow, 1860;
Andy Culbertson, 1855; Hartwell, 1856; Matthew Francis, 1856; Agricultural
College, Austin Sheeks. Section 5, John E. Francis, 1860; Joseph Francis,
1853; Joseph E. Bristow, 1858; Edward Bristow, 1852; Angeline Molder, 1857;
Hezekiah Thompson, 1860; John C. Bristow, 1857; Alexander Burchett, 1874;
James N. Rennison, 1856. Section 6, Agricultural College, D. H. Reading,
1877; Green L. Powell, 1853; Charles H. Fleeman, 1870; William Smith, 1855.
Section 7, Jesse Hicks, 1856—57; William Bristow, 1856; Thomas B. Hopkins,
1872; William Kidder, Solomon G. Human, 1856; William Snell, 1868; James G.
Davidson, 1853; Nancy P. Human, 1872. Section 8, Agricultural College, Nancy
Smith, 1872; John Francis, 1853; John Achenhurst, 1852 and 1857; J. W.
Ledgerwood, 1870; Jesse Hicks, 1856. Section 9, Agricultural College, Mary
Smith, 1872; Austin Sheeks, 1878; John E. Francis, 1857; Jane Ledgerwood,
1877. Section 10, James T. Hopper, 1859; Celia Childers, 1854
Page 379
and 1858; James M. Hosey, 1857; Agricultural College, Oscar F. Tapp, 1858;
M. Holt, William K. Tapp, 1858; N. E. Bradburn, 1868. Section 11,
Agricultural College, Lawson Y. Weir, 1850; Harden Smith, 1858; John H.
Smith, James Childers, 1858; Henry Ames, John D. Crank, 1854. Section 12,
Lucy Owen, 1875; Lawson Y. Weir, 1850, 1857 and 1859; Philip Heron, James
Childers, 1858; James S. Hendricks, 1878; B. N. Loftin, William H. Smith,
1859. Section 13, William F. Rodgers, 1847, 1852; William Lenor, 1857; James
D. Huston, 1853; Lawson Y. Weir, 1854, 1857; John Weir, 1847; John W.
Whitfield, 1857. Section 14, John W. Whitfield, 1857; Lawson Y. Weir, 1852;
James Childers, 1853; John S. Nevins, 1857. Section 15, Samuel W. Wood,
1858; William Flint, 1854; James Hosey, 1856; David S. Thurston, 1857.
Section 16, State of Missouri. Section 17, Denton Ackren, 1865; Isaac N.
Bradshaw, 1860; Johnson Thompson, 1858, 1860; Isaac Bradshaw, 1853; James G.
Davidson, 1866. Section 18, Henry Clapper, 1858; H. A. Young, 1877; John D.
Simrell, 1878. Section 19, John H. Robinson, Henry Clapper, 1858; J. H.
Anderson, 1866; Agricultural College. Section 20, Levi Bickle, 1858, William
S. Spear, 1859. Section 21, Thomas D. Hall, 1858; Denton Acrea, 1856, 1858;
Oscar F. Tapp, 1858; John Burchett, 1864; Levi Bickle, 1857; William C.
Wood, 1858. Section 22, Solomon G. Crank, 1837; Elbert A. Strawhorn,
Granville S. Burkett, 1859; Agricultural College, R. E. Condon, 1870; John
Reid. Section 23, Thomas Crank, 1855; Charles Hopper, 1860; Lawson Y. Weir,
John S. Nevins, 1857; Solomon G. Crank, 1858; Robert E. Garrison, 1874.
Section 24, George W. Norman, 1855; 1857; M. E. Garrison, 1874; George C.
Yoast, 1852; Burrett Eccleston, 1847; Hiram A. Woodman, 1858; John N.
Gordon, 1856; John H. Molder, 1877; Thomas Crank, 1856. Section 25, John
Cox, 1851; Josiah C. Culbertson, 1854; Thomas Frazier, 1857; David Molder,
1851, 1853; M. E. Garrison, 1874; James M. Noland, Elliott Bland, Enos R.
Cooper, 1858. Section 26, Baldwin McCarty, 1853; James Black, 1856; Jackson
Hopper, 1854; Elliott Bland, 1858; Samuel F. Hall, 1858; Lawson Y. Weir,
1854; Thomas D. Hall, Jr., 1857; Robert E. Garrison, 1874; Edwin B.
Humphrey, 1859; Abraham H. Snyder, 1858; Samuel R. Oaks, 1853. Section 27,
Page 380
Abraham H. Snyder, 1858; Harbound H. Crawford, 1855, 1858; Jackson Hopper,
1856; William R. Williams, 1858; J. F. Hopper, 1866; John Bayless, 1859;
Nathan Keller, 1856; William L. Acrea, 1855; W. F. Ewers. Section 28,
William R. Martin, 1855, 1858; James Dudley, 1856; McDaniel Taylor, 1856;
Alfred Hingle, 1875; John H. Hall, 1856; Thomas D. Hall, 1858; William C.
Wood, 1860; Oscar F. Tapp, 1855, 1858; Josiah L. Morton, 1856. Section 29,
Joseph Spear, 1859; William E. Harl, 1869; John Pritchard, 1857. Section 30,
Asa Sackett, 1856; John Pritchard, 1857; Alexander Simrell, Albertin Miller,
1858; John D. Lamsel, 1859; Jacob A. Mayfield. Section 31, Nancy W. Coulter,
Henry Cloppard, Samuel Graves, 1857; Thomas K. Young, 1855; Asa Sackett,
1856; Pleasant M. Coulter, 1854. Section 32, H. Clagdrick, William L. King,
1857; Jacob Sherrill, 1858; Wayne H. Gardner, Oliver McCarty, 1856;
Agricultural College. Section 33, G. W. Clayton, Amos Richardson, 1857;
Richard B. Harber, 1856, 1858; McDaniel Taylor, 1859; L. M. Martin, 1870;
George King, 1857. Section 34, Matthias Williams, 1834; Albert Martin, 1858;
Elizabeth, Nathan and Calvin Raines, 1854; Samuel A. Hansard, 1853; Robert
Draper, 1857; John H. Hall, 1855; Denton Acrea, 1858; John W. Hansard, 1857.
Section 35, Jacob Vann, 1853; William B. Martin, 1854; Larkin Williams,
1852; Jackson Hopper, Lemuel R. Oakes, Thomas D. Hall, 1853; William T.
Rogers, 1852; James Frazier, 1845; William Oakes, 1856; William R. Martin,
1855; Matthias Williams, 1854. Section 36, Jacob Dixon, 1849, 1857; Lawrence
Rains, 1851; Elias Davison, 1855; Samuel Garrison, 1856, 1858; Joel Abbott,
1872; Matthias Williams, 1838, 1857; Robert Clark.
Township 35, Range 26.—Section 1, William Snell, 1853; John J. Ogle, 1849;
Sylvester Dudley, 1870; State of Missouri, 1856; John M. Barding, 1856;
Henry Montgomery, 1841; Rookins R. Moore, 1854; Peter B. McKay, 1859; James
Barford, 1855; Jefferson L. Summers, 1841. Section 3, State of Missouri;
Rookins R. Moore, 1857; James Burford, 1855; Peter B. McKay, 1853; Benjamin
T. Burford, 1851; Andrew G. Capps, 1857. Section 4, James Burford, 1858;
William Clifton, 1858;
Page 381
Leonard Wintermole, 1839; Samuel Clifton, 1855; Burras Ahart, 1851; Samuel
W. Horn, 1857; Ainze Keeley, 1851. Section 5, William Wolf, 1839; Samuel W.
Horn, 1854; Samuel Clifton, 1855; Samuel Caplinger, 1853; Thomas J.
Caplinger, 1851; State of Missouri, 1854; Henry Palmer, 1841. Section 6,
Benjamin F. Capps, 1866; Samuel W. Horn, 1858; State of Missouri, 1854;
Charles Miller, 1857; Albert Camp, 1870; Obediah B. Griffin, 1859. Section
7, John B. Powell, 1858; Benjamin F. Capps, 1866; James Rutledge, James B.
Harris, 1857. Section 8, John L. Hensley, 1848, 1859; State of Missouri,
1854; N. J. Davis, James L. Berger, 1843; Samuel W. Horn, 1855; Green D.
Powell, 1853; Linsey Bowman, 1839. Section 9, James Cawthon, 1855; Abraham
Berger, 1839; Ainze Keeley, 1855; William Hawthorn, 1856; State of Missouri,
1854; James J. Jones, 1840. Section 10, Samuel Simrell, 1856; Samuel K.
Francis, Aranson A. Capps, 1857; Preston W. Burford, James Cawthon, 1859;
James Simrell, 1849. Section 11, Agricultural College, Thomas P. Moore,
Samuel K. Francis, 1857; George H. Richardson, 1870; David O. Folly, 1856;
John E. Francis, 1855. Section 12, Wiley Hicks, 1859; W. H. Thompson, 1870;
Jesse Hicks, 1848; S. F. Ralston, 1874; Thomas P. Moore, 1857; Rookins R.
Moore, 1885; Nelson M. Jones, 1855. Section 13, Clayton B. Holt, 1870;
Littleberry Davis, 1858; James G. Human, 1858; William H. Thompson, 1870;
George W. Oakes, 1857; M. S. Parish, 1875; John B. Hosey, 1858; James W.
Childress, 1859. Section 14, George W. Oakes, Francis W. Caplinger, 1857;
Sherman J. Caplinger, 1850; John E. McCormick, 1860. Section 15, David Hance,
State of Missouri, 1851; Jacob Hafft, 1858; Lawson H. Draper, 1840; George
E. McCormick, 1860; Allen Sarrell, 1852; James Simrell, 1840; Daniel Hance,
Hexekiah Harryman, 1839. Section 16, State of Missouri. Section 17, John M.
Barding, 1857; Abram C. Parish, 1858; George C. Light, 1859; John L.
Hensley, 1855; N. J. Davis. Section 18, Green D. Powell, 1853; Philip H.
Worley, 1857; George W. Oakes, 1855; Henry L. Davis, 1839; James B. Harris,
1857; George Neece, 1841. Section 19, Andrew J. Capps, 1855; David Hopper,
1857; Green D. Powell, 1852; George W. Oakes, 1850; Mary R. Lutleff, 1857;
James G. Hop-
Page 382
kins, 1856; William Gwyn, 1854. Section 20, Sampson A. Capps, 1855; William
Snell, 1851; Isaac W. Mayers, 1853; John Stewart, 1858; Green D. Powell,
1853; Sarah Maracle, 1848. Section 21, State of Missouri, 1854; David Welch,
1839; Abram C. Parish, 1857; William Mitchell, 1858; James H. Caplinger,
1856; Thomas Gilpin, 1870; Francis M. Caplinger, 1858; Thomas A. Caplinger,
1857. Section 22, Abraham Peyton, 1855; State of Missouri, 1854; John Welch,
1839; Henry Stutsman, 1858; Lawson H. Draper, 1839; Aaron Whitney, 1842;
Hezekiah Harryman, William Welch, David Welch, 1839; James W. Caplinger,
1855. Section 23, Michael Hornbeck, 1857; Henry Sortore, 1855; Asa H.
Kennedy, 1856; Peter Draper, 1858; Daniel Hance, Gardner F. McKenzie, 1857;
Joseph Kinney, John B. Hosey, 1858; William Stubblefield, 1855. Section 24,
Albertus Miller, 1859; David Allen, 1869; J. H. Anderson, 1866; Agricultural
College, Alfred Fishburn, 1857. Section 25, John D. Samsell, 1857; Francis
Seals, 1853; Lewis Y. Tackett, 1855; Albertus Miller, 1858; Allen B.
Kennedy, 1855; James Pinkman, 1880; James Caudell, 1853. Section 26, Allen
B. Kennedy, 1853; Thomas K. Young, 1854; Madison Spencer, 1853; Edmund Word,
1852; Asa H. Kennedy, Samuel Hornbeck, 1853; John B. Hosey, 1856; Jesse
Hicks, Michael Hornbeck, 1855. Section 27, James Hornbeck, 1839; John B.
Hosey, 1858; State of Missouri, 1850; Samuel Caplinger, 1848; John J.
Turpin, 1852. Section 28, James W. Caplinger, 1856; William Snell, Robert
Williams, 1841; Andrew Masters, 1859; Samuel Caplinger, 1854; James and
Thomas Caplinger, Abraham Peyton’s heirs, 1858; State of Missouri, 1857;
William Slackhouse, 1870. Section 29, Michael Hoffman, George Babcock, David
Hooper, 1857; Sampson A. Capps, George Neece, 1855; James Parker, 1866.
Section 30, George Neece, 1849; Edwin M. Purcells, David Hooper, 1857;
William Cook, 1840; William R. Powell, 1850; Nelson B. Eaves, 1869. Section
31, Frank J. Folsom, Samuel Hutchinson, Edwin M. Purcells, 1857; Martin H.
Haywood, Thomas Cook, 1855; Sarah C. Riggle, 1858. Section 32, Robert M.
Kent, James Parker, Michael Wilson, George Neece, Frank J. Folsom, 1857;
Martin H. Haywood, 1855. Section 33, James Parker, 1853; William Parker,
1839; James Allison, 1858;
Page 383
Robert M. Kent, 1857; Nathan Parker, 1847; Samuel Caplinger, 1854. Section
34, Charles Mann, 1853; Mason Crabtree, 1839; Christopher P. Tackett, 1853;
Michael Hornbeck, 1855; Nathan Parker, 1838. Section 35, Josiah Wilcox, Asa
H. Kennedy, 1853; Allen B. Kennedy, 1857; Madison Spencer, Christopher P.
Tackett, 1851; Thomas K. Young, Michael Hornbeck, 1855; Jesse Spencer,
Nelson Jones, 1854; Baldwin McCarthy, 1855; Benjamin Spencer, 1849; Samuel
Hornbeck, 1848. Section 36, Pleasant M. Coulter, 1854; Oliver McCarty, 1854;
Samuel Hornbeck, 1859; Samuel Graves, Michael Hornbeck, Allen B. Kennedy,
1857; Philip Easp, 1853; John Young, 1852.
Township 25, Range 27.—Section 1, Albert Holt, 1858; M. R. Cannon, 1857;
William F. Hatcher, 1859; Anthony Kissinger, 1858; George B. Bledsoe, 1854;
John M. Harvey, 1857; James C. Preston, 1855. Section 2, Bergis Davis, 1853;
William C. Neeley, 1858; James C. Preston, 1855; State of Missouri, 1854;
William Ainsworth, 1839; John M. Smith, Littleberry Davis, 1853; Obadiah
Smith, 1853. Section 3, State of Missouri, 1854; Obadiah Smith, Littleberry
Davis, 1853. Section 4, State of Missouri, 1854; Martin Harvey, 1858; John
Morton, 1849; William Sensenderfer, 1871; Littleberry Davis, 1857; Thomas W.
Smith, 1853. Section 5, Thomas W. Smith, 1857; Benjamin S. Smith, 1856;
Daniel Dale, 1839; John B. Finley, 1859; Jeremiah Hammontree, 1858; James W.
Prowell, Anderson Morton, 1856. Section 6, Anderson Morton, 1839; William W.
Wiley, 1857; Jeremiah Hammontree, John Sherman, William Y. Wiley, 1858;
Samuel Clifton, 1852; James W. Provier, 1856; George W. McGuire, 1859.
Section 7, William L. Gordon, 1839; Thomas E. Smith, 1853; Benjamin Kidd,
1857; William Y. Wiley, 1857; James Queenstreet, 1856; William Y. Wiley,
1857; James Herring, 1858; Samuel M. Sutliff, 1857. Section 8, Elijah G.
Penn, 1858; State of Missouri, 1854; Alexander Peak, Mitchell E. Gash, 1839.
Section 9, Daniel Dale, 1839; John Morton, 1840; Billingsly Roberts, 1853;
Samuel L. Smith, 1856; State of Missouri, 1857, 1869; James C. Sims, 1858;
William H. Casey, 1884. Section 10, Obadiah Smith, 1839; Benjamin Smith,
1853; John T. Strickland, 1854; State of Missouri, 1857. Section 11, Adam
Eslinger, 1846; William
Page 384
Ainsworth, 1839; William R. Hackleman, John T. Strickland, William C. Neeley,
1855; Edward Conway, 1857; Samuel Merrill, Thomas Y. Evans, 1858; Asa
Strain, 1859; State of Missouri, 1854. Section 12 William Ainsworth, 1839;
William R. Hackleman, 1854; Noah M. Douglass, 1855; Thomas Y. Evans, State
of Missouri, 1857; Nancy Capps, 1858. Section 13, James Gordon, 1839; State
of Missouri, 1854; Alexander M. Johnston, 1853; Thomas Y. Evans, 1855;
George W. Oakes, Alfred C. Powell, 1858; Francis M. Williams, 1860. Section
14, Robert Williams, John G. Williams, 1839; Thomas L. Hackleman, 1853;
State of Missouri, 1854; Samuel L. Smith, 1857. Section 16, State of
Missouri. Section 17, Mitchell E. Gash, 1839; Charles H. Collins, James T.
Nichols, James Sallee, Bartholomew Ward, Patrick Murrin, 1858; Alexander
Eason, 1859. Section 18, Josiah V. Edwards, James McDowell, 1840; James
Curry, 1853; State of Missouri, Benjamin Wyatt, 1854; Jesse J. Murray, 1858.
Section 19, Josiah V. Edwards, 1840; Benjamin Wyatt, 1854; Benjamin C.
Vandervoort, 1851; Timothy Moshier, James T. Francis, Charles Ward, 1857;
William DeShan, 1868. Section 20, Conrad Dell, Benjamin C. Vandervoort,
James Phillips, William E. Bray, 1857; Charles H. Collins, 1858; William
DeShan, 1868. Section 21, James McDowell, Andrew McDowell, Stephen R.
Wright, 1839; William P. Morgan, 1856; John Fisher, Samuel S. Carroll, 1857;
Section 22, Ezra Hamor, 1839; John B. Gordon, 1849; Enoch McCarty, 1853;
John Fisher, 1857; James McDowell, 1839. Section 23, Ezra Hamor, 1839;
Nicholas Keller, 1842; Enoch McCarty, 1853; State of Missouri, 1854; Alfred
Keller, 1855; Francis M. Williams, 1856; Robert Williams, 1857. Section 24,
Robert Williams, 1839; William L. Gordon, 1839; William Guinn, 1845, 1854,
1858; Joseph G. Hopkins, 1856; Mary R. Sutliff, State of Missouri, 1857;
William Daniels, 1858. Section 25, William Cook, 1840; Thomas N. Cook, 1852;
Dolly L. Powell, 1854; Barbara Powell, 1857; William R. Powell, 1855, 1858;
William Guinn, William Daniels, Dorcas Lyttle, 1858. Section 26, William C.
Powell, Campbell English, 1839; Green
Page 385
D. Powell, Daniel Keller, 1853; Thomas Cook, 1855; Jonathan C. McCarty,
1856; George W. Oakes, 1857; Dorcas Lyttle, 1858; William Quinn, 1860.
Section 27, James McDowell, 1839; Christopher J. Lamberton, 1845; State of
Missouri, 1850; Conrad Dell, 1857; Green D. Powell, 1858, 1860. Section 28,
Andrew McDowell, James McDowell, 1839; Homer F. Sutliff, Samuel S. Carroll,
Conrad Dell, Daniel M. Turney, 1857. Section 29, Daniel M. Turney, George
Sallee, Jahn A. Torbett, State of Missouri, 1857; Robert M. Williams, 1858.
Section 30, William M. Ater, 1855; Samuel Medlar, Joseph W. Penn, John A.
Torbett, Timothy Moshier, Charles Ward, Robert Noble, 1857. Section 31, John
Hopton, 1840; Robert Noble, 1854; Samuel Medlar, State of Missouri, 1857;
Daniel Ward, 1858. Section 32, John Hopton, 1840; James Smith, 1837; Calvin
Y. Stamps, 1853, 1857; State of Missouri, 1854, 1857; George Sallee, 1857,
1858. William M. Ator, 1855; Harrison J. Robinson, 1858. Section 33,
Christopher J. Lamberton, 1839; James Smith, 1841; State of Missouri, 1854,
1857; Michael P. Page, 1858; Abram Sallee, 1857, 1858. Section 34,
Christopher J. Lamberton, 1839; Green D. Powell, 1853, 1860; Wesley Howe,
1856; Robert Williams, 1858; Susan S. Dills, 1859; Joel T. Walker, 1867.
Section 35, Jacob Lawrence, John Long, William C. Powell, 1839; Green D.
Powell, 1853; Jonas Hodges, 1859; Alfred C. Powell, 1858. Thomas Cawer,
1860, 1866. Section 36, Christopher J. Lamberton, 1844; William Pankey,
1857; Alfred Branham, John J. Sanborn, 1858.
Township 35, Range28.—Section 1, William C. Rentfrow, 1853; Nelson Sinnet,
1857; Eunice Bonnell, 1858; State of Missouri, 1854. Section 2, State of
Missouri, 1854; David Welch, Elijah J. Walker, 1857. Section 3, State of
Missouri, Joseph Burns, James Winter, 1857; Asa C. Marvin, 1859. Section 4,
William Bradden, William H. Jewell, Joseph Burns, 1857; Allison D. Poer,
1854; State of Missouri, 1850. Section 5, Daniel Smoot, Malajah Edwards,
Samuel Conant, Richard T. O’Neal, 1857; George M. O’Neal, 1858. Section 6,
Claiborne C. L. O’Neal, Henry Conant, William P. O’Neal, 1857. Section 7,
John G. Miller, William C. Rentfrow, Samuel A. Holbrook, Ephraim Nute, 1857;
Asa C. Marvin, 1858. Section 8, State of
Page 386
Missouri, Samuel A. Holbrook, 1857. Section 9, State of Missouri, William
Ingram, 1857. Section 10, William Seets, 1855; Samuel A. Holbrook, William
Hunt, Alexander C. Stewart, 1857. Section 11, John H. Packett, 1858; Joseph
W. Irvin, William Hunt, 1857; William Seets, 1855; James McCloud, 1858.
Section 12, John Hollingsworth, 1853; John Hughes, 1857; Lindsey Connor,
1857; Asa C. Marvin, Josiah C. Pickett, 1858; Hezekiah B. Fowler, 1859.
Section 13, James McDowell, 1839; Oliver P. Gash, 1839; State of Missouri,
1854; William H. McDougall, 1859; Samuel Wyatt, 1857; Reuben Gash, 1853.
Section 14, Reuben J. Gash, 1839; State of Missouri, 1854; Polly Gash, 1855;
Nancy Pickett, William H. English, 1858; Josiah C. Pickett, William Seitz,
1857. Section 15, State of Missouri, Joseph Wallace, Nathaniel H. Lacy,
William H. English, 1857; Joseph H. Bradley, 1858; Charles G. Comstock,
1872. Section 16, State of Missouri. Section 17, State of Missouri. Section
18, Abner Grinstead, Thomas D. Ransom, James Willis, 1857; William L.
Stokes, Bainbridge H. Bradshaw, 1856. Section 19, Elias G. Milton, Josephus
Madden, Horace B. Westenhauer, 1858; Joshua Howell, Thomas B. Ransom, 1857;
John B. Fox, 1859. Section 20, Calloway Melton, Barnd Tucker, 1855;
Zachariah Burriss, 1856; William E. Swearingen, State of Missouri, 1857.
Section 21, William S. Helm, Asa C. Marvin, 1857; Joseph Wallace, 1858.
section 22, William Keran, Luther D. Waterman, Mary A. P. Maddox, Joseph
Wallace, 1857; Calloway Melton, 1855; State of Missouri, 1850; Joseph H.
Bradley, 1858; John Begley, 1856. Section 23, James O’Toole, State of
Missouri, Nathan H. Lacy, Augustus F. Unger, Alexander C. Stewart, 1857;
John Morgan, Samuel B. Ruark, 1858; Edward Moore, 1868. Section 24,
Alexander McWilliams, 1839; Charles Ward, William H. Dougall, John Morgan,
James O’Toole, 1857; Samuel B. Ruark, 1858. Section 25, Alexander
McWilliams, 1839; Patrick and John Morgan, 1853; Miles C. Drake, John
Morgan, James Rennick, 1857. Section 26, Nathan H. Lacy, 1855; Augustus
Unger, James O’Toole, John Morgan, William Keran, Charles W. Hunt, 1857.
Section 27, Nathan H. Lacy, William Keran, Thomas A. Anderson, William P.
McElroy, Andrew T. Woodruff, 1857; Elijah Barnes, John Begley 1858. Section
Page 387
Andrew T. Woodruff, William P. McElroy, Asa C. Marvin, 1857. Section 29,
State of Missouri. Section 30, Squire Holman, 1856; Jonathan Gaddis, Joseph
B. Gaddis, James K. Thomas, 1857; Henry Scott, 1858. Section 31, Manuel
Collins, Lewis H. Phillips, Bartlett R. Congress, William W. Corlew, 1857.
Section 32, Calvin P. Love, 1856; Andrew J. Bell, William H. English, Lewis
H. Phillips, 1857; John Collins, 1858. Section 33, Robert Warmick, Patrick
Hallerman, John H. McLeland, Asa C. Marvin, Andrew J. Bell, 1857. Section
34, John Minton, Francis Divers, 1857; Elijah G. Penn, James McCloud,
Alpheus Hendricks, 1858. Section 35, William Hendricks. Section 36, Samuel
Medlar, James Hickey, Daniel Ward, John Wash, James Rennick, 1857.
Township 36, Range 26.—Section 17, William Denson, John Denson, 1844;
William R. Howard, 1855; Andrew J. Nichols, State of Missouri, Henry C.
Kerr, 1857. Section 18, Francis Yeast, 1838; John Bland, 1849; Daniel Bland,
1848; Benjamin Stevens, 1858. Section 19, Benjamin F. Skinner, 1857; Erastus
C. Sharp, Philip A. Moore, 1858. Section 20, William Denson, 1838; Henry
Alexander, 1840; Alexander Ward, 1848; Stephen Hodgin, 1853; Thomas Elsinger,
1855; Jacob Dale 1858. Section 29, James Richardson, John P. Campbell, 1839;
Stephen Hodgin, 1853; State of Missouri, 1854; Thomas S. Hackleman, William
H. Bland, 1856; Jacob Roe, 1857; George McCoy, 1858. Section 30, John P.
Campbell, Charles A. Haden and John Bullard, 1839; George Leslie, Daniel
Bland, Samuel G. Leslie, 1854; Twinan Turner, 1857; Cornelius M. Leslie,
1856; George McCoy, 1858. Section 31, Eli Roberts, 1838; Jesse Bullard,
1839; Nancy Casey, Benjamin Reed, 1853; Daniel Bland, Pleasant H. Irwin,
1855; Julia L. Shubrick, John Strain, 1857. Section 32, John P. Campbell and
Charles A. Haden, Andrew J. Snodgrass, William Wolfe, 1839; John Snell,
Edmund Wood, 1851; Jacob W. Roe, 1855; E. Cowan, 1866.
Township 36, Range 27.—Section 13, Henry Cox, 1855; John W. Bland, William
Rice, 1857; Erastus C. Sharp, Philip A. Moore, 1858; David Moore, 1859;
Henry C. Nitchy, 1869. Section 14, William Rice, 1853; John Cox, 1848;
Alexander McWilliams, 1852; Washington Moreland, Margaret Irwin, Alex-
Page 388
ander W. Bothwell, Salmon Sharp, 1857; Thomas Eslinger, 1856. Section 15,
Andrew Hutchinson, 1842; Anderson Morton, 1854; State of Missouri, Alexander
W. Bothwell, 1857; William M. Bland, 1858. Section 16, State of Missouri.
Section 17, State of Missouri, 1842; John Burton, 1851; James Love, Philip
Love, 1854; Amos Beck, 1856; State of Missouri, Lucinda Morris, 1857.
Section 18, James Love, 1854; Robert G. Crockett, Amos Beck, 1856; Henry B.
Brown, 1858. Section 19, Joseph J. Etheridge, Amos Beck, 1856; William F.
Gault, 1857; Henry Falkerth, 1858. Section 20, John H. McCoy, Jonathan R.
Godfrey, 1856; State of Missouri, James R. Barrick, 1857; James Love, Henry
Falkerth, 1858. Section 21, John W. Hawkins, 1856; John R. Jarrett, 1857;
Randolph Hopkins, 1858; James M. Belcher, 1859; John Ogden, 1860; Section
22, Stephen F. May, 1839; Thomas Eslinger, 1839, 1856; Robert H. May, 1840;
Adam Eslinger, Anderson Morton, 1857; Hezekiah Harryman, 1858. Section 23,
David Goss, 1848; Hezekiah Harryman, 1853; George R. Sellers, Cornelius M.
Lessly, Samuel G. Lessly, 1857; John T. Campbell, 1875; Hubbard Holt, 1872.
Section 24, John H. Dice, 1849; John Cox, 1852; William S. Granfell, Samuel
G. Lessly, Cornelius M. Lessly, Twyman Turner, 1857. Section 25, Stephen
Hodgin, 1839; George Lessly , 1849; Thomas Casey, 1852, 1853; George Casey,
1853; Thomas Loy, Cyrus H. Young, 1857. Section 26, George Lessly, 1849;
Zimri T. Smith, 1852; Henry F. Fisher, 1854; Cyrus H. Young, Theodore Pemyea,
John A. Snyder, William B. Lessly, Blackman H. Bird, 1857; Thomas Casey,
1853. Section 27, David Goss, 1848; Martha Eslinger, Adam Eslinger, Theodore
Pemyea, William B. Lessly, 1857; Joseph Stark, 1856, 1857; John H. Snyder,
1854; William Owing, 1858. Section 28, State of Missouri, 1854, 1857; Robert
Barnes, 1855, 1856; Amos Beck, John R. Jarrett, John R. Moffett, 1857;
Philip Shrewsbury, 1858. Section 29, John Manfull, State of Missouri, 1857;
George W. Day, David McCoy, 1858; Melissa Ogden, 1859. Section 30, Josephine
Thompson, John Boyer, William F. Gault, 1857; Benjamin F., William M., James
P., Thomas B. and Susan Fewell, 1857; William M. Lawson, 1858. Section 31,
John B. Finley, Theodore Taylor, Franklin Hinkle, Henry Car-
Page 389
roll, 1859. Section 32, Hiram Davis, Franklin Hinkle, Theodore Taylor, John
B. Finlay, 1857; John W. Hawkins, 1858. Section 33, Edwin Woods, 1842;
Robert Barnes, 1855; Hiram Davis, Burgess Davis, State of Missouri, 1857;
William Pence, 1858. Section 34, Frederick Goss, 1840; Burgess Hurt, 1855;
Pauline S. Mahan, Burgess Davis, Charles Miller, Sylvester Pence, 1857;
Larkin Stark, 1875. Section 35, Adam Eslinger, 1846; Samuel L. Smith, 1852;
Thomas Smith, Thomas J. Shaler, 1849; Thomas Eslinger, 1853; Benjamin F.
McCarty, Charles Miller, Sylvester Pence, 1857; John A. Snyder, 1856.
Section 36, William M. Ator, 1840; Pleasant H. Irwin, Thomas Casey, Thomas
Caplinger, 1853; Twyman Turner, 1854; Thomas Eslinger, 1855; State of
Missouri, 1854, 1860; William T. Eslinger, 1872.
Township 36, Range 28.---Section 13, Robert G. Crockett, 1856; William C.
Tutt, James P. Crockett, James T. Dawson, 1857. Section 14, James Vickers,
Thomas Jones, James W. Denver, Charles Pryse, 1857; John P. Vickers,
Darlington D. Fee, 1858. Section 15, Henry W. Carpenter, William L. Clement,
1857; James P. Burke, 1858. Section 16, State of Missouri. Section 17, James
W. Willingham, 1855, 1856; John Hardin, 1855; John A. Jackson, 1856;
Elizabeth McCord, Samuel G. Williams, Nellie W. Madeira, 1858; J. R.
Stewart, 1869. Section 18, Alanson Packard 1841; Eliza Parcell, 1854; James
W. Willingham, 1855, 1856; William Ryan, 1856; State of Missouri, 1857.
Section 19, James Fergus, 1843; Joseph Hardin, 1855; John Fergus, 1856;
Charles A. Calhoun, State of Missouri, Daily Dunham, 1857. Section 20,
Alfred Hardin, Samuel G. Williams, 1856; John Fergus, 1844, 1856; Francis C.
Wood, 1857; Nellie W. Madeira, 1858; J. R. Stewart, 1869. Section 21, John
A. Jackson, Chapman Taylor, 1856; Jefferson G. Harris, James W. Willingham,
1857. Section 22, Thomas Madding, 1856; Beverly C. Camp, John W. Miner,
William C. Memphis, Henry C. Lawson, 1857; James M. Hubbard, 1858. Section
23, William H. Camp, Thomas Madding, 1856; James W. Denver, 1857; Phebe
Hubbard, 1858; Simon V. Seitz, 1859. Section 24, Israel F. Beck, William E.
Tutt, James T. Dawson, Henry C. Lawson, 1857; James T., Mary W., Israel F.
and Jenerva E. Dawson, 1857; J. R. Stewart, 1869. Section 25, Ezekiel Tot-
Page 390
ten, John R. Moffett, Mary M. Dawson, 1857. Section 26, William H. Camp,
Lewis French, 1856; William P. Harrison, Samuel L. Montgomery, 1857. Section
27, James Farmer, 1855; Robert A. Keen, Green B. Adcock, William H. Camp,
Israel F. Beck, 1856; Smith Harden, Henry C. Lawson, Waldo P. Johnson, 1857.
Section 28, John M. Starr, 1856; Isaac J. Parrow, 1855; Andrew T. Woodruff,
John R. Moffett, Waldo P. Johnson, Benjamin H. Henley, 1857. Section 29,
William B. Box, John Fergus, 1844; Marlin Hardin, 1855; Alfred Hardin, David
Box, 1836; William Murray, Henry A. Bugg, John A. Jackson, Smith Harden,
State of Missouri, 1857. Section 30, Charles A. Calhoun, Thomas C. Hartshorn,
1857; Elijah G. Penn, 1858. Section 31, Charles C. and William C. Debrill,
Stephen A. Blakey, Sylvester Spillman, 1857. Section 32, Reason A. Hawkins,
1854; Smith Harden, William P. O’Neal, David T. Bonnell, Stephen A. Blakey,
1857. Section 33, Allison D. Poor, Andrew Starr, Garnett L. Noel, State of
Missouri, 1856; John B. Mays, George F. Harden, David Welch, Richard H.
O’Neal, 1857. Section 34, Henry Martin, Green B. Adcock, Andrew Starr,
Burgess Adcock, 1856; Andrew W. Murphy, 1857; Henry Martin, 1855; Green C.
Reece, Andrew W. Murphy 1857; David Welch, 1855, 1857. Section 36, Stephen
R. Brown, State of Missouri, 1854; James W. Prowell, Ezekiel Totten, 1857;
Eunice Bonnell, 1858.
Some of the names above given will be recognized as those of early settlers,
some are those of non-residents, and others of those who, though they have
come at a comparatively recent date, were pioneers in their respective
Cedar County was organized February 14, 1845, and there are a number of
persons in the county who have lived in the counties of Polk, Dade and
Cedar, successively, and at all times on the same farm.
Page 391
County Boundaries.—The boundaries of Cedar County as first established, were
as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Township 35, Range 24; thence west on
the township line dividing Townships 35 and 36, to the northwest corner of
Section 4, of Township 36, Range 26; thence north to the northwest corner of
Section 16, Township 36, Range 26; thence west to the southwest corner of
Section 7, Township 36 and Range 28; thence south upon the line dividing the
counties of St. Clair and Bates, continuing upon the line dividing Dade and
Jasper, to the southwest corner of Section 24, of Township 33, Range 29;
thence east to the west boundary of Polk County; thence north to the line
dividing the counties of Dade and Polk to the northeast corner of Dade
County; thence west one mile; thence north along the western boundary line
of Polk County to the place of beginning.
The boundaries as re-defined in 1879, are as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Township 35, Range 25 west; thence west
with the township line between Townships 35 and 36, to the northwest corner
of Section 4, of Township 35, Range 26 west; thence north with the
subdivisional lines to the northeast corner of Section 17, Township 36,
Range 26 west; thence west to. the northwest, corner of Section 18, Township
36, Range 28 west; thence south with the range line between Ranges 28 and 29
to the southwest corner of Township 35, Range 28 west; thence west with the
township line between Townships 34 and 35 to the northwest corner of Section
I, Township 34, Range 29; thence south with the subdivisional lines to the
southwest corner of Section 24, Township 33, Range 29; thence east with the
subdivisional lines to the southeast corner of Section 24, of Township 33,
Range 25 west; thence north with the range line between Ranges 24 and 25 to
the place of beginning.
May 8, 1845, the county court laid off the county into municipal townships
for civil purposes, and defined the boundaries of the several townships
Madison Township.—" It is ordered by the court that all that portion of
territory included within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the
northeast corner of Section 24, running west with said line to Big Sac
River; thence south with said river to the southeast corner of Section 24,
in Township 33; thence north to the beginning, shall be designated and known
by the name of Madison Township."
Jefferson Township.— "It is ordered by the court that all that portion of
territory of Cedar County included within the following boundaries, to wit:
Beginning at the northwest, corner of Township 35, in Range 24, thence west
to the southeast corner of Section 31, in Township 36, in Range 26; thence
north to Sac
Page 392
River; thence south with the meanderings of said river to the section line
dividing Sections 13 and 24 in Township 34; thence east with said line to
the northeast corner of Section 24, in Township 34; thence north with the
range line dividing Ranges 24 and 25, to the beginning, shall be designated
and known by the name of Jefferson Township."
Linn Township. — " It is ordered by the court that all that portion of Cedar
County included within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the
northeast corner of Section 17; thence with the county line to the northwest
corner of Section 15, in Township 36, in Range 27; thence with the county
line to Big Sac River; thence with the meanderings of said river north to
where the said river crosses the county line; thence north with the county
line to the beginning, shall be designated and known by the name of Linn
Cedar Township. — " It is ordered by the court that all that portion of
territory included within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the
northwest corner of Section 18, in Township 36; thence south to the
southwest corner of Section 31, in Township 35, in Range 28; thence east to
the section line dividing Sections 32 and 33; thence north with said line to
the county line; thence west with the county line to the beginning, shall be
designated and known by the name of Cedar Township."
Benton Township. — " It is ordered by the court that all that portion of
territory in Cedar County included within the following boundaries, to wit:
Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 24, in Township 33, in Range
29; thence east to the southeast corner of Section 19, in Township 33, in
Range 27; thence north to the base line; thence west to the county line;
thence south with said line to the beginning, shall be designated and known
by the name of Benton Township."
The record of the November term of the county court contains the following
"Now at this day a petition being presented to this court praying for a
change of the township line dividing Townships Linn and Cedar, the prayer of
said petition being granted, it is ordered by the court that the line
dividing said townships running north to go no further than Older Creek,
thence down
Page 393
History of Cedar County
Older Creek to the section line dividing Sections 3 and 10 in Township 35,
Range 27; thence east with said section line to Sac River; thence north with
the meanderings of said river to the county line, all inclusive, shall
hereafter belong to Cedar Township for civil purposes." June 16, 1846, it
was ordered that the line of Linn Township be extended two miles west,
commencing at the base line; thence south to Dade County line. At the
November term, 1847, John Hair filed a petition praying that all that
portion of Cedar County described as follows, to wit: " Beginning at the
northeast corner of Benton Township, running west to the divide between
Cedar and Horse Creek; thence with that divide to the range line dividing
Ranges 27 and 28" be added to Linn Township. The prayer was granted, and the
territory described became a part of Linn for all municipal purposes.
Washington Township.—The record of the organization of this township, at the
November term of the county court, 1854, is as follows: " Now at this day
(November 20) sundry citizens of Jefferson Township presented to the court
here a petition to divide said township, which by the court was examined and
fully understood, and said division was made as follows, viz.: All that part
of said township lying in the following bounds shall retain the name of
Jefferson: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section No. 17, in Township
No. 34, Range No. 25; thence north with said line to the north boundary of
said township; thence west one mile with said line; thence north with range
line No. 25, to the St. Clair County line; thence east to the Polk County
line; thence south with said Polk County line to the line dividing Jefferson
and Madison Townships; thence west to the place of beginning. And it is
further ordered that the remainder of said Jefferson Township compose one
municipal township, and shall be called and known by the name of Washington,
and that the place for holding elections in said township be at the dwelling
house of Asa R. Kennedy, and that the place for holding elections for
Jefferson Township, shall be at the dwelling house of Jacob Dixon, Sr."
All the municipal townships west of Sac River were thus reorganized by the
court May 25, 1855:
Page 394
Box Township.— "All that portion of territory lying within the following
boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Cedar County,
thence south on the west line of Cedar County to the northwest corner of
Township No. 34, of Range 28; thence east on the line dividing Townships
Nos. 34 and 35 to the southeast corner of Section No. 32, in Township No.
35, of Range No. 27; thence north to the north line of Cedar County; thence
west with the Cedar County line to the beginning, to be known as Box
Cedar Township.— " All that portion of territory lying in the following
boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Box Township,
thence east with the Cedar County line to Sac River; thence south in the
middle of Sac River to a point where the north line of Section No. 16, in
Township No. 35, Range No. 26, crosses said Sac River; thence west to Cedar
Creek; thence up Cedar Creek to the mouth of Horse Creek; thence up Horse
Creek to the Box Township line; thence north with the east line of Box
Township to the beginning, to be known as Cedar Township."
Benton Township.—" All that portion of territory in the following
boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of Box Township;
thence south with the Cedar County line to the southwest corner of Cedar
County; thence east with the Cedar County line to the northeast corner of
Section No. 29, Township No. 33, Range 27; thence north to the southeast
corner of Box Township; thence west with the south line of Box Township to
the beginning, to be known as Benton Township."
Linn Township.—" All that territory lying in Cedar County west of Sac River,
not included in Cedar, Box and Benton Townships, to be known as Linn
February 6, 1880, it was ordered by the county court, that from and after
that date, the municipal townships of Cedar County should be known and
bounded as follows, to correspond with the map of Cedar County drafted by
Babbs and Stoddard, and published by Reilly & Co., in 1879:
Madison Township. —" Commencing at the southeast corner of Section 24,
Township 33, Range 25; thence north along the county line to the northeast
corner of Section 24, Township 34,
Page 395
Range 26; thence west on the section lines to Sac River; thence in a
southerly direction along the main channel of said river to the county line
in Section 22, Township 33, Range 26; thence east to the place of
Linn Township,— " Commencing in the main channel of Sac River at the county
line in Section 22, Township 33, Range 26; thence in a northerly direction
along the main channel of said river, to a point where said river leaves the
subdivision line of lot 5, northeast one-fourth of Section 2, Township 34,
Range 26; thence north between the east and west halves of lots 5, 6, 7, 8
and 9, northeast one-fourth of Section 2, Township 34, Range 26, to the base
line; thence west along the base line to Cedar Creek; thence down the main
channel of Cedar Creek to the mouth of Horse Creek; thence up the main
channel of Horse Creek to where the same touches the base line; thence west
along said base line to the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 34,
Range 27; thence south along the range line to the county line at the
southwest corner of "Section 19, Township 33, Range 27; thence east along
the county line to the place of beginning."
Benton Township.— " Commencing at the county line at the southeast corner of
Section 24, Township 33, Range 28; thence north along the range line to the
base line; thence west along the said base line to the county line at the
northwest corner of Section I, Township 34, Range 29; thence south along the
county line to the southwest corner of Section 24, Township 33, Range 29;
thence east along the county line to the place of beginning."
Jefferson Township. —" Commencing at the county line, at the southeast
corner of Section 13, Township 34, Range 25; thence north along the county
line to the northeast corner of Section 13, Township 35, Range 25; thence
west one mile to the northwest corner of said Section 13; thence south one
mile to the southwest corner of said Section 13; thence west three miles to
the northwest corner of Section 21, Township 35, Range 25; thence south two
miles to the southwest corner of Section 28, Township 35, Range 25; thence
west two miles to the northwest corner of Section 31, Township 35, Range 25;
thence south to
Page 396
the Sac River; thence up the main channel of said river to a point where the
same intersects the section line between Sections 14 and 23, Township 34,
Range 26; thence east along the section lines to the place of beginning."
Washington Township.—"Commencing on the county line, at the southeast corner
of Section 12, Township 35, Range 25; thence two miles north along the
county line; thence west along the county line to the northwest corner of
Section 4, Township 35, Range 26; thence north along the county line to the
River; thence in a southerly direction up the main channel of Sac River to
where the same intersects the section line between Sections 9 and 16,
Township 35, Range 26; thence west along the section lines to the northwest
corner of Section 13, Township 35, Range 27; thence south to Cedar Creek;
thence in a southerly direction up the main channel of said creek to the
base line; thence east along the base line to the southeast corner of
Section 36, Township 35, Range 26; thence north one mile to the northeast
corner of said Section 36; thence east two miles to the southeast corner of
Section 29, Township 35, Range 25; thence north two miles to the northeast
corner of Section 20, Township 25, Range 25; thence east three miles to the
southeast corner of Section 14, Township 35, Range 25: thence north one mile
to the northwest corner of said Section 14; thence east one mile to the
place of beginning."
Cedar Township.—"Commencing at a point where Sac River crosses the section
line between Sections 19 and 16, Township 35, Range 26; thence in a
northerly direction along the main channel of Sac River to a point where the
same intersects the county line; thence north along the county line to the
northeast corner of Section 17, Township 36, Range 27; thence west along the
line to the northwest corner of Section 16, Township 36, Range 27; thence
south along the section lines to the southwest corner Section 21, Township
35, Range 27; thence east one mile to the southeast corner of said Section
21; thence south to Horse Creek; thence in a northerly direction down the
main channel of Horse Creek to Cedar Creek; thence in a northerly direction
down the main channel of Cedar Creek to where the same intersects the
section line between Sections 23 and 24
Page 397
(at the northwest corner of said Section 24); thence north along the section
lines to the northwest corner of Section 13, Township 35, Range 27; thence
east to the Sac River; thence down the main channel of said river to the
place of beginning."
Box Township.—" Commencing at the base line at the sec tion corner of
Section 33, Township 35, Range 27; thence north two miles to the northeast
corner of Section 28, Township 35, Range 27; thence west one mile to the
northwest corner of said Section 28; thence north to the county line; thence
west along the county line to the northwest corner of Section 18, Township
36, Range 28; thence south along the county line to the southwest corner of
Section 31, Township 35, Range 28; thence east along the base line to the
place of beginning.
" And it is further ordered, that all orders heretofore made in regard to
municipal townships inconsistent with this order, be, and the same are
hereby, rescinded."
The County Court.— The county court of Cedar County organized at Crow's
mill, near the mouth of Bear Creek, April 7, 1845, with Thomas Jones, James
L. Henry and Ezra Hamer as justices, who qualified before John B. Ingram,
justice of the peace. Thomas Jones was appointed president of the court;
James Cawthon, sheriff; Joseph Allen, clerk, and John E. Hartley, deputy
clerk. Thomas Smith was appointed county assessor. Tuesday, April 8, the
court met pursuant to adjournment, all three of the justices being present.
It was " ordered that Thomas Jones be allowed, out of the county treasury,
$4, for his services, two days, at the present term of court, as justice
thereof, and that a warrant issue therefor." Similar orders were made in
favor of other members and officers of the court, and an adjournment was had
" till court in course."
At the regular May term, begun and held at Crow's mill, Monday, May 6, 1845,
Ezra Hamer and James L. Henry, justices, were present, as were Sheriff
Cawthon and Clerk Allen. In the absence of the president, James L. Henry
acted as president
Page 398
pro tem. The court adjourned without the transaction of any business until
the next day, when the same justices and officers were present. The only
business seems to have been to adjourn. Monday, May 8, the court divided the
county into five townships for municipal purposes, and issued an order
naming the places for holding elections, and appointing judges of election
for each. The sum of $6 was allowed to Hiram Province for keeping a pauper
three months. At an adjourned term, held at the house of Andrew F. Cook,
Monday, June 2, 1845, the places of holding elections in Jefferson, Cedar
and Madison Townships, were re-defined, and justices of the peace were
appointed for the several townships. The following order was entered on the
record: " Ordered by the court, that all courts to be held in and for Cedar
County, shall be holden at the house of Elisha Hunter, until the permanent
seat of justice is located according to law, and suitable buildings shall be
erected at said seat of justice."
Prior to 1878 the court consisted of three county court justices, one of
whom acted as presiding officer, and the two others as associate justices.
Under an act of the Legislature providing for a uniform system of county
courts, the county court, in 1878, divided the county into two separate
districts, making the first, known as the first district, consist of the
townships of Madison, Washington, Jefferson and Cedar, and the second, known
as the second district, of the townships of Box, Benton and Linn. In 1886
the county court redistricted the county thus: Northern district,
Washington, Box, Jefferson and Cedar Townships; Southern district, Madison,
Linn and Benton Townships. The county court has now, and has always had,
jurisdiction over all county business proper, and, for such time as there
has been no separate probate court, has also had jurisdiction over all
probate business of the county.
Circuit Court. — The following is a part of the record of the first session
of the Circuit Court of Cedar County:
Be it remembered: At the house of Elisha Hunter, in the county of Cedar and
State of Missouri, the same being the temporary seat of justice and the
place appointed for holding courts in said county, on Monday the 29th day of
September, A. D. 1845, the same being the day fixed by law for the regular
sitting of the circuit court in and for said county of Cedar, came the
Honorable Foster P. Wright, judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of said
State, and judge of the said Cedar Circuit Court, and took his
Page 399
seat, and ordered James Cawthon, sheriff of said county, to open the term of
said court, which was accordingly done by proclamation at the court house
door by said sheriff in due form of law, whereupon a circuit court was
constituted and held in and for the said Cedar circuit. Present, the Hon. F.
P. Wright, circuit judge; James Cawthon, sheriff; and Joseph Allen, clerk.
The sheriff of Cedar County returned hereunto court a venire, on which was
indorsed the following panel of a grand jury, to wit: James Miller (1), who
was by the court appointed foreman; Anderson Morton (2), John B. Gordon (3),
Pitman Lindley (4), James Jackson (5), John Young (6), William Perkinson
(7), George Fleeman (8), Jacob Miller (9), James Hartley (10), Nathan Parker
(11), William Buster (12), William Brasher (13), Joseph Whitman (14), and
James Hill (15), who, being duly charged and sworn, retired to consider of
their presentments.
Elisha Hunter lived then on the John Hartman farm, two miles south of
Stockton, on the Greenfield road. In the head of a ravine east of Hartman's
house, and near where some buckeye trees now stand, on a log, sat the first
grand jury of Cedar County, and doubtless the members discharged their
duties as faithfully as those of the grand juries of to-day, who meet in the
court house.
On the following day Joseph Allen, clerk of the court, presented to the
court an appointment of John Hartley, as deputy clerk of the circuit court,
which appointment was approved by the court.
When the court was established, it was attached to the Seventh Judicial
Circuit of the State of Missouri. It is now attached to the Twenty-fifth
Judicial Circuit, composed of Cedar, St. Clair, Vernon, Dade and Barton
Aside from the war period, murders have been committed in Cedar County, but
no murderer has ever been convicted and hanged under sentence in this court;
nor has there ever been a judicial execution of the death sentence in this
R. N. Cox is clerk of the circuit court, and W. W. Younger, deputy clerk.
The Cedar County Bar.— It is to be regretted that the records of the Cedar
Circuit Court do not contain the signatures of attorneys who practiced in it
previous to 1863. There were several, however, who deserve special mention,
among them, S. M. Grant, afterward county clerk; Shadrach Chandler,
afterward probate judge; Z. B. German; Waldo P. Johnson, who was circuit
judge in the 5O's, and a United States Senator at the opening of the civil
conflict; De Witt C. Ballou, who was circuit
Page 400
judge 1854-58; Thomas Freeman, who was a member of the Senate of the
Confederacy; W. H. Otter; Littleberry Hendricks, once circuit judge in the
adjoining circuit east; Burr H. Emerson, circuit judge 1863-71; E. C. Davis;
Felix Hunton; Judge John C. Price, of Greenfield; Charles Bullock, once
clerk of the St. Clair County and Circuit Courts; and Messrs. Cahill,
Winston and Alexander McLain. The following-named practitioners have signed
the roll of attorneys since the date mentioned: 1863 — James D. Perkins;
Charles P. Bullock, Montevallo, Vernon County. 1864 — F. A. Hanford, James
H. Lay, A. W. Van Swearingen, Montevallo, Vernon County; W. J. Terrill,
Harrisonville, Cass County; Harrison J. Lindenbower, Springfield; A. N.
Julian, Springfield; J. P. Tracy, Stockton; W. Galland, Bolivar, Polk
County; John R. Cox, Springfield; James M. Jones, Springfield. 1866 — Joseph
J; Gravely, Stockton; S. A. Wight, John D. Abbe, Bolivar, Polk County; James
Masters, Stockton; R. F. Buller, Stockton; William O. Mead, Osceola, St.
Clair County. 1867 — Daniel P. Stratton, Stockton; W. D. Hoff, Stockton; W.
C. Webb, W. H. H. Waggner, L. P. Shafer, W. C. Montgomery, Stockton; J. G.
McKeighan, Henry Merrill. 1868 — H. B. Watson, Bolivar, Polk County; D. A.
De Armond, Greenfield, Dade County; John T. Wright, Stockton. 1870 — J. B.
Upton, Stockton. 1872—James T. Farris, Stockton. 1874 — W. B. Burr,
Stockton. 1875—J. J. Ducherale, Greenfield, Dade County; H. O. Girdner,
Lamar, Barton County; William T. Johnson, Osceola, St. Clair County; W. H.
Sherman, Rockville, Bates County; John B. Logan, Lamar, Barton County.
1879—James B. Gantt, Clinton, Henry County; T. H. Cameron, Greenfield, Dade
County; William R. Hudson, Humansville, Polk County. 1880— Thomas M. Brown,
Stockton; Clement Hall, Stockton; W.C. Hastin, Stockton; M.B. Loy, Stockton;
James H. Harkless, Lamar, Barton County; R.B. Robinson, Lamar, Barton
County; P.T Simmons, Springfield; T.H.B. Lawrence, Springfield; H.C,
Timmons, Stockton; M.T. January, Nevada, Vernon County. 1881 — J.E.
Stephens, Stockton; H.A. Smith, El Dorado. 1882 — C.E. Greenup, Stockton;
Robert N. Bannister, El Dorado. 1883 — O.D. Hubbell, Virgil City. 1884 — O.E.
Page, Jerico; C.A.
Page 401
Ragland, Stockton.1885 — R. W. Burr, Lamar, Barton County; W. A. Edmonston,
Mexico, Audrain County. 1887—J. B. Journey, Nevada, Vernon County. Of this
list several have been prominent in one way or another. W. J. Terrill was a
nominee for Congress in the Twelfth Congressional District. Harrison J.
Lindenbower was murdered at Springfield in consequence of a disagreement
about a business affair. J. P. Tracy, a man of ability, became a newspaper
editor. Joseph J. Gravely served in the Civil War as colonel of the Sixth
Missouri Cavalry, and was a member of Congress and Lieutenant-Governor of
Missouri. S. A. Wight was justice of the circuit court. James Masters is the
oldest resident member of the Cedar County bar. R. F. Buller represented
Cedar County in the Legislature. William O. Mead, an able real estate
lawyer, was once county attorney of Cedar County, and rose to be a circuit
judge. W. C. Montgomery became a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, and at one time was a presiding elder. D. A. De Armond became a
circuit judge in northern Missouri. J. B. Upton, once county attorney,
represented Polk County in the Legislature, and was Republican nominee for
Congress in 1888. James T. Karris was prosecuting attorney for Cedar County.
W. B. Burr was county attorney. James B. Gantt is a prominent lawyer and
Democratic politician. Thomas M. Brown was county attorney of Dallas County.
W. C. Hastin was prosecuting attorney for Cedar County. H. C. Timmons, a
lawyer of ability, became well known as a journalist, and represented Barton
County in the Legislature. O. D. Hubbell is the present prosecuting attorney
for Cedar County.
Probate Court.—The first judge of the probate court was John E. Hartley,
whose earliest official acts are recorded in 1847. At times the county court
has had jurisdiction over the probate business of the county. There was no
probate court during the Civil War. The present probate judge is Jerome N.
Gunier. A complete list of probate judges is given elsewhere.
Page 402
Judges of the County Court.—The following served during the whole or
portions of years mentioned: Thomas Jones, 1845-46; Ezra Hamer, 1845-46;
James L. Henry, 1845-46; Thomas English, 1846-50; John Edsall, 1846-48;
Garrott Philpott, 1846-50; Hezekiah Harryman, 1848-50; Thomas Smith,
1851-54; Abraham Mitchell, 1851-54; John B. Ingram, 1851-52; Joseph Allen,
1853-54; Garrott H. Philpott, 1855-58; Isaac L. Hembree, 1855-54; John S.
McConnell, 1855-58; Francis Dunnegan, 1858-61; Mastin Church, 1858-61; James
L. Henry, 1858-60; John Fergus, 1861, John E. Ross, 1862-64; Anderson
Morton, 1862-63; E. Davidson, 1863; Benjamin A. Marshall, 1864-72; Thomas S.
Hackleman, 1864; James Greenstreet, 1865-66; William H. Curl, 1865-66;
Robert Williams, 1866-68; Samuel Hornbeck, 1866-70; William Conner, 1869-74;
James Hopkins, 1871-78; John Nobles, 1873-78; S. L. Kerr, 1875-76; D. L.
Thompson, 1877-78. After establishments of two judicial districts: Presiding
judges, L. B. Prouty, 1879-82; Walter A. Cheek, 1883-86; C. W. Paynter, 1887
to present time. First District: Isham Brasher, 1879-80; N. S. Nofsinger,
1881-82; Isham Brasher, 1883-86. Second District: James M. Akard, 1879-82;
C. C. Fleeman, 1883-84; James M. Akard, 1885-86. Since redistricting: At
Large: C. W. Paynter, 1887 to present time. Northern District: Omar T. Huff,
1887 to present time. Southern District: S. M. Phelps, 1887-88; S. E.
Williams, 1879 to present time.
County Clerks. — Following are the names of the successive county clerks,
the records showing that they have served during the whole or portions of
the years designated: Joseph Allen, 1845-47; S. M. Grant, 1847-53; James M.
Frazier, 1853-59; H. B. Lindsey, 1860-61; Dennis H. Connaway, 1862-70; James
A. Cogle, 1871-74; E. C. Peters, 1875-78; G. L. Walker, 1879-86; T.J.
Travis, 1887 to present time.
County Treasurers, during all or portions of years mentioned, have been the
following: Nicholas McMinn, 1846-48; Samuel Moore, 1848; James M. Frazier,
1849-51; Washington Crabtree,
Page 403
1852; J. W. Hill, 1853-59; William M. Hill, 1860-61; William J. Hawkins,
1862; C. C. Church, 1863-67; William Hulstone, 1867-81; J. F. Rutledge,
1882-84; G. R. Corbin, 1885 to the present time.
Sheriffs.—During the whole or portions of the year designated, the following
have served as sheriffs: James Cawthon, 1845-47; John E. Hartley, 1848-52;
William Montgomery, 1853-57; John E. Hartley, 1858; M. W. Mitchell, 1858-60;
P. B. McKay, 1861; William Montgomery, 1862; Asa Strain, 1863-64; John H.
Paynter, 1864-65; L. B. Davis, 1865-67; Abram Sallee, 1868-70; Jefferson
Jackson, 1871-72; H. A. Church, 1873-76; Thomas A. Fox, 1877-78; William C.
Snyder, 1879-81; T. J. McFarland, 1882-86; James E. Pyle, 1886-88; J. W.
Legg, 1889 to present time.
Probate Judges.—J. E. Hartley, 1847; James Cole, 1848; R. P. Roberts,
1849-50; Patrick McKinney, 1851-52; Charles P. Bullock, 1853-54; Horace B.
Lindsey, 1855-59; Benjamin H. Cravens, 1860;
Z. D. German, 1861; William Hulstone, 1864-68; W. D. Hoff, 1869-72; D. M.
Wooldridge, 1873-82;
R. W. Hadon, 1883-86; Jerome N. Gunier, 1887 to present time.
Judges of Circuit Court.—Foster P. Wright, 1845-50; Waldo P. Johnson,
1851-53; DeWitt C. Ballou, 1854-58; Foster P. Wright, 1859-62; Burr H.
Emerson, 1863-71; David McGaughey, 1871; John D. Parkinson, 1872-80; Charles
G. Burton, 1881-86; Daniel P. Stratton, 1887 to present time.
Present Official List.— Representative, W. B. Lewis; judge of circuit court,
D. P. Stratton; judge of probate court, J. N. Gunier; judge of county court,
C. W. Paynter; associate judges, O. T. Huff, Sol. E. Williams; school
commissioner, Ira E. Barber; collector, W. E. Nance; sheriff, J. W. Legg;
circuit clerk, R. N. Cox; county clerk, T. J. Travis; prosecuting attorney,
O. D. Hubbell; treasurer, Geo. R. Corbin; assessor, W. Elliston; surveyor,
J. W. D. Kirkpatrick; administrator, E. W. Montgomery.
Court Houses.— May 20, 1846,
William Blake was appointed to superintend the building of a frame court
house, on lot 6,
Page 404
block 4, in Stockton, in accordance with a plan he had previously submitted
to the court. He was ordered to advertise the erection of the building to be
let to the " lowest bidder" on the first day of the appeal January term of
the court to be held on the third Monday in June, 1846. For some reason the
work was not proceeded with, and November 19, 1846, it was " ordered by the
court that the superintendent of public buildings be and is hereby
authorized to superintend the building of a court house in the town of
Lancaster (Stockton), on lot 6, block 4, said court house to be built on the
plan as reported by said superintendent to this court, and filed herein on
the 18th day of November, 1846." It was " further ordered that said
superintendent let out the said building according to law to the lowest
bidder, after giving notice of said building in the manner required by law,"
and, " that the sum of $350 be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the
building of said house, and to be paid in the following installments: $150
the first day of May, A. D., 1847, and $250 on the first day of May, A. D.,
1848." In conclusion, it was stipulated that the court house should be
completed by May 1, 1847. February 17, 1847, Cedar County bought of Samuel
Moore, lot 6, block 4, of the town plat of Lancaster, the price paid having
been $210. The frame court house thus projected was never erected, partially
on account of unavoidable difficulties, and partially for the reason that a
sentiment was gradually growing in favor of a brick building.
At the May term of the county court, 1852, the court appropriated $5,500 for
the purpose of building a court house in Fremont. At a special appeal term,
in June, 1852, the report of the superintendent was examined and approved,
and the superintendent was ordered to proceed with the letting of the
several contracts necessary to the erection of a suitable building. August
16, 1852, Benjamin H. Cravens, superintendent, reported that, in accordance
with the order of the court, he had let the contracts to Messrs. Gill, Long
& Ragan, whose bid was $5,500. The work was begun and partially completed,
and June 19, 1854, H. B. Lindsey, then superintendent of public buildings of
Cedar County, relet the contract for finishing the work to M. C. White, at
an advance of $470 over the original bid. October 19, 1855,
Page 405
Superintendent Lindsey reported the court house finished, and recommended
the payment of the amount of his contract to Mr. White, by the county court,
which accepted the building. This court house, which was a substantial
structure, standing on the foundation of the present one, was burned in
1863, by Shelby's men, who raided through that part of the State.
In May, 1867, an order was issued for the erection of a court house on the
original site on the public square in Stockton, and $10,000 was appropriated
out of the common school fund for such use. Littleberry Davis was appointed
superintendent of public buildings, and submitted a plan which was approved
by the court. The building (the one since in use) was completed in December
Jails. — The first jail in Cedar County was a log structure, which was
located not far from the present abandoned stone building. It was two
stories high, and the prisoners were admitted to the lower room through a
trap-door in the floor of the upper one. This did service until about the
time of the war. In February, 1870, R. F. Buller, William Hulstone and James
A. Coyle were appointed agents on the part of the county court, to draft
plans for a jail and report them to the court on the first Monday in March.
February 7, 1871, an order was issued for the erection of a jail on lot 1,
block 13, in Stockton, and $5,000 was appropriated for the purpose. James A.
Cogle, superintendent, submitted a plan, which the court approved. At the
November term of the county court (1871), the jail, completed, was accepted.
It was in use until a few years ago, when it was found inadequate and for
some time past, prisoners have been taken from Cedar to jails in her sister
counties. At the general election, 1888, the voters of Cedar County voted
2,058 ballots to 526 to authorize the county court to incur an indebtedness
of $5,000 to erect a new jail. It was decided to issue bonds to that amount.
April 9, 1889, Frank H. Babbs was appointed superintendent of the erection
of the jail, and May 6 the contract for its erection was awarded to the
Pauly Jail Building and Manufacturing Company, of St. Louis. So far as
possible, the material of the present stone jail will be used in the
building of the new one, which will
Page 406
be supplied with every appliance of convenience and safety. The contract
price is $4,900.
County Agricultural Society. — An association of this character was in
existence some years, and several fairs were held. The record of the
incorporation of the Cedar County Agricultural and Mechanical Society is as
follows, under date of July 19, 1870:
Now come sundry citizens and present the following petition, to wit: "To the
Honorable County Court of Cedar County: The undersigned petitioners would
state to your honors that we are freeholders and citizens of the county of
Cedar and State of Missouri; that they are desirous of organizing and
incorporating themselves for the purpose of promoting improvements in
agricultural manufactures and the raising of stock. We would, therefore,
respectfully petition that an order of your honorable court be made
declaring us incorporated for the purposes specified in section I, chapter
60, General Statutes 1865, of Missouri, and the subsequent amendments
thereto, under the name and style of the Cedar County Agricultural and
Mechanical Society. (Signed) James T. Farris, James A. Cogle, D. H. Connaway,
Abram Sallee, D. P. Tracy, W. D. Hoff, W. C. Montgomery, William Hulstone,
J. B. Harris, Daniel Cox, C. H. Mace, John M. Ashworth, James W. Osborn,
Thomas Crampton, D. P. Stratton, John Philpott, Lewis Gravely, L. B. Davis,
J. J. Montgomery, E. S. Lindsay, S. Chandler, J. R. Owens, James M. Jackson,
James Masters, J. N. Gunier, S. L. Kerr, George W. Yenger, J. H. Ackason,
William Montgomery, B. F. Pollard, A. C. Montgomery, John Hudson, R. R.
Moore, J. E. Walker, William Porter, W. C. Church, F. Dunnegan, W. C. York,
Thomas P. York, W. M. Hill, J. A. Pankey, John Noble, J. J. Gravely, A. M.
Pyle, James K. Nichols, John Nichols, William F. Orr, John W. Younger, P. G.
Rampy, A. B. Muckey, Thomas B. Graham, John A. Hembree, Fleming Owen, R. W.
Killingsworth, W. E. Conner." And the court being fully satisfied that there
are more than fifty freeholders represented on the petition, a majority of
whom reside in the county, and being fully advised in the premises, it is
hereby ordered and declared that the petitioners aforesaid be and they are
hereby incorporated for the purpose aforesaid, under the name and style of
the Cedar County Agricultural and Mechanical Society, and by that name they
and their successors shall be known in law, have perpetual succession, sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts
and actions, pleas and matters whatsoever, and shall have power to purchase,
hold and receive any quantity of land not exceeding one hundred acres, with
such buildings and improvements as may be placed thereon not exceeding in
value one hundred thousand dollars, and may convey, lease, sell and dispose
of the same, or any part thereof, for the benefit of said society, and may
do any and all the acts granted by said chapter 60, General Statutes of
Missouri of 1865, and the subsequent amendments thereto.
Poor Farm.— The poor farm of Cedar County consists of about 160 acres near
Paynterville, in Madison Township, and is provided with comfortable log and
frame buildings. It is adequate to the demands upon it, and has generally
been managed
Page 407
with ability and integrity. The present superintendent is James M. Isham.
Stockton Papers.—The first
newspaper issued in Cedar County was the Southwest Tribune, established
about the close of the war by Wells, Caffee & Co., and afterward known as
the Stockton Tribune. It changed publishers several times prior to 1876,
when it was bought by D. P. Stratton and Lewis Gravely, and merged with the
Stockton Journal, which they purchased about the same time. The Tribune was
Republican, politically, and for years was the only paper published in the
county. The Stockton Journal was established by H. L. Henry in 1869, as a
Democratic local paper, and has stanchly adhered to Democratic principles
ever since. It was published successively by Buller & Chandler, H. M.
Brandon, H. C. Timmonds and Stratton & Co., until 1887, when it was
purchased by its present proprietor, Charles R. Church. The Cedar County
Republican was first issued December 30, 1886, by W. B. Phipps, its founder
and since proprietor. As its name indicates, it is Republican in politics,
and at the same time it is a live local paper. In 1879 the Stockton
Stalwart, an anti-administration Republican paper, was started by C. M.
Wilson, and it was published by him and others with varying success for
three or four years. During the campaign of 1880, C. M. Wilson issued a
Greenback paper named the Anti-Bulldozer. A paper called the Cedar County
Republican which was in no way related, except politically, to the paper of
the same name mentioned above, was published a few months, in 1884, by W. M.
El Dorado Papers.—The El Dorado News (Republican) was issued by W. B.
Phipps, July 20, 1881. In the fall of 1882, Mr. Phipps leased the paper to
N. H. Cruce, who published it nearly a year. Meantime, June 9, 1883, Mr.
Phipps established the Weekly Cyclone. In September following he again
assumed control of the News and consolidated the two papers under the title
of the El Dorado News-Cyclone, and in December he changed its name to Uncle
Sam. Since January, 1887, Uncle Sam has been published by R.C. Phipps,
brother of
Page 408
W. B. Phipps, the latter retaining a controlling interest in it. The El
Dorado Herald (Independent) was published a few months in 1882, by N. C.
Mitchell. The first number of the El Dorado Democrat appeared September 21,
1883, under the proprietorship of N. H. and W. P. Cruce, and was succeeded
by the Tribune, now (May, 1889) in the middle of its second volume, and
published by A. W. Stearns & Co.
Jerico Papers.—- The Jerico News was established in 1882 by Col. A. M.
Crockett, from Nevada. It several times changed hands, and suspended in
1887. It was independent in politics. The Jerico Springs Optic a newsy
Democratic sheet, was established in March, 1888, by Theodore L. Kerr.
The following lines of railway
have been surveyed through Cedar County, and it is thought that some of them
will be constructed within a few years. The history of the attempt to bond
the county for railroad construction is elsewhere given. All these surveys
included Bolivar as a station: Laclede & Fort Scott Railroad; St. Louis &
Western Railroad; Sedalia, Warsaw & Southern Railroad; Jefferson City &
Southwestern Missouri Railway (a branch of the Missouri Pacific system);
Chicago, Girard & Jefferson City Railroad. The Kansas City, Rich Hill & El
Dorado Railroad is now being constructed, and, when finished, will furnish
Cedar County its first direct railway communication with the outside world.
The site of Stockton was chosen as the seat of justice of Cedar County, at
the beginning of the county's history, and, February 11, 1846, it was "
ordered by the court that the Commissioner of the permanent seat of justice
of Cedar County lay off the town of Lancaster, in said county of Cedar, in
strict compliance with the plan this day filed with and approved by said
The Public Square — Sales of Lots.— It was further ordered that " the said
commissioner lay off said town on the piece or
Page 409
parcel of land selected by said court, making the stake stuck by said court
the center of the public square." The court also directed that the
commissioner proceed to sell on the first Monday in April, 1846, on the
ground selected for the town of Lancaster, on certain terms stipulated,
certain lots mentioned by block and number at prices ranging from $25 to $50
each. May 20, the commissioner reported several sales of lots, and the court
ordered that the commissioner proceed to " lay off the residue of the town
land into lots in accordance with the plan heretofore submitted," with some
described exceptions, modifying the plan, and changing the prices of certain
classes of lots. The plan of the town was again slightly changed by an order
of the court June 15, 1846, and other orders followed regulating the sale
and prices of lots. Not long afterward the name of the town was changed to
Fremont. May 16, 1848, David Hunter filed in the county court his written
resignation as commissioner of the seat of justice, and the vacancy was
filled by the appointment of James Cole. By an order of the county court,
November 19, 1850, lots 1 and 2, in Block 47, in Fremont, were donated to
the trustees of the Fremont Academy, and their successors, for the use of
the public.
Incorporation.— Fremont was incorporated May 19, 1851, and its boundaries
were thus described:
" Beginning at Jacob Kline's house, and running so as to include it; thence
east to a ppjnt beyond Jacob Sherrill's residence; thence south so as to
include the residence of said Jacob Sherrill, and the residence of Charles
P. Bullock, bought by him of Doctor James Cole; thence south to a point
opposite the southeast corner of the town tract; thence to said corner;
thence with the south boundary of said town to the southwest corner of said
town tract; thence with the west boundary of said town tract to the
northwest corner of said tract; thence in a direct or straight line to the
place of beginning." Patrick McKinna, S. M. Grant, William Guinn, Milan B.
Coats, and William J. Coulter were appointed trustees.
The town was a second time incorporated, and, under its present name, July
28, 1868, when its boundaries were thus defined: " Beginning at the
northeast corner of the southwest fourth of the northwest quarter of Section
9, in Township 34 of Range 26;
Page 410
thence west three-fourths of a mile, to the northwest corner of the
southwest fourth of the northeast quarter of Section 8, in said township and
range; thence south three-fourths of a mile to the southwest corner of the
southwest fourth of the southeast quarter of Section 8, in said township and
range; thence east to the southwest corner of the southeast fourth of the
southwest quarter of Section 9, in said township and range; thence north to
the place of beginning." The court further ordered that " James Cogle,
William Hulstone, Alonzo V. Snell, William C. Montgomery and John Hendricks
be, and they are hereby appointed trustees of said town, and that they
constitute the board of trustees of said town, and discharge the duties and
have all the powers vested in such board of trustees by law, and continue in
office until their successors are chosen and qualified at the time and in
the manner the law directs." The former incorporation had become inoperative
during the war, and this second one proved so unpopular that only a few
annual elections were held under its municipal organization, and the latter
was permitted to 'die out for sheer want of officers to perform its vital
Merchants, Past and Present.— The first general store in Stockton was that
of Tilton & Sanders, who lived at Bolivar, Polk County, and whose interests
here were looked after by Richard Huston. They opened in 1846. Nicholas
McMinn, prominent in different ways, was among the best know early
merchants. At a later date came Sherrill & Hartley, who were succeeded by
John E. Hartley, and Frazier, Hawkins & Co., and others who were well-known
in the years immediately preceding the war. The first leading merchants
after the war were Owen & Jackson, who were succeeded by J. M. Jackson & Co.
Stores were soon after and later kept by Morehouse & Davis, Richardson & Co.
(druggists), Underwood & Co., C. H. Mace, A. V. Snell & Co. (druggists), and
others; and still later by Demaree & Hoffman, and A. H. Jagneau & Co.
(druggists). Following are the names of the present dealers in different
lines of trade: Jno. F. Rutledge, M. D. Briscoe, Sarah J. Gravely,
Wooldridge & Hartley, Frank H. Smith, Kahn & Vendig, Brown & Gilmore, E. N.
Ballenger, S. H. Davis, Chas. E. Ferguson, Horn & Corbin,
Page 411
Haden & Webb, J. M. Jackson & Co., Kerr & Hall, James L. Mitchell, J. R.
Owen & Co.
Banks.—The Cedar County Bank was organized in May, 1881, with Jeremiah R.
Owen as president, and John A. Harris as cashier. The directors were James
Harris, Jeremiah R. Owen, S. L. Smith, M. Bradley, C. W. Paynter, Jefferson
Jackson, Harden Cowan. Jefferson Jackson succeeded Jeremiah R. Owen as
president, and the latter John A. Harris as cashier. In June, 1888, the
management of the concern passed into other hands, and J. W. Osborn has
since been president, and W. B. Humphreys, cashier. The directors at this
time are J. W. Osborn, John Wasson, J. M. Akard, R. A. Brown, A. M. Horn, S.
F. Hurt, R. F. Buller. The capital is $10,000.
The Stockton Exchange Bank was organized June I, 1881, with a capital of
$15,000. The officers were J. E. Hartley, president; J. M. Jackson,
vice-president; W. B. Loy, cashier. It now has a capital of $15,000, a
surplus of $10,000, and $3,500 undivided profits. . The officers are J. E.
Hartley, president; F. H. Smith, vice-president; W. M. Hartley, cashier. The
directors are W. M. Hartley, W. L. Hartley, F. H. Smith, J. E. Hartley, T.
B. Graham.
Lodges.— Cedar Lodge No. 103, Knights, of Pythias, was organized October 21,
1885. The charter members were A. Harvey, T. T. Loy, R. W. Haden, G. L.
Walker, J. S. Street, S. G. McAchran, Samuel Vendig, H. Hall, C. E.
Ferguson, C. Hall, W. B. Humphrey, J. L. Mitchell, F. H. Babbs, A. Solomon,
C. R. Church, J. A. Barrow, T. J. McFarland, R. A. Brown, F. L. McAchran, A.
M. Horn, W. C. Hastin, R. C. Griggs. The present membership is sixty-five.
The officers are: C. E. Ferguson, C. C.; William Church, V. C.; W. R. Brown,
Prel.; M. W. Hartley, M. of Ex.; H. H, Corbin, M. of F.; Virgil L. Walker,
K. of R. and S.; Thomas Edge, I. G.; J. P. Enex, O. G.
Sac River Lodge No. 110, I. O. O. F., was re-organized January 6, 1881, by
Charles Gardner, D. D. G. M., with D. P. Stratton, Lewis Gravely, J. W.
Pruit, J. T. Farris, Samuel L. Kerr and E. A. Henderson as charter members.
The officers were: Samuel L. Kerr, N. G.; Lewis Gravely, V. G.; J. W. Pruit,
Page 412
secretary; J. T. Farris, treasurer. The present membership is forty-five.
The officers are W. B. Phipps, N. G.; J. A, Barrow, V. G.; E. A. Henderson,
treasurer; R. W. Haden, secretary. This lodge was originally organized about
eighteen years ago, and its hall and records were burned in 1880.
Austin Hubbard Post No. 194, G. A. R., is in a flourishing condition. Its
official list is as follows: Clark Hutchinson, P. C.; L. D. Stroud, S. V.
C.; Gabriel Hickman, J. V. C; H. H. Ditzler, surgeon; J. J. Davidson,
chaplain; William Ackason, Q. M.; J. S. Street, O. of the D.; George Dowel,
O. of the G.;J. J. Montgomery, adjutant; William Snodgrass, sergeant-major;
H. P. Willett, Q. M. S.; A. Younger, G.
Stockton Lodge No. 283, A. F. & A. M., was organized about 1865, with the
following charter members: W. B. Perry, G. R. Corbin, H. J. Church, S. W.
Horn, Shadrach Chandler, J. E. Hartley. The present officers are: W. A.
Ackason, W. M.; C. S. Younger.S.W.; J.W. Corbin, J.W.; G.L. Walker, S.D.; C.
E. Ferguson, J. D.; A. M. Horn, treasurer; J. L. Mitchell, secretary.
Golden Ark Chapter No. 70, R. A. C., was organized about 1871. Its charter
members were: G. R. Corbin, W. B. Perry, J. A. Cogle, H. J. Church, W. C.
Montgomery, J. M. Jackson. It is officered as follows: C. S. Younger, E. H.
P.; W. B. Perry, E. K.; J. W. Corbin, C. of H.; W. A. Ackason, P. S.; G. L.
Walker, R. A. C.; T. M. Montgomery, G. M. of 3d V.; J. L. Mitchell, G. M. of
2d V.; C. E. Ferguson, G. M. of 1st V.; M. B. Loy, secretary; G. R. Corbin,
Geographically Jerico is in the southwest corner of Benton Township, 22
miles northeast of Lamar, 16 miles east of Sheldon, 30 miles southeast of
Nevada, and 16 miles southwest of Stockton, the county seat, being thus
admirably located to derive the full benefit of trade from choice sections
of Vernon, Dade, Barton and Cedar counties.
How the Springs Became Noted.— The history of these famous springs is by no
means a small part of tradition. Long years ago the Indians visited Jerico,
and in their untutored way, endeavored
Page 413
to utilize the water's curative properties by burying themselves in the mud,
which they would also make into poultices and apply to the affected parts.
Joseph B. Carrico, who is the oldest settler in this section, relates many
instances of the cures effected by this primitive method of treatment, the
healing virtues of the springs having made such an impression upon the red
men, that what is now Jerico became their Mecca. In time, accounts of the
wonderful springs made their way east, and in 1857, Dr. Bass, of St. Louis,
visited the spot, and began a series of experiments which, in 1860, resulted
in a determination on his part to establish a hospital there. The Civil War
broke out, however, and the Doctor, having entered the service, became rich,
and consequently abandoned a scheme which would have resulted in so much
benefit to humanity.
Town Site —— Additions — Incorporation,— Mr. D. G. Stratton immigrated to
Cedar County from Illinois a few years ago. Shortly after arriving his
attention was called to the springs, and their waters suggested as a remedy
for a chronic affection from which he suffered. Skeptical at first, he
finally tried them, and was delighted when a complete cure was effected.
Having satisfied himself, by watching the experience of other invalids, that
the springs unquestionably possessed great medicinal properties, Mr.
Stratton bought the tract of ground containing them, and laid out a town
site. On the 9th day of June, 1882, the first nail was driven in Jerico.
Lots sold rapidly. In 1885 the town site was extended by the laying out of
Stratton & Bradley's east addition. In 1883 and 1884 Stratton's west
addition, Stratton's south addition and Stratton's fourth addition were laid
Jerico Springs was incorporated as a village March 5, 1883. Its boundaries
were thus defined: " Beginning at the southeast corner of the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 33, Range 28; thence
running north one-half mile to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter
of southeast quarter of Section 4; thence running west one-half mile to the
northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said
Section 4; thence south one-half mile to the southwest corner of the
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 9; thence east
one-half mile to the beginning.
Page 414
J. B. Carrico, J. P. Brasher, M. W. Mitchell, George Wallace and A. C.
Utterback were appointed the first board of trustees. The present town board
consists of R. D. Shumate, R. F. Cross, M. B. Reynolds, J. M. Grisham and
Josiah Six.
Early and Present Merchants.—The first general store here was opened by
James A. Cogle, who was succeeded by James A. Cogle & Co., and that firm, in
turn, by James A. Cogle & Sons. Another early store was opened by Hood
Shumate; still others by James Rogers & Co., Legg & Heiter and Clayton & Co.
Stratton & Lakey early opened a drug store. The following named merchants
were doing business in Jerico Springs in the early part of 1889: Robert
Cooper, J. R. Duncan, Pickett & Herman, J. H. Shumate & Co., Stratton &
Lakey, R. H. Swaim & Co., Shumate & Patterson, Wimer Bros. &. Co., J. B.
Carrico, J. H. Clayton, J. A. Cogle & Sons, Peer & Brown.
Items of History.— The name Jerico is the result of a combination of the
name of ancient Jericho with the name of Joseph B. Carrico, a former owner
of the tract of land on which the town is built. In the beginning, to induce
settlement .here, Mr. Stratton donated many lots to persons who would build
,on them. The first building on the site of the new town was the R. B. Clark
residence, which was moved from its former location on the farm of C. E.
Whitsitt, west of the town. The second was the Jerico House, since converted
into the A. Starkey, residence. These two buildings served as hotels until
others were, erected. Mr. Peer put up the United States Hotel in 1882. The
Neumann House was built in 1883. The first bath buildings were constructed
in 1883, by D. G. Stratton and M. J. Straight. The flouring mill of Hartsock
& Son was built in 1882. It has since passed to other owners. Williams &
Legg established a fruit evaporator in 1886.
"The Fountain of Youth " is the name given to the springs at Jerico by Mr.
The Hartley Banking Company was organized by J. E. Hartley in March, 1884.
It has a paid-up capital of $11,000. Its first officers were: A. M. Pyle,
president; J. P. Brasher, vice-president; John D. Porter, cashier; and the
directors, A. M, Pyle, M. B. Loy, J. P. Brasher, J. F. Baston, James Potter.
Page 415
present officers are: A. M. Pyle, president; J. B. Carrico, vice-president;
B. L. Brasher, cashier. The directors are: A. M. Pyle, J. B. Carrico, J. P.
Brasher, William Hill, Thomas Brasher.
Fraternities.—Bear Lodge No. 447, I. O. O. F., was organized February 6,
1884, by Samuel L. Kerr. Its charter members were: J. H. Shumate, R. D.
Shumate, J. B. Brasher, E. G. Ashford, J. H. Adalmeyer, J. M. Thompson,
Josiah Six, Vann Jameson. The officers were: J. H. Shumate, N. G.; J. M.
Thompson, V. G.; E. G. Ashford, secretary; J. H. Adalmeyer, treasurer. The
present noble grand is Josiah Six; the present secretary, J. H. Shumate. The
lodge has its own brick hall.
Jerico Lodge No. 340, A. F. & A. M., was organized "under dispensation on
May 1, 1884, with the following charter members: G. W. Musgrave, W. B.
Carrico, J. H. Shumate, W. R. Hall, W. L. Ragan, William Hull, C. W.
Brownlee. W. T. Shaw, T. G. Walker, W. F. Mitchell, C C. Cantrell, J. H.
Arnold, M. W. Mitchell, John Baker, Joseph Sharp, J. E. Hardman, S. P.
Collins, B. C. Bull. The organization was effected May 10, 1884, by James M.
Travis, D. D. G. M. The successive worshipful masters have been: G. W. ,
1884; W. R. Hall, 1885; W. B. Carrico, 1886; J. P. Brasher, 1887; John
Armstrong, 1888; J. P. Brasher, 1889. James A. Cogle is secretary. The lodge
owns a fine brick hall.
Captain J. H. Painter Post No. 90, G. A. R., was mustered in June, 1883, by
Captain Emery, and the following officers were elected : J. H. Adalmeyer, P.
C. ; John F. Brown, S. V. C; J. R. Deardorff, J.V.C.; John O. Welch, O. D.;
O. R. Beard, O. G.; H. B. Willman, Q. M.; James A. Cogle, Adjt.; J. McLeod,
S. M.; J. L. Schofield, Q. M. S. The charter members were: J. H. Adalmeyer,
J. R. Haines, Joseph Potts, G. M. Clark, James A. Cogle, G. W. Powell, H. B.
Willman, Alfred S. Carender, O. R. Beard, F. Ward, I. Bayles, J. R.
Deardorff, J. F. Brown, Robert Reynolds, Fred Solomon, John O. Welch, J.
McLeod, J. F. Thornton, J. L. Schofield. The officers for 1879 were: James
A. Cogle, P. C. ; John F. Brown, S. V. C. ; E. Birksy, J. V. C. ; J. C.
Grant, P. S.; O. R. Beard, O. D. ; Levi Ellis, O. G.; John W. Dodds, Q. M.;
W. O. Wood, Q. M. S.; J. R. Haines, Adjt.
Page 416
Gen. A. J. Smith Camp. No. 54, Sons of Veterans, Division of Missouri, was
mustered July 25, 1887, with the following members: A. M. Brown, Bennett
Solomon, R. O. Crawford, .W. A. Grant, Charles Watson, E. F. Thornton, J. M.
Boyel, O. H. Bayles, J. A. Crawford, William E, Grant.
The city of El Dorado Springs is situated in the northwest part of the
county. It is a growing town, with a large permanent population, which,
during the spring, summer and fall, is nearly doubled by health and pleasure
seekers who come from every State and Territory in the Union. The town is
located on a picturesque variation of wooded hills, and contains many
pleasantly planted and sightly residences. It has become the center of a
considerable trade, but it is the mineral springs here located that form the
center of attraction, and have caused a large town to be developed within a
comparatively few years.
The Springs.—For half a century the white man quenched his thirst at these
springs without knowing their real value. In 1881 Wiliiam Martin, Andrew
Womack, Judge Hightower, and others, who had tried the water of Eureka
Springs without benefit, found themselves improving in health through the
use of the waters at El Dorado. So remarkable were the cures which had been
thus effected that now it seemed evident that El Dorado Springs would in
time become a famous health resort if any attempt should be made to make it
The Town Platted.— July 20, 1881, N. H. and W. P. Cruce, who owned the land
on which the spring is located, surveyed the original plat of El Dorado
Springs, containing twenty acres. The lots were quickly disposed of at
prices ranging from $10 to $600, and a number of additions were laid out by
D. J. Thompson, C. Hall, John Jackson and the Cruces and others, until the
city now comprises an extensive area.
Incorporation.— December 5, 1881, it was ordered by the county court that
the city of El Dorado Springs be incorporated as a city of the fourth class
under the name and style of the City of El Dorado Springs, and that said
incorporation be bounded as follows: "Beginning at the northwest corner of
the southeast
Page 417
quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 36, Range 28;
thence south 120 rods; thence east 80 rods; thence north 120 rods; thence
west 80 rods to the place of beginning." It was further ordered that the
following-named persons be appointed to the below-mentioned municipal
offices: J. B. Hardman, mayor; J. S. Zumbrunn, marshal; James T. Moore,
Robert Haden, aldermen from the First Ward; Thomas A. Dale, John Barber,
aldermen of the Second Ward. The present municipal officers are G. H.
Simpson, mayor; W. P. Cruce, Payton Park, aldermen of the First Ward; J. T.
Ford, William Griffith, aldermen of the Second Ward; J. W. Roby, city clerk;
J. W. Cullar, treasurer; William Griffith, president of board; David Rogers,
Historical.— The first building was erected just north of the park, by
Wesley Gentry, of Carrollton, Mo., who conducted a hotel therein. The first
dry goods and general store was opened by Wheeler & Nelson, and others were
opened soon after by Schmidt Brothers, Shaw Brothers, A. A. Lusk, J. W.
Cullar, and T. A. Garree. The pioneer physician was Dr.. J. B. Phipps.
Babler & Williams opened the first hardware store in 1881, and was succeeded
in its ownership by H. J. Babler. The City Flouring Mill, now owned by a
stock company, was built by Jacob Phleger. The El Dorado House was opened in
1881 by T. A. Dale, and the City Hotel about the same time, by J. S.
Jennings. The Palace Hotel was opened in the spring of 1882, by R. N. Cox,
now clerk of the Cedar Circuit Court. The Grand Central, Southern, Forest
Grove and other hotels and large boarding houses followed. About all
varieties of business are represented here, and the town presents a fine
opening for capital. As a town of homes, it is remarkably attractive. As a
rule, residence lots are larger than in most towns and cities in this
country, the citizens vying with each other as to which shall have the most
attractive home, a commendable thing, since it makes this not only one of
the prettiest, but one of the cleanest cities in the State.
Population and Business.— El Dorado Springs now has a population of 3,OOO to
4,OOO. There are eight dry goods stores, four drug stores, two hardware, two
furniture, two feed and two
Page 418
second-hand stores, one bank, one flouring mill, one feed-mill, four livery
stables, three meat .markets, one harness shop, one bookstore, two jewelers,
two photographers, one tailor shop, two milliners, two dairies, four
blacksmith, wagon and repair shops, several carpenter shops, five real
estate and insurance offices, and a full representation of all trades and
professions. The following merchants and mercantile firms of different kinds
were trading here in the spring of 1889:
Smith & Simpson, Shaw Bros., J. B. Warren, Son & Co., James T. Wood, Geo.
Wagner, C. C. Davidson & Co., A. C. Davidson, Hackler & Son, E. & S. D.
Alexander, H. J. Babler, J. F. Boyd & Co., Sue Baird, Bechtel & Cook, J. L.
Cullar, Jno. Davis, Fristoe & Atchison, Hibler & Son, Harrison & McLain,
Hainline & Pound, J. C. Hardman, J. R. Jones, J. S. McSherry, M. O. Patrick,
L. B. Prouty, A. J. Fetter, James W. Roby, S, A. Ringer, Robinson &
Stephens, Smith, Warren & Co., M. A. Stephenson, J. Schmidt & Bro., Shaw &
The Cruce Banking Company is a fixture, and its public spirit and generosity
have largely contributed to the making of El Dorado. All the citizens of the
community have full confidence in, this banking institution. The bank was
organized four years ago with a capital stock of $12,000, and now has a
surplus of $12,000, besides a handsome banking house. At its organization,
this was a private bank, but was incorporated in January, 1885. Its officers
are: D. R. D. Dobyns, president; N. H. Cruce, cashier; W. P. Cruce,
assistant cashier; and they, with I. S. Cruce and Richard Cruce, constitute
the board of directors.
General Interests.— The advance in new improvements is remarkable. The
general appearance of the place is that of a thrifty, prosperous and
progressive town with a great future before it. Real estate commands good
prices. Business is livelier than in almost any other town of its size in
the State. There has been established here a good produce market, of which
the farmers for many miles around take advantage. El Dorado has a set of
unusually wide-awake business men, and all kinds of business is very
successful. There have been but few failures. The Kansas City, Nevada & El
Dorado Railroad Company has graded about seven miles of its road from El
Dorado Springs to
Page 419
Nevada, which it expects to complete soon. This road will probably be
extended south from El Dorado to Connect with some other point.
From a business point of view, a leading factor is the El Dorado Roller
Mills, which were built originally in 1882 before the town was a year old.
In time, the old mill became too small. The old miller retired from the
field, and other hands took hold. The mill was rebuilt in 1888. the building
is of stone; 33x50 feet, three stories high, and has a large daily capacity
for turning out its product. The machinery is new, and of the best. The mill
is operated by the El Dorado Milling Co., of which C. K. Reifsnider, and
energetic man of St. Louis, is president; Mrs. C. K. Reifsnider, his wife,
vice-president, and M. L. Ward, of El Dorado Springs, secretary and
Societies.—Col. Lennard Post No. 251, G. A. R., was organized in 1885, and
has about 100 members. Its officers are: B. C. McDuffee, Com.; Joseph Hess,
Sr. V. C.; M. W. Parker, Jr. V. C.; P. B. Smith, surgeon; George W. Sansom,
chaplain; Henry Mount, Q. M.; W. R. Scott, adjutant; H. J. Dutton, Q. M. S.;
D. S. Peters, sergeant-major; J. T. Richardson, O. of D.; William Mitchell,
O. of G.
Clintonville Lodge No. 482, A. F. & A. M., was organized originally at
Clintonville about 1872. It was re-organized at El Dorado, May 13, 1886. The
following are its officers: G. J. Sherman, W. M.; A. J. Adcock, Sr. W.; S.
S. Plunkett, secretary; J. Ingram, J. D.; D. Rogers, J. W.; J. B. Warren,
El Dorado Lodge No. 433, I. O. O. F., was organized January, 1883, and is
thus officered: R. H. Warren, N. G. ; J. H. Jackson, V. G; E. Poland,
secretary; E. S. Robinson, treasurer; K. B. Phipps, W.; R. C. Phillips,
Con.; William Thompson, I. G.; Granville Thompson, O. G.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen has a flourishing lodge in El Dorado, of
which the official list is as follows: J. M. Ramsey, M. W.; J. B. Smith; F.
Fowble, O.; M. A. Patrick, I. W.; W. Gentry, O. W.; H. J. Babler, R.; W. A.
Ewen, F.; C. A. Edgar, Rec.
Page 420
A point of great interest is the Nine Wonders, a cluster of springs about a
mile southwest of El Dorado Springs. A few years ago these springs were in
quite a secluded spot, which to-day is known as West El Dorado. A syndicate
of capitalists took it upon themselves to build a city that would rival El
Dorado Springs. They bought up about seven hundred acres of land surrounding
what was then known as the Nine Wonders, and laid out a town site, which has
not yet been incorporated. They have spared no money or pains to make it an
attractive place, building an elegant amphitheater at an expense of $6,000,
and fenced and laid out a beautiful park, with gravel walks and flower beds.
They have also built a large two-story double-front brick and galvanized
iron storehouse with plate-glass front, and three or four frame houses. This
place is a beautiful suburb to El Dorado, and, with the coming of the
railroad, which is to have its terminus here, bids fair to soon grow to
considerable prominence.
Clintonville is in the northern part of Box Township, in the northwestern
part of the county, eighteen miles northwest from Stockton. It was laid out
in 1857. Among its promoters were Green B. Adcock and Waldo P. Johnson. It
has a population of about seventy-five. The local merchant and postmaster is
G. W. Adcock, while another merchant well known is J. B. Warren.
This village, located on the Sac River, in the northwest part of Washington
Township, seven miles north of Stockton, was laid out in 1870, by Shadrach
Chandler. It is the seat of one of the early mills of this section, and has
always been one of the best-known places in the county. It contains a
flouring mill, owned by the Sacville Flouring Mill Company, a wagon shop,
and two stores, the proprietors of which are Elliston & Oakes and Kennedy &
Lebeck, in the northeast part of Cedar Township, sixteen miles northwest of
Stockton, was laid out in 1870 by August
Page 421
Schmidt, and was formerly known as Clair Springs. Its population is about
100, and it contains a grist-mill, a harness shop and the stores of F. M.
Hurt, H. J. Mandeville and B. R. Smith.
This village is located on the western line of Cedar County, in the
southwest corner of Box Township, and extends partially into Vernon County.
It is seventeen miles from Stockton, northwest. It was laid out in 1869 by
James Henderson and Bartlett R. Conyers. Its population is about 300. It
contains a hotel, a wagon-maker’s shop and a general store, kept by John
Wielms. This village was incorporated in 1870, with A. Carroll, A. N.
Wallace, J. H. Callender, J. R. Outman and Andrew Arnett as trustees.
Fincastle is a small place in the northwest part of Jefferson Township,
seven miles northeast of Stockton, which was laid out in 1882 by Thomas T.
Loy and M. Jacobs. Considerable lumbering has been done here. There are
three stores, kept by J. R. Daugherty, W. T. Kennedy and Moser & Detheridge.
This is a village of about 75 population, in the northeast part of Madison
Township, on Bear Creek, which has given its name to the post office, the
oldest in Cedar County. Its other and more popular name was given it in
honor of the Paynter family, long prominent there. It is distant about eight
miles from Stockton, and contains a hotel kept by Judge C. W. Paynter, a
blacksmith shop, a wagon-maker’s shop, and the stores of Paynter & Jackson,
A. Rickman and George E. McDowell & Co.
Balm, in the northwest part of Cedar Township, is a flourishing village,
growing in wealth and population. Its merchants are G. E. Dunham, Mollie
Fraley, S. L. Hardy, J. W. Lesley, M. V. Messick and Steward Sample, and it
has a convenient number of small manufactures and mechanics’ shops. It was
laid out in 1884, by Thomas Eslinger.
Page 422
White Hair is a small hamlet in the northwest part of Linn Township. It is
one of Cedar County’s oldest settlements. Centerville, in the southwest part
of Box Township, was laid out by Joshua Howell, 1857. Meadow is a hamlet in
the western part of Washington Township. C. E. Buster is the local merchant.
Cane Hill, in the south part of Madison Township, nine miles southeast of
Stockton, has a population of about 100. It contains a flour-mill,
blacksmith and wagon-maker’s shops, and three stores kept by William Cavenee,
W. A. Dale and P. A. Stockton. Filley is a post-town in the southern part of
Box Township, ten miles northwest of Stockton. It has three stores, of which
R. V. Duncan, J. S. Leonard and George W. Oakes are proprietors. Pleasant
View, a post office on Cedar Creek, in Cedar Township, ten miles northwest
of Stockton, as a population of about 50. The post office is in the store of
Joseph and E. W. Hess.
On account of its location in
the border-land between the North and the South, Cedar County, in common
with other parts of Southwest Missouri, was the scene of considerable local
political disagreement, as well as of some exciting episodes of the war. The
spirit of violence which marked the time and the country was rife here, and
lawless deeds of irregularly organized bands of both Northern and Southern
sympathizers were by no means infrequent, and men were killed at and near
the seat of justice, and in other parts of the county, whose slayers were
never brought to trial, and men were hanged to convenient trees without the
preliminary services of judge and jury. The number who enlisted regularly as
soldiers in the two armies was nearly equal, and it cannot be said that
either Unionists of Confederates from Cedar County were braver or more
devoted to the cause they espoused than their neighbor-foemen; and, though
they were foeman, they did not then or later forget that they were
neighbors, and that in the woods and on the prairies of the
Page 423
same county stood the dwellings that sheltered the loved ones they had left
The Livingston and Shelby Raids.—For a considerable period during the war,
Stockton, the only town of importance in the county, was guarded. The court
house was barricaded and supplied with arms, and regarded as the place of
safety in case of attack. It was in the possession of Union troops much of
the time, and the town was picketed and in other ways guarded against a
descent by the enemy. Small bodies of armed riders were often seen, and
house-burnings and other lawless deeds were of frequent occurrence. The two
most noteworthy events of the war, locally, were the raids mentioned above.
The first occurred July 11, 1863, when nearly every man in town (most of
whom were soldiers, or at least armed), who was not on guard at some point
of approach, was in the court house, listening to a joint debate between
Orville P. Welch and William C. Montgomery, rival candidates for the
assembly. One of these aspirants for political preferment was speaking when
word came that the raiders were descending upon the town. It was very foggy,
and their approach had not been noticed by the pickets until it was too late
either to give warning or offer resistance, and almost as soon as the first
alarming cry was heard in the court house the enemy was seen dashing into
the center of the town by different streets. A brief engagement ensued, the
raiders firing on the soldiers and others to be seen about the court house,
and the soldiers returning the fire through the court house windows and
other loopholes, in which Col. Livingston, who commanded the attacking
party, was killed and Capt. Vaughn, the next in command, mortally wounded,
the latter dying in a few minutes. A Unionist named Holman was killed in the
affray, and another, George Kingston, was taken prisoner by the raiders as
they rode out of town, and shot soon afterward. The attacking party numbered
some 300 or 400 men. In the fall of the same year, Shelby’s force, of some
3,000 or more, descended upon the town, and, without bloodshed, burned the
court house. Stockton was much damaged, and the Crow and Caplinger mills,
with most of the farm houses in the western part of the county, were
Page 424
Removal of the County Records—At the outbreak of the war most of the Cedar
County officials were Southern sympathizers, and the records were taken
South, it is said, by some of them, and hidden in Arkansas. Near the close
of the war some Union soldiers discovered the books in a cave in Arkansas,
and brought them to Springfield, whence later they were returned to their
legal custodians.
Federal Soldiers.—Two companies were recruited in Cedar County entire for
the Union service, and a large number of men from the county attached
themselves to other that Cedar County organizations. The two companies
mentioned served seven months in the Seventh Provisional Regiment Enrolled
Missouri Militia. November 3, 1863, they were mustered into the Fifteenth
Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, as Companies A and M. Of the former, P. H.
Rohrer was captain; A. C. Montgomery, first lieutenant; and Samuel Hornbeck,
second lieutenant. Of the latter, Dennis H. Connaway was captain; W. A.
McMinn, first lieutenant; and Jesse Spencer, second lieutenant. The
Fifteenth Missouri Cavalry saw service in the campaigns against Marmaduke,
Shelby and Price, and in scouting in the Southwest. It was mustered out of
service at Springfield, June 30, 1865. Cedar County’s most distinguished
Union soldier was Col. Joseph J. Gravely, of the Eighth Missouri State
Militia, and there were others who distinguished themselves in regiments
organized in other localities. Battery H, Twentieth Missouri Light
Artillery, was commanded by Capt. William C. Montgomery. Attached to this
organization were Lieuts. T. M. Montgomery, F. J. Travis, and other Cedar
Confederate Soldiers.—The “Stockton Grays” were organized, with about ninety
men, with B. F. Walker as captain, and Russell Lilburn as first lieutenant,
in 1861. Capt. J. W. Prowell and Capt. J. A. Musgrove also organized
companies in the county, of eighty and seventy-five men, respectively. These
companies were recruited under Gov. Jackson’s call, and attached to the
Missouri State Guard; but later most of the members of these companies
connected themselves with the Confederate States army, and served until the
close of the war. At Cowskin, where the first general organization was
effected, Capt. Walker
Page 425
was made lieutenant-colonel of his regiment, under Col. James Cawthon.
Subsequently, at Oak Hill, Col. Cawthon was killed, and Lieut.-Col. Walker
was promoted to the colonelcy. Lieut. Lilburn succeeded to the command of
Capt. Walker’s company. Besides the engagement at Oak Hill, where forty of
Walker’s company were killed, the regiment was in the fighting at Lone Jack,
Prairie Grove, Lexington and other places. Many men from Cedar County were
in a company recruited by Capt. (afterward Maj.) Reynolds, then of St. Clair
County, now of Jerico.
First and Early Schools.—Andrew
Steel Stewart taught the first school in Cedar County, in 1841, in what is
now the Powell District, in a log house which had been erected that year,
and which has been described thus: Eighteen feet square, benches of split
boards, no windows, rock fireplace at one end, an entrance, but no door;
floor covering one-half of floor space only; no chimney. It was what was
termed a subscription school, and lasted three months. There were eighteen
scholars, and the price each was one dollar. Only one of the pupils, Thomas
B. Graham, is now living. Probably the next school was taught by C. Lindsey,
another well-remembered pioneer pedagogue. All of the early schools were
similar in character to the one described above. Under the school laws of
the State the public school system has developed to its present excellent
Sale of School Lands.—The first official act of Cedar County Court relative
to school interests, is thur recorded: “It is ordered by the court that the
sheriff of the county of Cedar proceed to sell Section 16, in Township 36,
Range 27, on the second day of the fall term of the Cedar County Court,
which will be holden at the court house on the first Monday after the fourth
Monday in September, said sale to be conducted in all respects according to
law, said sheriff giving at least sixty days’ notice thereof; it appearing
to the satisfaction of this court, by a petition this day filed herein by a
majority of the citizens of Cedar Township,
Page 426
praying for the sale of said 16th Section.” This was the first order for the
sale of school lands. At the November term, 1847, it was “ordered that the
sheriff of Cedar County proceed to sell Section 16 of school township 4,
Range 28, Township 26, at the court house door, in the town of Fremont, at
the next regular term of the Cedar Circuit Court, after giving sixty days’
notice.” Other similar orders followed, and May 16, 1848, the sheriff
reported that, at a duly authorized and advertised public sale, he had sold
school lands, as follows: The south west one-fourth of the northeast
one-fourth Section 16, Township 35, Range 26, to Samuel Caplinger; the
southwest one-fourth of the northwest one-fourth of Section 16, Township 35,
Range 26, to R. O. Maracle; the northwest one-fourth of the northwest
one-fourth of Section 16, Township 35, Range 26, to John I. Hindsley; the
northwest one-fourth of the northeast one-fourth of Section 16, Township 35,
Range 26, to James Cawthon; and the southwest one-fourth of the northeast
one-fourth of Section 16, Township 35, Range 26, and the southwest
one-fourth of the northwest one-fourth of Section 16, Township 36, Range 28,
to James Mayfield. This is the first recorded sale of school lands.
Township Organization for School Purposes.—Following is a copy of the record
of the first order to organize a township in Cedar County for school
At a county court begun and held for said county, on the 16th day of
February, 1847, among others were the following proceedings, to wit: It is
ordered that school township No. 35, in Range No. 26, in the county
aforesaid, be organized for school purposes, agreeably to the provisions of
an act of the General Assembly of the State, entitled an act to provide for
the organization, support and government of common schools, approved
February 9th, A.D. 1839, a majority of the qualified voters in said township
having petitioned for said organization; and it is further ordered that the
first meeting of the inhabitants thereof be held at Caplinger’s mill on the
first Saturday in March A. D. 1847, at ten o’clock in the forenoon. In
testimony whereof, I, Joseph Allen, clerk of said court, have hereunto set
my hand and private seal, there being no official seal provided, this 16the
day of February, 1847. (Signed) Joseph Allen, Clerk.
James Simrell was appointed commissioner of School Township No. 35, Range
26, and Jeremiah Rea and Washington Crabtree, inspectors. At the August
term, 1847, it was “ordered that School Township No. 2 (Township 34, Range
27) be organized for school purposes, the first meeting of the inhabitants
thereof to be held at the house of John Satterfield on the first Saturday
Page 427
in October. James M. Allen was appointed commissioner, and he and John
Carter inspectors. At the same time, School Township No. 3 (Township 33,
Range 27) and School Township No. 4 (Township 3, Range 25) were ordered
organized on the same day, the meeting, in the first, to be at the house of
Jeremiah Lacy, and in the second at the house of Alanson Packard. David
Hunter was appointed commissioner, and Gideon Hamier and George W. Wiley
inspectors of No. 3; and M. Box, commissioner; and John Fergus and Alanson
Packard, inspectors of No. 4. At the February and May terms, 1848, the
following townships were ordered organized: No. 35, Range 27, first meeting
second Monday in April, at the house of John B. Gordon; No. 33, Range 25,
first meeting June 10, at the house of Richard Tatum. Robert A. Ray was
appointed inspector of No. 35; Isaac Routh and Morris Mitchell of No. 33;
Thomas Smith, commissioner of No. 33. May 19, 1848, it was ordered “that
School Township No. 34 be organized for school purposes,” with Nicholas
McMinn as commissioner, and James M. Frazier and James M. Blake as
inspectors. August 21, Township 34, Range 25, was ordered organized, the
first meeting to be at the house of Robert Simmons on the fourth Saturday in
September. The officers appointed were: John B. Ingram, commissioner, and
William H. Curle and L. B. Tulley, inspectors. November 20, Township 35,
Range 25, was ordered organized. Jacob Dixon was appointed commissioner, and
Harry Ecleston and William F. Rogers, inspectors; the first meeting to be
held at the house of Jacob Dixon on the last Saturday in December. Township
34, Range 26, was also ordered organized, the first meeting to be held at
the court house on the same day, and Washington Crabtree was appointed
commissioner, and Richard G. Roberts and William Guinn, inspectors.
The Schools of To-day.—Such, in brief, is the interesting history of the
early efforts to establish public schools in the county. Fostered by the
State school laws, and aided by the efforts of officials and citizens, the
school interest has been advanced until there are now eighty school
districts in the county. As a rule the houses are large and conveniently
located, so that no child is deprived of school privileges. The school
population is
Page 428
6, 000, the average length of terms seven months, and schools are ably and
efficiently conducted. The citizens have a commendable pride in school
matters, bully realizing the importance of education the young. The rate of
taxation, State and county, is $2 per capita of school age, which is ample
for all purposes. Teachers’ institutes have been introduced successfully.
The total enrollment of scholars in the county is as follows: White, 5,328;
colored, 65; total, 5,393. The number of teachers employed is 112, of whom
28 are males.
Early Preachers.—The Baptists
seem to have been first in the county. The first preacher was Rev. James J.
Johnson, from Kentucky, who organized the Cedar church, in Washington
Township. He began his labors about 1837. Other Baptist preachers, were
Revs. Obadiah Smith, J. Lunsford, Daniel Murphy and Daniel Satterfield. The
early meetings were held in private dwellings and school-houses, and at this
time there are few church buildings in the county remote from the larger
Churches at Stockton,--At Stockton are organizations of the Cumberland
Presbyterians, Baptists, Christians and Methodists (North and South). Some
of them were formed prior to the war, and most of them have always been
weak, both numerically and financially. The Christian church is now the
strongest in both respects. A small frame church was built about 1871, by
this sect, but, on account of monetary difficulties, was sold under a deed
of trust. The purchaser deeded it to a board of trustees representing a
goodly number of citizens of varying and of no church affiliations, who
bought it of him by a subscription, in 1879. The deed bears date May 4, that
year, and conveys the property to Carter Pritchard, William Hulstone, George
R. Corbin and J. M. Jackson and their successors, as trustees. Efforts now
being made will doubtless result in the erection, at an early day, of a
house of worship of the Christian Church in the southern part of the town. A
member of the Presbyterian Church (Old School) died some years ago, who left
a farm on the
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Sac River to be disposed of to build in Stockton a house of worship which
should form the nucleus of an organization of that denomination, and it is
believed, not many years will elapse before steps will be taken to utilize
this benefaction.
Churches at Jerico Springs.—The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of
Jerico, was organized by Rev. Mr. Trone, in 1884, and, since Mr. Trone went
to another appointment, has had the following pastors: Revs. R. G. Flummer,
R. W. Reynolds, G. W. Mitchell and J. T. Loyal. The Missionary Baptist
Church was organized in 1884 by Elder Horn. Its pastors, since Mr. Horn,
have been Revs. C. Ingram, Meacham, S. P. Collins, J. H. Moore and Charles
Logan. The Christian Church was organized by Elder Turner in 1885. Next in
turn, as pastors, came Elders Elliott and Randall. The present pastor is
Elder J. B. Carrico. A small frame church house was built by public
subscription in 1885, and deeded to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
but, under a satisfactory arrangement, is used by the different
Churches at El Dorado Springs.—The first church organized at El Dorado was
the Free Will Baptist, in 1882. Its house of worship was built in the same
year. Its pastor is Rev. D. W. Pasham. The Christian Church was organized in
1883, and its house of worship was built in 1886. Rev. H. W. Robertson is
pastor. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was organized in 1884, and
its church house built in 1886. The pastor is Rev. A. L. Walker. The
Methodist Episcopal Church, organized in 1884, erected a building in 1886.
Rev. R. G. Flummer is pastor. The Missionary Baptist Church was organized in
1884, and its house of worship was built in 1888. The present pastor is Rev.
T. G. Hendricks. The Presbyterian Church, of which there is no resident
pastor at this time, was organized in 1886, and its house was built in 1888.
All of these several church houses are substantial, and some of them are
elegant and attractive. All are frame.
Churches Elsewhere in the County.—The Lindley Prairie Methodist Episcopal
Church Society, in Jefferson Township, is an old congregation. Its house of
worship was built in 1888. The Mount Gilead Baptist Church, in the same
township, was
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organized some years ago, and has a comfortable church house. The Green
Springs Christian Church is a flourishing organization, having a substantial
church building which was erected about four years ago. The Wrenn, Edge,
Pankey, Church and other families of that part of Linn Township are
prominent members. The Antioch Baptist Church, of Cedar Township, has a
building which was put up in 1882. The Cedar Baptist Church is an old
organization, and also has its house of worship, built some years since. The
Red Hill Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in Jefferson Township, was
organized in 1881, and its services are held in the Red Hill school-house.
There are other congregations in different parts of the county which worship
in school-houses, and in some places measures are being taken toward the
building of suitable church houses.
A big Thank You to Genia (Helm) Rhea <GDHKCMO903 at aol.com> and Eileen Cummings <ecummins at hit.net> for their valuable help typing this information.
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