This is a list of persons researching surnames with ties to Cedar County, Missouri. If you would like your surnames added, please email the County Coordinator (email at the bottom of this page) and include:
Surname and given name being researched
Approximate dates this surname family lived in Cedar County
Your name or how you are to be listed in the Researcher column
Your email address
Your city and state (optional)
Please email the County Coordinator for additions, corrections, changes, or questions (email link at the bottom of each page).
Please report any invalid email addresses to the County Coordinator. Thank you.
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A - C D - G H - L M - P R - T U - Z
This information is provided for use in your personal family history research. Do not copy this information and publish elsewhere on the internet, post on other websites, or in blogs without the express written consent of the County Coordinator.
Links to web sites that are not part of the USGenWeb Project are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement of the web sites or their content by The USGenWeb Project.
Missouri State GenWeb Coordinator Asst. State Coordinator
site search engine by freefind
© 1996-2025 Cedar Co, MO County Coordinator, N. Carroll, County Coordinator