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(Names transcribed from the 9 October 1868 South-West Tribune, Stockton, Missouri)


Following the Civil War, to be a “registered” voter in 1868 Missouri, a man had to also be a “qualified” voter. To be a qualified voter, he had to take an oath that he had “always been truly and loyally on the side of the United States against all enemies thereof, foreign and domestic.” The oath also had a passage about future allegiance before they would be allowed to vote, work in any of several occupations (local government, teach, preach, etc.), or sit on a jury. The US Supreme Court struck down the 1865 Missouri Constitution soon thereafter. This is often referred to as the Missouri "Drake Constitution."


When you see that a voter had been objected to, someone was questioning his allegiance to the Union. Having to be a qualified voter was meant to keep former Confederate soldiers or rebel sympathizers from voting. Therefore, not finding your ancestor on the following voter list is not proof that he wasn’t living in Cedar County in 1868.


https://mdh.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16795coll1 "1865--From January 6 to April 8, 1865, delegates met at the St. Louis Mercantile Hall to draft a new constitution. The resulting document was known as the “Draconian Constitution” for its loyalty oath conditions. Designed to exclude all but the most resolute Unionist from public life in Missouri following the Civil War, the document was ratified on June 6, 1865. In 1867, the U. S. Supreme Court struck down the oaths of loyalty in Cummings v. Missouri (71 U. S. 277)."


Benton and Box Twps   Cedar and Jefferson Twps   Linn Twp   Madison and Washington Twps


Benton Township


Alkire, Michael S.
Barington, Calup
Barnes, William
Barnes, Michael
Bennington, Robert
Bennington, Washington
Beydler, Crafton J.
Black, George (T or L)
Bounce, Elet
Brashier, John E.
Brashier, George W.
Brashier, Thomas
Brashier, Isham
Brim, John A. R. 
Brim, James M. 
Briniger, John Brown,
Brown, William 
Brown, Richard M. 
Brown, Henry Brown 
Caricos, Joseph B. 
Carter, Joseph B. 
Chandler, Paris C.
Cox, Charles A.
Cox, Samuel 
Davis, Elias
Estes, Robert
Fain, George W.
Fee, David
Ford, Martin
Gillaspy, Jasper H.
Gillaspy, James T.
Grooms, James C.
Grooms, Lorenzo D.
Grooms, William
Hamby, Ezekiel C.
Hester, Thomas (C. or G.)
Higginbotam, William B.
Hill, John L. 
Hollinsworth, Elias
Hudson, Thomas N.
Hughes, James
Hunter, John
Jackson, John M.
Kirgen, John
Manley, Benjamin
Manly, William
McDaniel, William H.
McNeil, Robert
McQuaid, Austin
Moore, Jesse T.
Nelson, John W.
Oatman, Adolphus G.
Owens John A.
Patterson, Robert 
Petty, Drewry
Pool, Robert
Porter, Matthew
Porterfield, Leander
Price, William
Rambo, Reuben
Reynolds, Samuel H.
Rhodebush, Noah
Rhodebush, Milton, L.
Rice, Samuel
Rice, Jasper
Rieson, Winston
Ringo, William
Robeson, Charles
Roberson, Charles S.
Shepherd, John W.
Shock, William R.
Smith, John J.
Snider, Peter B.
Stall, Gideon
Stockstill, James T.
Stockstill, John G.
Stockstill, Thomas
Store, Finis
Thompson, Jackson 
Thorp, Harris C.
Tindell, Daniel F.
Tucker, Joseph 
Vanderment, James
Walker, John F.
Welsh, James 
Whitehead, Thomas
Whitehead, James C.
Wilkerson, William F.
Wilkins, Milton
Williams, Edward
Williams, Anderson
Wilson, David H.
Wood, George

(End of Benton Twp.)


* Challenged


Box Township


Ackason, Wm.
Amous, Geo.
Arthur, Eli C.
Ashmead, Chas. H.
Baum, Gabriel
Beckelhamer, Aaron
Beckelhamer, Wm.
Beers, Moses
Begley, Elijah
Begley, John
Bishop, Edw.
Bond, Wm
Boneback, Golios
Bourland, Joseph C.
Bradford, Joseph
Bradford, Ezra
Brown, Micajah
Buckhart, Mathias
Campbell, Joseph 
Carter, Jno. W.
Clelland, Irwin D.
Clelland, Enoch
Clelland, James
Coffman, Greenbery
Collins, Manuel
Collins, Jospeh
Collins, Wm.
Collins, John
Connor, Wm. E.
Conyers, Robert R. 
Cox, Robert
Dale, Thomas A.
Davison,  Jas. T.
Dawson, Wm. E. 
Deacon, Joseph 
Dearing, Wm. 
Dening, Humphrey
Deshen, Wm.
Dial, Anthony T.
Dial, Jas. D.
Dulkes, Jacob
Dunaway, Geo. W.
Eason, Calvin W.
Eason, James
Edleman, Jacob, Jr.
Edleman, Jacob 
Elliot, Chas. C.
Fieldier, Sam'l C.
Fox, David
French, Thos. S. 
Giles, Geo. W.
Gosh, Chris C.
Greenstreet, Thos B.
Greenstreet, Jasper N.
Greenstreet, Jas.
Greenstreet, John J.
Haines, James R.
Hall, Moses
Halsey, Newton J.
Hanly, Benj. H.
Hartly, Amos
Hartzell, Abram
Henderson, Jas.
Henery, Dennis
Hetherly, Wm.
Holt, Jesse
Hubble, Chas J.
Huff, Ferdinand
Humphry, Alex J.
Jackson, Andrew B.
Jenkins, Zach T.
Jenkins, Wm. P.
Johns, Wm.
Johnson, Anderson
Johnson, Wm.
Kelley, Patrick
Kelley, John
Kenney, Chas. E.
Kidd, Benj. Sen.
Kidd, Benj. Jr.
Kinnear, Joseph H.
Kinnear, Gameliel D.
Latten, Joseph S.
Laughlin, Sam'l D.
Lewis, John
Long, John L.
Long, Palemon W.
Marquis, Geo. W.
Marshall, Jared
McAlexander, Wm. T.
McCoy, Hiram
McFarland, Jas
McFarland, Jas P.
McFarland, Sam'l F.
McMillen, David B.
Mogan, John
Moore, John E.
Moore, Geo. P.
Moore, Benj. B.
Morton, John H.
Morton, John
Myers, Fred
Neighbours, Wm.
Noble, Rob't.
Oatman, Jas R.
Oswald, Israel
Parr, Wm. H.
Paul, Valentine
Peckenpaugh, Step.
Potts, Joseph
Reece, Peter H.
Ring, John A.
Rodman, Sam'l
Rupord, John
Salle, James
Sallee, Franklin
Seitz, William
Seitz, Anthony
Sherman, John
Shirk, Frank
Sisten, Jno. R.
Slabaugh, Henry
Stanhope, Geo. W.
Steer, Henry
Stone, Wm.
Tatman, Sirledon
Thedford, Nicholas
Thorp, Jacob
Vandenburg, Abram
Vaughn, Marmaduke
Vaught, Jno.
Wallis, Alfred
Ward, Pharis 
Ward, Jordon
Ward, Bartho 
Ward, Jno. W.
Watson, Sol.
Welch, Wm. L. 
Williams, Wm. D.


* Challenged



Benton and Box Twps   Cedar and Jefferson Twps   Linn Twp   Madison and Washington Twps



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