(Names transcribed from the 9 October 1868 South-West Tribune, Stockton, Missouri)
Following the Civil War, to be a “registered” voter in 1868 Missouri, a man had to also be a “qualified” voter. To be a qualified voter, he had to take an oath that he had “always been truly and loyally on the side of the United States against all enemies thereof, foreign and domestic.” The oath also had a passage about future allegiance before they would be allowed to vote, work in any of several occupations (local government, teach, preach, etc.), or sit on a jury. The US Supreme Court struck down the 1865 Missouri Constitution soon thereafter. This is often referred to as the Missouri "Drake Constitution."
When you see that a voter had been objected to, someone was questioning his allegiance to the Union. Having to be a qualified voter was meant to keep former Confederate soldiers or rebel sympathizers from voting. Therefore, not finding your ancestor on the following voter list is not proof that he wasn’t living in Cedar County in 1868.
https://mdh.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16795coll1 "1865--From January 6 to April 8, 1865, delegates met at the St. Louis Mercantile Hall to draft a new constitution. The resulting document was known as the “Draconian Constitution” for its loyalty oath conditions. Designed to exclude all but the most resolute Unionist from public life in Missouri following the Civil War, the document was ratified on June 6, 1865. In 1867, the U. S. Supreme Court struck down the oaths of loyalty in Cummings v. Missouri (71 U. S. 277)."
Benton and Box Twps Cedar and Jefferson Twps Linn Twp Madison and Washington Twps
Linn Township |
Achord, Timothy Ackard, Geo. W. Ackason, Mathias W. Ackason, Jacob H. Ackason, Geo. W. Ackason, Geo. A. Aill, Quin M. Allen, Isaac Anderson, William Anderson, Jno. B. Baldwin, Thos. B. Baldwin, Jeremiah Baldwin, Henry D. Baldwin, John C. Baldwin, Thos. J. Barber, Joseph T. Barber, John Barnes, Lawrence Beasley, Wm. D. Boatman, Wm. G. Brickey, Benj. Briggs, Joel S. Brock, Wm. G. Brown, Elijah Buller, Reginald F. Butler, Wade H. Callahan, Derby Callahan, Sterling A. Callahan, Wm. H. H. Cantrell, Wm. Carson, Jas. Caskey, Thom. R. Chandler, Shadrack Chaney, Jas. Church, John T. Church, Abram M. Church, Wm. H. Church, Hardy J. Church, John W. Clark,Jonathan Cleek, John H. Cogel, Jas. A. Cole, Charles E. Connaway, Dennis H. Corbin, Geo. R. Cotham, Jno. W. Cox, Daniel Cox, Sam'l Sen. Dallis, Elijah Davis, Thos. C. Davis, Little Berry Day, John Deardoff, David Deardull, Jacob G. Dearduff, Reuben F. Delozier, Asa Derossett, Wm. A. Downey, Sam'l P. Elara, Wm. Etherton, Andrew J. Faraker, Sam'l Farner, Geo. A. Farris, James T. Ford, Munroe Ford, Reuben S. Fouste, Wm. J. Fousts, Phillip T. Fox, Austin Frieze, Leander W. Gassett, Friend L. Gast, Marcus Gibson, Merriman Gibson, Mason Giddings, Jas. Goodwin, Geo. Graham, Thos. B. Gravely, J. J. Grover, Jas. M. Gunnier, Jerome N. Gwin, David S. Gwin, Wm. Gwin, Anson Gwin, Jas. B. Hacker, Isaac J. Hager, Dela H. Hall, John D. Hart, Joseph N. Hasting, Sam'l D. Haygood, Wm. H. Hembree, Jno. A. Hembree, Isaac H. Henderson, Elijah W. Hendricks, John Hickman, John D. Higgins, Jno. M. Higgins, Wm. S. Higgins, Jas. Higgins, Wm. A. Hill, Wm. M. C. Hill, Timothy N. Hines, James Hoback, Bartholomew Hoff, William D. Hoffman, Henry Hopkins, Thos. J. Hornbeck, Wm P. Horning, Ernest Hosey, Isaac S. Hudson, Thomas Huffman, Jas. M. Hulstone, Wm. Hunt, Chas. W. Jackson, Jas M. Jarnegan, Albert H. Jeffries, Joseph W. Johns, Thos. M. Johnson, Hardy Johnson, Wm. Jones, John D. Jones, Mark Jones, Elijah Keefer, Wm. Kennedy, Wm. C. Kennedy, Wm. T. Kennedy, James L. Kerley, James F. Kerley, Wm. W. Kerly, Waid H. Kerr, John T. Killingsworth, Jas. (W. or M.) Kink, John Kitzmiller, Geo. E. Lancaster, John C. Lavaraway, Chas. Lewis, Gardner Lindley, Jacob Lindley, Wm. R Lindley, Rob't Logan, Sam'l W. Long, Geo. W. Long, Francis M Long, Thos. B. Long, Isaac J. Lopman (?), Stephen M. Lovall, Andrew J. Lovall, Franklin Lovall, Solomon Lovall, Jonathan Lovall, Jacob L. Mace, Christopher B/H. Marshall, Benj. A. Martin, James C. Masters, Jas. Maybury, Milton A. McCoy, Wm. S. McKinney, Jas. McMillin, Wm. C. Miller, Jas. S. Miller, Clement G. Mitchell, Jas. M. Montgomery, Wm. C. Morgan, John W. Morrell, Jesse A. Morris, Martin C. Morris, Sam'l F. Morton, Isaac C. Musgraves, Benj. F. Noble, John Noblett, Seneca Noffsinger, Newton E. O'Connor, Jas. M. Osborn, Jas. W. Osborne, David C. Osborne, Henry C. Owen, J. R. Pankey, James A. Pankey, Wm. J. Pankey, William Park, Edward D. Park, Lowden H. Petty, Abram C. Petty, Wm. A. Phipps, John Phipps, Isaac Pinkman, James Pollard, Benj. F. Pollard, Seymour E. Porter, Alex Potter, Joseph M. Pyle, Albert M. Pyle, Edwin Rampy, Press G. Rector, Jeremiah A. Rector, Wm. Reeves, Newton Reynolds, Lorenzo Rice, Jas. Richards, Simeon Roberts, Dennis W. Rockwood, Hedge W. Root, Joseph Root, Jacob Ruth, Jas. Ruth, Isaac Ruth, John Ruth, John W. Ruth, Shambrie Ruth, Wm. Ruth, Hezekiah Sallee, Abram Schwarzinbach, Gabriel Sellers, Jordon B. Sellers, Wm. N. Shepherd, Henry M. Sherrill, Ephraim Singleton, Berry O. Smith, Geo. W. Smith, Franklin H. Snell, Alonzo V. Stamps, Adam B. Stephens, Joseph B. Stewart, Andrew S. Stubblefield, Thos. J. Swain, James Teague, Stephen Tindel, Jas. H. Tomberlin, William H. Tracey, Jno. P. Turner, Chas. Unbarger, Ephraim S. Underwood, Jesse M. Underwood, Nimrod Vaught, John White, Jas C. Willet, Thomas J. Willett, Washington C. Willett, Henry P. Willett, Nathaniel Willey, Andrew J. Williamson, Jno. A. Willis, Albert A. Winans, Jas. W. Winder, David Wooldridge, Matthew H. Wrenn, Carol Younger, Richard E. Younger, Chas. C. Younger, Thos. Younger, James M Younger, Robert A. Younger, Wm. T. Younger, Henry N.
(End of Linn Twp.)
* Challenged
Benton and Box Twps Cedar and Jefferson Twps Linn Twp Madison and Washington Twps
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