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L-R Standing: Joseph William Carrico, Mrs. Malissa (Hall) Carrico, Mary Ellen Carrico.

Seated: Joseph B. Carrico, William Benjamin Carrico, Mrs. Mary (Hall) Carrico.

Babes: Walter D. Carrico, Gertrude Ethel Carrico, Ona Carrico.

Joseph B. and William B. are brothers, sons of Joseph B. and Eleanor (Goldsberry) Carrico.

Malissa Hall and Mary Hall are sisters, daughters of William and Mary Jane (Ward) Hall.

(Picture from tintype c. early 1880s, provided by Blaine Tingley, btingley @ charter .net)


Joseph B. Carrico Dead.

     Joseph B. Carrico, Sr., notice of whose death appears in our Jerico correspondence, was one of the pioneers of the county.

     He came to this county from Kentucky, and has long been one of the best known of the old settlers. He was genial, jovial, and but few men had keener sense of wit and humor. He was always ready with something to provoke a smile without a sting. As a public speaker he was ready and argumentative--springing quaint and effective illustrations. No man who knew him can say that Mr. Carrico was not a neighbor in all that the Great Teacher taught that the word meant.

     Had Mr. Carrico received a thorough collegiate education some of his marked, attractive and distinctive individuality might have been suppressed, but it would not have made him a better man. Always hospitable at home, he was a welcome guest in every house in the wide circle of his acquaintance.

     This brief notice does not do his memory justice. He will be remembered kindly and lovingly by all, a monument that can only be earned in life-work.

Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 11 August 1898 page 5.



     Rev. William Benjamin Carrico was born in Kentucky April 1, 1848 and deceased in his home at Jerico Springs, Mo., January 18, 1917; aged 68 years, 9 months and 17 days.

     Brother Carrico was one of the twelve children born to Joseph B. and Eleanor Carrico--nee Goldsberry.

     He was happily married to Mary B. Hall, October 24, 1872 and to this union was born 4 sons and 3 daughters; viz: Mary Ellen, Joseph William, Waller D., Gertrude Ethel, Ona D., Alonzo Goldsberry and Lula Belle.

     He was genuinely converted to the Christian religion while working in his field in the summer of 1875 and lived a constant and zealous christian to the end of his earthly pilgrimage and was ready when the Master called him to his home above.

     He was licensed to preach the Gospel--of which he said at the last, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation"--by the Quarterly Conference of Stockton district, of Springfield district, of southwest Missouri Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South by Bishop Joseph S. Key, at Clinton, Mo., Sept. 28 1890.

     He preached with considerable unction and supplied several charges in the said Southwest Missouri Conference with good results.

     His end was peaceful and his children were all present except Mary Ellen Leedy of Boise City, Okla., and Ona D. Carrico of Joplin, Mo.

     His father and mother, 7 brothers and sisters and one grandchild have preceded him to the spiritland. He leaves here 1 brother, 4 sisters, his wife, 7 children, 19 grandchildren and one great grandchild to mourn their loss and his departure, which we believe is his eternal gain.

     At his request, his funeral services were conducted in the church where he held his membership, by the undersigned assisted by Rev. Claude Breidenthal P. C., after which his remains were interred in the Jerico Springs cemetery to await, the resurrection of the just in the last day when we hope to meet him again, to part no more forever.

     Dear friends, Truly a good man has gone from us--a loving husband, an indulgent father, a worthy brother, a kind neighbor and a faithful minister to Christ. He cannot return to us, and we are grieved; but by the grace of God we can go to him.

     Then, "Sorrow not, even as others which have no hope" "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them that also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord: The hour is coning, in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth; they thathave done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation."

     "Therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as we think not the Son of man cometh. For the Lord, Himself, shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain in Christ, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we be with the Lord."

     "Where comfort one another With these words--By the comfort where with we ourselves are comforted of God."

                    J. T. Loyall.

The Jerico Springs Optic, Jerico Springs, Missouri; Friday 26 January 1917 page 2.


J. B. Carrico

     Joseph B. Carrico, son of Joseph B. and Marry Carrico, was born in Missouri, Aug. 26, 1856.

     Converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church South at the age of 19.

     Married to Melissa D. Hall, July 23, 1878, at the home of the bride's father, William Hall, in Cedar County, Mo., by Rev. Hubbard.

     Mr. Carrico's father Baptist minister; came to Indian Territory in the early days preaching the gospel of his Christ. Mr. Carrico was true to the faith of his father and was active in the work of the church until his health broke some few years ago.

     At Jerico Springs, Mo., he designed the church building and then supervised its construction.

     He was a 32nd degree Mason. Life membership in Shrine. At time of death, he was the only living charter member of the Lodge at Jerico Springs, Mo., and he never moved his membership from his little home Lodge. He was a member of the M. W. A.

     Came to Chelsea Okla. in 1919. Was stricken seriously ill about 8 p. m. Thursday evening, Feb. 3, 1927. Passed away at 10:10 the same evening. Was feeling well and cheerful up to the time he was stricken. Ate a hearty supper about 6 p. m.

     He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Melissa Carrico, a daughter, Mrs. Alberta Bridger, of Los Angeles Calif., and a son C. B. Carrico of Talala, Okla. Four children are deceased.

     Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church Sunday at 2:30 conducted by Rev. Tull, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Anna Edna Cemetery. Masons had charge of the services at the grave.

Resolutions of Respect

     WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Architect of the Universe to call from labor to rest, our dearly beloved Brother, Joseph B. Carrico, who died February, 3, 1927; Therefore be it.

     RESOLVED, That, in the death of Bro Carrico, his family has lost a devoted father, the Lodge a faithful member, and the community an upright and honored citizen.

     RESOLVED; That we will ever bear in grateful remembrance the zeal and fidelity with which Bro. Carrico discharged all his Masonic duties, and will try to imitate this devotion to the grand principles of our Fraternity.

     RESOLVED; That we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family, and recommend them to the care of that God whom Bro. Carrico served and in whom he trusted.

     RESOLVED; That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon our records, and an engrossed copy sent to the family of our deceased Brother.

                    W F. MITCHELL,

Committee      D. F. DEARDORFF,
                    C. L. LONG.

The Jerico Springs Optic, Jerico Springs, Missouri; Friday 11 February 1927 page 3.


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