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William Hall, b 14 Jul 1821, Mercer Co., KY. Mary Jane Ward Hall, b 10 Feb 1825, Mercer Co., KY. Both are buried at Hall Cemetery, near their farm, Cedar County, Missouri.  Picture provided by Blaine Tingley, btingley @charter.net



     The populace of this section was called upon last Friday to pay the last sad rites to the memory of Mrs. Mary Hall, who died on the event of the first last. For several years past, Grandma Hall has made her home with her son, Don Hall, who resides on the old homestead settled by the deceased’s husband, William, 39 year ago. On a portion of this land is located the Hall Cemetery, and it was here that her remains were laid to rest on Friday afternoon after funeral services at the house. The deceased had a few weeks previous met with an accidental fall, heretofore mentioned in these items, which while not serious at the time, doubtless together with the natural decline incident to old age, had a helping had in severing the brittle thread.

Cedar County Republican Tingley Items, Stockton, Missouri; 8 February 1906 page 3.

Above obituary transcribed by Kay Snow



     Mary Jane Ward was borne in Mercer county Kentucky February 10th 1825, and died in Cedar county Mo February 1st 1906 nearly 81 years old. She was married to William Hall the 28th day of August 1843. To this union was born 9 children, 5 boys and 4 girls. William R. Hall, Lorenza D. Hall, Mrs. Isam Robinson, and Mrs. W. B. Carrico of Osiris, Mo., Mrs. J. B. Carrico of Jerico Springs Mo, Henry Hall of Velasco, Texas, Alonzo Hall of Downey, Cal, Joseph J. Hall of Tanzer, Ok, and Rachel, who with the husband preceded her to glory.

     Sister Hall professed faith in Christ in youth and united with the M. E. Church South, and lived a consistent Christian life, came quietly to death and passed away in the triumph of a living faith in Christ.

     Her body was laid to rest in the family cemetery on the old homestead where she had resided for 51l years.

                    II. P. Tuck.

The Jerico Springs Optic, Jerico Springs, Missouri; Friday 9 February 1906 page 2.


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